
Employee Number 903: My Multiversal Job!

This is a Multiverse, weak to strong, system fanfiction! Each chapter around 3k words! Current Schedule: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. More, if I have more free time. Thanks for your support! Synopsis: When Draco was ten, he jumped from the fourth floor, believing that he would soar into the sky like dragons in those fantasy books. Instead, he fell into a coma for three months. When Draco was thirteen, he stabbed himself multiple times, hoping to awaken regeneration power like in those animes. Yet, he almost died and was imprisoned in a hospital for the mentally ill for half a year. Hell, Draco had even stolen a gun from his adoptive dad once, shooting himself in the gut, thinking that maybe the time around him would slow down like in those movies, and he would dodge. That didn't happen, even after three tries. Draco hated living in this dull, capitalistic society, where one's success was portrayed by how much money one had. He wanted to have magical powers, fight against monsters, and explore fantasy worlds. Yet, no matter what he tried, there was nothing extraordinary in this world. Thus, he killed himself and met Cal, who let his wishes come true, though not in the way that he expected. He was employed by him to destroy a gluttonous worm that was ravishing the universe!

ChaoticSnowflake · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

The World of Hunger Games

Draco's eyes sprung open, and his body rose upwards instantly. An unfamiliar ceiling opened up to him. His head spun as the realization struck him. He was in a room fully made of wood, with a few pictures hung on the walls. 

The floor creaked as Draco's bare feet stepped upon it. With a grunt, stretching his hands out, Draco stood up. Looking around, he located a window and opened it immediately. What looked like a rural village stretched out before him, illuminated in the light of the moon. An smell of sweat and acid attacked his nostrils, yet, Draco took a deep breath, his eyes closed. It felt different, old, compared to the world he had been living in.

"It must be real then." Draco took a step away from the window, landing back on the bed. Excitement like never before flooded his chest. His heart beat rapidly and he grasped his sheets, almost ripping them apart. After a few seconds, he calmed down, mumbling. "System."

His stats appeared before him, nothing changed. However, along with that, one more screen appeared, depicting something like a chat window. He had only one contact there. Pressing on it, he saw a few unread messages from Cal.

[Cal: Yo, everything alright on the other side? Some employees have experienced nausea during their first time traversing through worlds. If something feels off, then rest for a few hours, it should become better. Other than that, I will attach a file with all the information about your first mission, so just press on it and it should pop out]

[Cal: File(Employee Number 903: Mission 1)]

Draco read through Cal's message carefully, stretching his muscles and doing a few push-ups. He concluded that he felt as good as it was possible. Then, Draco pressed on the attached file, forcing another screen to pop out in front of him.


[World: The Hunger Games]

[Currently Infected Characters: 4]

[Your Current Identity: An 18-year-old orphan in District 12]

[Timeline: Two Days Away from Reaping]


Draco read carefully, frowning a bit. Hunger Games was a world that he wasn't that interested in. It was a dystopian fantasy, but it didn't really have any supernatural powers, except perhaps some extraordinary technology. Still, Draco remained inherently excited, already imagining the numerous possibilities of this world.

There were four infected, meaning that he would have to hunt four different worms. To be fair, he expected just one for his first mission, but it was whatever. Besides that, Draco was a bit confused about the identity thing. 

The current timeline was all right. If he remembered correctly, Reaping meant the time when people were being selected to participate in the Hunger Games. However, he wasn't sure if he was right.

Closing this screen, Draco typed into the chat.

[Draco: Hey, Cal, everything is good on this side. I looked at the file and got confused a bit. I am like a character in this world now? Do other people know me? Should I keep my name as Draco? Also, Reaping is the day when people get chosen for Hunger Games, right?]

Almost immediately, a response appeared.

[Cal: Oh, yeah, forgot to explain that. I usually integrate my employees into the story as minor or irrelevant characters. Some could know you, but it's up to you whether to ignore them or not. In the end, you are quite literally a blank, but at the very least, you are registered in the world as a civilian. Your name is the same]

[Cal: About that Reaping, don't worry, I will attach another file with the first movie of Hunger Games. You should watch it to remember the plot]

Draco pressed his hand against his chin. It did make sense in theory. At the very least, if he gets imprisoned or something, he has an identity. It would be even more suspicious if it seemed like he had come from thin air. Draco was about to press on the file when a few more messages appeared.

[Cal: By the way, forgot to mention a few things. Those gluttonous worms have a keen sense, and the moment they realize that you are either too strong for this world or utilize alien powers, they will realize that you are my employee and focus all their strength on murdering you, instead of caring about the story]

[Cal: Another important thing is that once all the worms are either eliminated or have run away, meaning that your mission is technically finished, you will be transported back into my realm only after 12 hours, so be aware of that. Don't just kill someone, knowing that you may not escape the consequences of your actions]

Draco nodded to himself, noting that this was especially important information. As far as he understood, Cal was quite absentminded, despite being like a God. Draco hoped Cal didn't forget some other important information that would help him finish the mission faster.

[Cal: Yeah, that's everything for now]

[Cal: G]

[Cal: O]

[Cal: O]

[Cal: D]

[Cal: L]

[Cal: U]

[Cal: C]

[Cal: K]

'Is that some kind of code?' Draco grinned, answering. 'Silly'

[Draco: T]

[Draco: H]

[Draco: A]

[Draco: N]

[Draco: K]

[Draco: S]

With that, Draco turned everything off, removing all the screens. Without anything occupying his mind, Draco finally noticed how silent everything around him was. His hands moved alongside his bedframe as he slowly rose back to his feet. It felt surreal, knowing that he was in a different world.

Draco thought for a moment, wanting to go out as soon as possible and explore this world. However, instead, he sat down, pressing on the file with the movie attached to it. As much as he wanted to rush outside immediately, it wasn't the wisest decision. He barely remembered the story, much less about the rules and regulations of each district. 

A screen popped out before him and Draco leaned against the wall, trying to concentrate on it despite the desire to basically rush out of this room. After a few hours, Draco was finished. It was not a bad movie, he certainly enjoyed it, though the entire romance thingy between Katniss and Peeta was just tedious. 

When it finished, Draco sat up straight, spending some time thinking things through. Cal said that worms wanted to disrupt the story as much as possible until it wouldn't be able to have the same outcome, even with plot armor, etc. Thus, if Draco stayed close to all the main characters, he would probably come across all of those worms.

A plan formed in his mind.

Draco stood up, stretching his muscles. Then, finally, Draco opened the door with a creak, stepping into the darkness of the deserted town. Draco's little hut was stationed on the border of the district, near a forest. 

First of all, Draco wanted to check out the town.

Well... It was much worse than he anticipated. Seeing it in a movie and being here in real life were two entirely different things. The place was practically barren. Every house looked old and broken, with holes and moles covering them from all around. 

There was no supply of pure water, no electricity, and no heating. The people here were starving, and Draco even saw a few old fellows lying on the ground, their stomachs basically inverted. It was gruesome, something you wouldn't have normally seen on Earth.

'Even the air here is polluted.' Draco could smell the acid and chemical substances in the air, along with other nasty stuff. It was a town that reeked of death. A few places were better though, where the more privileged lived. It was still bad there probably, though Draco decided to not draw attention to himself and subsided from going there. 

Turning around, Draco walked back, deep in thought. In a sense, this world was not so much different than his. The rich continued to get rich with barely any work, whilst the poor struggled to survive on their minimum-wage jobs. Biting his lip, Draco removed these thoughts, instead walking to the other side of the town, searching for the house that he had seen in the movie. 

Whilst walking, Draco opened the system and typed something.

[Draco: Cal, sorry to disturb your sleep, but I have another question. How do those worms decide who to infect, or is random? And can the main character be infected?]

Barely an instance passed before Cal responded.

[Cal: What do you think I am? I don't sleep. As to your question, it depends. Usually, it is random, but there are some high-level worms out there that can affect this rule a bit. And, no, they can't infect the main characters. That would be a bit too easy for them, for they could just kill themselves then. The main characters have a certain aura around them that doesn't let them be infected]

Draco thought for a while, walking through the deserted streets of the 12th district, until he nodded to himself and typed thank you. Closing all those screens, Draco continued searching. Katniss's house was stated to be somewhere on the edge of the 12th district, in the Seam, where the majority of the miners live.

And that was exactly where Draco was, though it was bigger than anticipated and he couldn't find the exact location. However, as he was walking down the empty streets, Draco suddenly ducked, letting a medium-sized rock fly over his head.

'Bandits?' Draco thought, looking to the left from where the rock came. Three middle-aged men stood in the shadow of a sole tree, shovels in their hands. They stared at him, trying to look intimating, as they slowly approached him.

"Give us everything you have on the ground and leave." The man in the middle, whom Draco presumed to be the leader stepped forward, his voice deep. 

Draco raised his hands, trying to look as scared as possible. "Please, don't do this to me. I barely have any food to keep myself from starving. I quite literally have nothing to give you!"

"I said everything on the ground! Clothes, shoes, whatever you have!" The man shouted, some desperation in his voice. "Just do as I say, I don't want to hurt you."

Draco sighed. 'The situation here is much worse than I thought. Movies really can't portray everything, can they? There isn't even some night police or something?' With that thought, Draco put his hands in his pockets, pretending to take something out. However, as soon as he took his hands out, Draco was already rushing forward like a beast. 

The three men were clearly amateurs and they barely registered what happened before Draco was already upon them. Flying like a rocket, Draco dropkicked the boss in the head, sending him flying backward.

The two men beside them finally reacted, lifting their shovels. However, Draco, whilst still in mid-air, forced his palms on the ground, spinning his legs and hitting both men on their heads.

They stumbled, but quickly regained composure. Yet, Draco was already on the move. He hit one man in the Adam's apple and then proceeded to knock him out with his elbow. 

Then, Draco jumped to the left, evading a shovel attack from above. Draco didn't hesitate, as he grabbed the man's hand twisting and breaking it, forcing a scream from the man. Then, Draco grabbed the man's head and smashed his knee into it, knocking him out.

And, then, there was silence. Besides Draco's unstable breathing and the rustling of leaves, it was silent again. Sighing, looked around, seeing a young boy staring at him through the window. Draco waved at the kid and the kid panicked, closing the curtains.

That incident aside, Draco continued to travel through the edge of the 12th district, until finally stumbling upon Katniss's house. It was a squat, little place, and Draco wondered how was it that three people lived there. 

'Now what?' Draco remained on the spot, staring at the house. 'First of all, I have to make sure that Katniss is alive and well. Otherwise, all my plans would go to ruin. Besides, Katniss's mom or sister could be the ones infected.'

Now, how should he approach this? He had never really been the sneaky type, so silently walking in was not an option. Suddenly, a really bad idea crossed his mind and an evil grin appeared on his face. Surely, that was dumb, but Draco just decided to go with the flow.

Removing his sweater, Draco tied it around his head so that only his eyes would be visible. "Alright." Draco took another deep breath, exploding into motion and running towards the house at the highest speed possible. He didn't stop at the entrance, instead smashing the side of his body against the door, forcing the door to explode forward.

Draco stumbled onto the floor, promptly rising back up. The house was dark, all lights were turned off. The interior was simplistic and not a lot of things hung on the walls. Whilst Draco was inspecting the house, he finally heard the steps and shouting within the house.

A few moments later, a little blonde girl was standing before him, her eyes wide open. Beside her, Katniss's mother lingered, holding onto her daughter's hands. Her body was trembling slightly, her eyes full of confusion and helplessness. She had a knife in her other hand.

Pretending to be fierce, Mrs. Everdeen stuck the knife forward. "Go away! We don't have anything valuable! Go and rob someone else!"

Ignoring her, Draco looked around. If she was here, Katniss wouldn't hide. She would have probably attacked him, for she had more balls than her mother, that's for sure. The fact that she was not here troubled him.

"I am not here to harm you." Draco faked a deeper voice. "Where is Katniss?"

The mother hesitated for an instance, knitting her eyebrows. Biting her lip, the mother let go of Prim's hand and stepped forward, knife still in her hand. "I don't know who are you, but if you don't get out right this instant, I am going to plunge this kn-"

Before she managed to finish the sentence, however, Draco took a step forward and kicked her hand from below, causing the knife to fly upwards and get stuck in the ceiling. Prim shrieked and her mother took a step back, holding onto her hand, only fear in her eyes now.

"Where is Katniss?" Draco demanded, his voice deep.

"I... I don't know." Mrs. Everdeen mumbled, glancing at Prim from time to time. "She should have been here, but she must have sneaked away. Please...don't hurt us."

"Where did she go?" Draco asked, keeping the tense atmosphere.

"She...she must have gone to the forest. She spends most of her time there." Mrs. Everdreen mumbled, her voice shaking a bit. Prim was frowning, staring at Draco with bloodshot eyes.

Draco nodded, then glanced around, seeing no screens or anything appear in his sight. Cal said he would get notified if he was near an infected, meaning that both of them were good. Sighing at the thought of searching the entire forest in order to find Katniss, Draco walked away, not even sparing another glance at the two figures in the house.


Katniss walked through the forest, passing trees as the moonlight shone through the cracks onto her skin. It was dangerous to walk through District 12 at night, especially in the forest, but Katniss simply couldn't help herself.

She needed some time to think, to refresh her mind. Reaping wasn't so far away and Prim kept getting nightmares, of where she might get chosen. Knowing that might be true, Katniss couldn't help but imagine such a scenario herself.

Fortunately, here, in this forest, Katniss felt free. Yet, as Katniss continued to move through bushes and trees, something felt out of place. It was like that sensation at the back of her neck. When she turned around, she understood why.

There was a man standing in the shade of a tree, around 10 meters away from her. Katniss grabbed the bow in her hand, her face turning serious, as she took one arrow out. "Who are you?" 

Her voice sounded frail and weak, compared to how it sounded in her mind. The man took a step forward, letting the light illuminate the man's face. Blonde hair, fine features, and short. Katniss recognized the man. Peeta, a person who had saved her life once.

Katniss put her bow away, her expression puzzled.

Peeta, however, smiled and suddenly rushed towards her. Katniss panicked, pulling the bowstring again. "Stop or I am going to shoot you!" However, the figure continued running. Katniss hesitated for a moment, before aiming towards Peeta's legs and releasing the bowstring.

Yet, at that moment, Peeta's body moved unnaturally fast and he somehow dodged. Katniss panicked even further, seeing the rapidly approaching Peeta. Something was wrong with him. Something was very wrong.

Katniss, not knowing what to do, turned around and ran, a crazed man running after her. She screamed for help, hoping that at least someone was nearby and would help her. The distance between them was rapidly decreasing, Peeta moving as fast as a warrior.