
Emperor Reincarnated as a Stapler tackles Office Mystery

An emperor is reincarnated as a stapler in a law office in the early 2000s. He has a chance to redeem himself if he solves a mystery in the office. Follow him as he tackles trials, friendships and maybe even love! Will he be successful? Read on to find out.

Cheri_Damlacik · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


"Happy Halloweeen, people of Jaxley, Smith and COOOONNEEEVILLLEEEE." Smith exclaimed in his best Dracula impression as he threw some candy in the air.

"I don't get why Smith is imitating Dracula if he's dressed as a panda," questioned Hector.

"Pandas can be vampires," said Che matter of factly.

"Smith is a cuddly panda, he could never be a vampire," said Melon blatantly.

"But there's a whole psychological field dedicated to how people choose their Halloween character and what that says about what they believe about themselves. For example, I'm dressed as a fox because I'm cutesy, cunning and everything in between," she twirled her hair and blinked exaggeratingly.

"Che's Karl Marx for the irony and there's some Freudian stuff going on there about how her parents chose her identity for her and Hector, you're Humpty Dumpty because you're afraid of falling off the railings. What are you really afraid of?" she questioned.

"Humpty Dumpty?....I'm supposed to be a deviled egg," Helomoto could sense he felt threatened and vulnerable.

Melon placed two small devil's ears on Helomoto.

"YOU PEASANT. HOW DARE YOU," he yelled with all his might.

Just at that moment Mary passed by carrying a box with her belongings and wearing normal office wear.

"Hey guys..I...I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you guys for making this place worth my time," she said quickly.

"What? You're leaving?" questioned Melon.

"Does this have anything to do with Apple," questioned Che.

Mary looked down, twirled her thumbs and said mechanically, "It was time for me to leave, I decided to retire early. I can't imagine spending my days working anymore. I'm moving to our family farm in Sweden. This will probably be the last time I see you."

Helomoto squinted his eyes, "her explanation sounded rehearsed," he thought, "This definitely has something to do with the embezzlement."

"Have you spoken with Apple? You guys were such good friends, I'd hate for you to leave on bad terms," exclaimed a concerned Che.

"I'm amicable with everyone in the office. I just realized I prefer spending my time crocheting and baking instead of crunching numbers all day," Mary responded softly, "don't let your work ever weigh you down ladies, otherwise before you know it you'll be 60 and and feel empty."

"So she was either fired because Apple squealed to Jaxley or she quit before Jaxley could pin the embezzlement on her," Helomoto reflected.

Helomoto noticed Apple staring at them throughout the conversation. As soon as Mary left she walked right over.


"Jaxley, Smith and Cone, this is Melon speaking how may I-"

Melon froze.

"Yes Ms. Jaxley,

Yes I-

-I haven't been able to confirm the details yet but I will be on it.

I'll- I'll have it ready by end of day."

"Why is Jaxley calling you?" questioned Apple.

"Oh it's nothing, but I really need to get some work done!" she posited.