
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Ch -3: Awakening

Jinzo scanned his surroundings, taking in the tranquil scenery. He found himself standing in a spacious clearing, with towering trees encircling him and a soothing sound of a nearby river echoing in his ears. Jinzo's heart skipped a beat as his gaze shifted to the right, where he noticed a lifeless body lying motionless on the grass, face down.

He slowly stood up and stumbled over to the body, feeling sick to his stomach. He turned the man over and recoiled in horror. The man's face was unrecognizable, as if it had been beaten beyond recognition. Blood had pooled around his head, and his clothes were torn and bloodied.

Jinzo felt a wave of nausea wash over him, and he stumbled back, trying to comprehend what had happened. As Jinzo surveyed the man's mangled face, it appeared as if it had been ravaged by a wild creature. "I wonder how long I've been unconscious," he pondered.

Jinzo instinctively took a few steps backward, distancing himself from the gruesome sight, before shifting his focus to his surroundings. He found himself in the midst of a dense forest, with towering trees that resembled oak trees enveloping him from every side. With a more careful gaze, he observed the flora and fauna around him, trying to assess his situation.

Jinzo mistook the towering trees for oak trees at first, but on closer inspection, he noticed the differences. The trunks were smoother and had a lighter shade of brown, while the leaves shimmered subtly as if it were sparkling.

Jinzo observed the grass and bushes in the vicinity, noticing that they remained untouched except for the spot where he had been lying. Despite searching for clues or footprints that could shed some light on what had occurred, he found nothing. The forest was unnervingly quiet, with an absence of birdsong, rustling leaves, or any sounds of wildlife in the vicinity.

As Jinzo came to his senses, he recognized the urgency of his situation. He needed to find a way out of the forest and seek assistance. The gravity of the situation dawned on him, as he had no idea how long he had been unconscious, or how far he was from civilization.

Jinzo felt a peculiar sensation in the center of his chest, recalling that he had been stabbed. However, as he gazed down at his chest, he noticed something puzzling. There was indeed a scar in the center of his chest, but it was unexplainably healed, with no sign of any wound or injury.

He realized that the wound had somehow healed completely. Jinzo felt a wave of confusion wash over him as he attempted to comprehend what was happening. Scanning the forest for any signs of life, he found that the eerie silence persisted.

"Is this some sort of dream, or am I hallucinating?" he pondered. To ensure that he was not losing his mind, he struck himself forcefully across the face. The impact stung, and he felt a sharp sensation of pain radiating through his cheeks.

As he took a deep breath, reality hit him like a ton of bricks. It wasn't a dream; it was all too real. The weight of his memories came crashing down on him, and he shuddered, overwhelmed. He couldn't believe he was still alive. How had he survived? Why was he here? He struggled to piece together the fragments of his memory, but it was all a blur. Then, a glimmer of recollection sparked in his mind: "A second chance," he muttered, realizing that he had been given an opportunity to start anew.

Jinzo thought to himself, "That thing didn't tell me anything. It just threw me into the forest." As he recalled the moment, he couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion and frustration. The lack of information had left him stranded and vulnerable, with no clue about what to do next.

He looked at his torn clothes and touched the scar on his chest, feeling a shiver run down his spine. He needed to find help and a way out of the forest. but he realized he had lost his knife. "No weapon," he cursed, aware that the creature that attacked him could still be nearby.

Jinzo took a deep breath and steeled himself to move forward towards the dead corpse. His mind was racing with the urgency of finding a weapon to defend himself in this treacherous forest. As he approached the lifeless body, a chill ran down his spine, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

The man lying before him was dressed like a medieval mercenary, wearing olive clothes and some basic armor. Jinzo examined the man's attire with a curious eye, noting the rough texture of the fabric.

As Jinzo examined the dead man's attire, his eyes were drawn to the short sword the man was clutching in his hand. The weapon had a curved blade that was mostly single-edged, with a slight taper towards the tip.

Jinzo could see the faint gleam of steel under the layer of grime and dried blood. The sword looked old, but still sharp enough to do some damage. As he pondered the weapon, it dawned on him that he might be in a world with a medieval setting.He had always been a fan of fantasy novels and role-playing games, but he never expected to find himself in one.

Jinzo hesitated for a moment before deciding to take the sword. He knew he needed some form of protection in case he came across any danger. He picked up the sword and examined it closely. It felt cold and heavy in his hand, but he knew it could save his life if he ever found himself in danger.

As Jinzo walked through the forest, he gazed down at the sword in his hand, examining the blade's sharpness. Suddenly, a distant cry shattered the stillness of the woods. It was a voice he had never heard before, filled with desperation and fear. "HELP! PLEASE! ANYONE!" The cry echoed through the trees, seeming to come from the north direction.

Jinzo hesitated for a moment, his heart racing with conflicting emotions. He knew he was alone in this strange new world, with no allies or friends to count on. But he couldn't ignore the voice of someone in distress.

As Jinzo raced through the forest, he took quick glances at his surroundings. The trees towered above him, their leaves rustling in the wind, and the underbrush seemed to grab at his legs as he passed.

Jinzo ran deeper into the forest, the trees thickening and casting long shadows. He focused on the cries for help, his footsteps echoing through the woods. The rustling of leaves and snapping twigs grew louder, and his heart pounded with fear and anticipation. As he neared the source of the commotion, he slowed down and moved cautiously forward.

Jinzo arrived at the source of the cries for help, his heart racing in anticipation of what he might find. He braced himself for a potential confrontation with bandits or other hostile forces, but the scene before him was far more unsettling than anything he could have imagined.

A medium-sized, wolf-like creature stood on four legs before him, its sleek black fur standing out against the bright daylight. Its razor sharp jaws were clamped down on her throat, and blood was pouring out of her wounds. Jinzo stood frozen in terror, his eyes transfixed on the monstrous creature before him.

Jinzo's instincts screamed at him to run, to flee for his life and abandon the woman for her fate the wolf-like creature turned its head towards him, revealing its sharp teeth and growling in a menacing way.

Jinzo's heart raced as the creature lunged towards him with lightning speed, its teeth bared and claws outstretched. He barely managed to sidestep the attack, narrowly avoiding the creature's razor-sharp claws. In that moment, he saw an opening and struck the creature's side with his sword, eliciting a pained howl from the beast. However, the attack only seemed to enrage it further, and it prepared to launch another attack.

As the monster lunged at Jinzo once more, he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding its deadly claws. His feet slipped on the damp ground, causing him to lose his balance, and he fell hard on his back. The beast pounced on top of him, and Jinzo braced himself for the worst. Its razor-sharp teeth glinted in the dim light as it tried to bite him.

Jinzo reacted quickly, thrusting his sword up to block the beast's bite. The monster snarled and thrashed its head, trying to get past the sword, Jinzo's arms shook with the effort of holding the beast back, and his muscles screamed in protest.

As the creature's weight bore down on him, Jinzo struggled to keep the beast's jaws away from his face. He could feel its hot breath on his skin as it snarled and snapped, trying to sink its teeth into him.

As the creature continued to struggle and thrash about, Jinzo knew that he couldn't keep holding it at bay forever. He gritted his teeth and mustered all his strength, shifting his weight and kicking out with his legs. The sudden force caught the beast off-guard, and it stumbled backwards, giving Jinzo enough time to stand up and ready himself for another attack.

The monster was between him and his only way out of the forest. He had to fight, or he would die. The beast pounced at Jinzo with lightning speed, catching him off guard. Jinzo instinctively raised his sword, but the creature was too fast. Its razor-sharp teeth sank into his left arm, causing him to cry out in pain.

Jinzo's left arm throbbed with pain as he tried to steady himself. With his right hand clutching the hilt of his sword, he twisted the blade and lunged towards the beast, aiming for its head.

The sword pierced through its skull, killing it instantly. Jinzo collapsed onto the ground, his breathing heavy and labored. The pain in his left arm was excruciating, and he knew that he needed medical attention. But for now, he had survived the fight.

Despite his injured arm, Jinzo rushed to the woman's side. The creature's bite was too severe, and the woman had already passed away. Jinzo felt a pang of guilt as he looked at her lifeless body lying on the ground.

Jinzo took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. The guilt he felt for not being able to save the woman was overwhelming, but he knew he couldn't dwell on it. He knew he had to keep moving, keep going. He couldn't let his emotions get in the way.

Jinzo's arm throbbed in pain. He thought that his new life could not get any worse, then he saw them. More monsters were emerging from the shadows, their glowing eyes fixated on him. Jinzo's heart raced as he realized that he was outnumbered and outmatched. With a sinking feeling, he knew that he was in for the fight of his life. Would he be able to survive the onslaught of these monsters?..

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