
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Ch-5(4): The Council

The group of knights hurried through the winding streets of Ashenveil their armor clanging as they ran. The sound echoed off the stone buildings, causing the townspeople to stop and stare as they passed. The knights paid no attention to the curious stares, their faces set in determination as they made their way to the main hall.

As they burst into the hall, the air was thick with the smell of burning candles and the sound of murmured voices. The room was large and open, with high ceilings and walls made of rough-hewn stone. At the far end of the hall sat a large wooden throne.

The wooden throne was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with intricate carvings of gilded bolts of lightning coiled around its arms and a plush, velvet seat. The back of the throne was the highlight, featuring panels expertly carved with scenes of brave knights braving tumultuous thunderstorms.

On the ornate wooden throne, a young man with long blonde hair and piercing green eyes sat calmly, his back straight and his posture impeccable wearing the special Thunderheart robes of vibrant yellow. The robes themselves were crafted from the finest silks, with intricate patterns of lightning bolts embroidered in gold thread.

The man was none other than Torin Thunderheart, the current lord of Ashenveil.

To the left of the throne, a group of important-looking men and women sat around a long wooden table, their faces etched with worry. Among the advisors were several mercenaries, grizzled veterans of countless battles. They were rough and weathered, their armor dented and scuffed from years of use.

Similar to the left side of the hall, a group of knights and mercenaries sat together on the right side. They were dressed in similarly imposing armor and weapons.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the group of knights who had just arrived seemed slightly out of place. They shut the heavy wooden door behind them and took seats in the rear of the room.

As the heavy wooden door shut behind the newly arrived knights, the young leader cleared his throat and the whispers and murmurs that had filled the hall came to a sudden stop. The sound echoed off the high ceilings and the polished stone walls, and all eyes turned to face him.

"Welcome, friends and allies," he began, his eyes scanning the faces of those gathered before him. "We stand at a crossroads, and the decisions we make in this hall will determine the fate of both Ashenveil and the great serpent Inyoka."

Torin addressed the room, gesturing towards the two sides. "On the left side sit the 'Harmony Seekers', those who advocate for peaceful coexistence with the Inyoka. On the right side is the 'Thundercallers', those who believe that the only solution is to strike down the Inyoka."

Torin turned to the Harmony Seekers, inviting them to speak first.

A woman in flowing robes stood up, her voice calm but resolute. "I understand that the Inyoka has posed a threat to us recently, but we cannot simply resort to violence and eradicate them from our land."

"They have lived in these lands for centuries, peacefully coexisting with us. We must investigate why they have turned against us and find a way to resolve this conflict peacefully. The Inyoka have no reason to harm us after living in peace with us for so long, and we must not be quick to resort to violence and destruction."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the left side of the room. Torin nodded, indicating that the Thundercallers could respond.

A grizzled mercenary rose from his seat, the sound of his armor echoing in the hall. "We don't have the luxury of peaceful negotiations. The Inyoka have been attacking our settlements, slaughtering our people. How many more must die before we take action? We must eliminate the threat before it's too late."

A fierce cheer erupted from the right side of the room, but Torin raised a hand to quiet them. He turned to the Harmony Seekers. "Do you have a rebuttal?"

Another person from the left side stood up, this time a young man with piercing blue eyes. "I understand the urgency to protect our people from the Inyoka threat, but we must also consider the impact of eliminating such an important predator from the natural order."

"The Inyoka are the apex predators of this land, and their presence helps to maintain balance and prevent the overpopulation of other species, disruption of the natural balance of creatures."

"Furthermore, the Inyoka is a key part of our people's cultural and spiritual heritage. They have been revered and respected for generations, and their loss would be felt deeply."

As the young man took his seat, murmurs of agreement could be heard from the Harmony seekers on the left side. Torin, too, fell into deep thought for a moment while the warriors on the right side engaged in a heated discussion amongst themselves.

A mercenary, his face contorted with anger stood up, "I understand the concerns about the impact on the ecosystem, but we cannot risk the safety of our people for the sake of a few animals. The Inyoka have turned against us, and we must respond with force."

The man's voice grew more urgent as he spoke. "You don't understand the gravity of the situation. The demon is spawning monsters, creatures that have turned against us and threaten our very existence. We cannot afford to wait for peaceful negotiations while our people are being slaughtered."

Torin furrowed his brows, "Demon? What do you mean?"

The man spoke more politely, "My lord, I am referring to the beast responsible for the Reign of Terror, the one that has spawned countless monsters that now threaten our people."

After the man's argument, tension filled the room as murmurs of agreement with the warriors grew louder. Torin cleared his throat to regain control and silence descended once more. He turned his attention to the pacifist side, inviting them to provide a counter-argument.

The woman who first spoke stood up again and spoke with conviction. "Perhaps we are looking at this the wrong way. Maybe the Inyoka's behavior is not driven by aggression but by some external force in the forest that is manipulating them, as well as other creatures. The so-called 'beast of the Reign of Terror' that you speak of may be responsible for the current situation. Instead of eliminating the Inyoka, we must focus on finding and dealing with this greater threat."

The woman's voice was firm, yet measured as she continued, "We should investigate this further before rushing to any violent actions that could have disastrous consequences for the delicate balance of the natural order."

Torin turned towards the warriors and raised his eyebrows. "And what if the investigation reveals that the true enemy is not the Inyoka, but the 'beast of the Reign of Terror'?" he asked.

"Wouldn't it be wiser to focus our efforts on the real enemy and not waste valuable time and resources fighting a misguided battle against a peaceful creature that has coexisted with us for centuries?"

The warriors grumbled among themselves, but Torin's words seemed to strike a chord with some of them. After a few moments of tense silence, one of the warriors spoke up. "But what if we're wrong?" he asked. "What if the Inyoka are truly the enemy and we let them continue to harm our people while we waste time investigating a false lead?"

Torin sighed "I understand your concern, but we cannot act out of fear and assumption alone. We must gather information and make an informed decision based on facts and evidence. Otherwise, we risk making a grave mistake with irreversible consequences."

Torin cleared his throat and addressed the council, "I propose that we appoint a team to investigate the situation in the forest and gather more information about the Inyoka and any potential threats. Eadric, as the leader of the knights, and Gunnar, as the leader of the mercenaries, I task you both with leading this investigation."

Torin raised his hand, fingers spread wide. "The council is dismissed," he declared. With a snap of his fingers, the tension in the room dissipated, and the warriors and Harmony seekers began to file out.

Torin stood up as he was approached by Eadric and Gunnar. "Gather your best men and head towards the Lake of the Serpent," he said to them. "That is where the Inyoka are said to make their home. Search for any signs of the beast of the Reign of Terror or any other malevolent force that may be at work."

He paused for a moment, his gaze intense. "But be careful. The forest can be treacherous, and danger may lurk around every corner. And remember, our ultimate goal is to restore balance to the natural order, not simply to eliminate a perceived threat."

Eadric and Gunnar nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of their mission. Torin placed his hands firmly on the shoulders of his trusted allies, looking them both in the eye with a grave expression.

"Good luck on your mission, Eadric, and Gunnar"

Torin watched as Eadric and Gunnar departed from the hall, his expression is thoughtful and pensive. As the leader of his people, he felt the weight of responsibility heavily upon his shoulders.

Torin left the hall with a deep sigh, his mind racing with plans for the future. He was determined to lead his people through the challenges ahead and emerge victorious. He took a deep breath in his chambers and began to plan with a firm resolve.

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