
Chapter Four

Ken woke up but didn't recognize where he is but he knew he's never been here before. The environment was so cold and tough guys dressed in black leather were roaming around. Seeing this men he knew he would be in the division. The place was calm just few voices are heard but they were whispering to each other. It dawned on him that he was locked up somewhere and it wasn't just him,other kids about his age were there too but not in the same cell as his. He moved to the other cell at his right and called to the boy sitting there.

"Hellooo" he waved at him but the latter refused to reply.

"Hey! What's wrong with you, I'm trying to to talk to you" not even a sound came out of the latter's mouth.

Ken confused wondering if the boy was alive or not and if he is, how could he stay quiet without even a wink. He moved to the left and tried to talk to the boy there too

"Are you a nuisance? Can't you let people be? No wonder they captured you, hah!" He said not willing to speak further.

Ken was shocked by the boy's reply but at least he said something so he's better than the other boy.

" Please do you have an idea where we are?" He asked

"The dungeon" the latter replied

"What!" Ken is confused "how did I get here?" He asked.

He tried to recall what happened last but couldn't remember and wondered how he became unconscious. He remembered his hanky and checked for it, luckily it's in his chest with a sigh of relief he tuck it properly with his shirt and continued in his thought of how he arrived at the division.

Moments later, steel sound was heard, the dungeon gates were opened and three division men walked into the ward took Ken and the two boys away. They got to a very cold room and pushed them hard into the room that they fell to the floor. The boys struggled to get up but are pushed down again by the men. The boys tried fighting back by using their legs to kick the men but the men being stronger, placed the children's legs under their foot with the heavy footwears they wore. So the boys weren't able to move.

A female voice is heard from behind "let them be" and the men released them.

The kids hearing the voice was calm and looked behind to see a tall,fair,slender lady dressed in black long sleeve shirt tucked in a red straight skirt which is above her knees and a black host covering her legs. She wore a red stiletto heel which made her fashionable and walked majestically carrying a broad smile on her face.

"And who are this beautiful ones" she asked smiling.

One of the men replied her holding Ken up by the right hand "this is Michael's son" and pushed him back to the floor.

"Oh finally I get to see you, how are you doing boy?" She moved closer to him holding his chin.

Ken shoved her off "let me go" he screamed

Sandra surprised at the outburst of the boy shaking her head "tsk tsk tsk you are too fast young boy, take things easily okay"

She looked at the other two boys beside ken "who are they?" She asked

The second man replied "ma'am this is Gift's son and that one there is Reuben's son"

Sandra clapped her hands "wow! The perfect combo"

The expression on her face changes almost immediately "take them away and train them"

The kids looking at each other and giving the men a stern look

"Move!" One of the men ordered and the three boys move sluggishly and are pushed by the men.

"Leave me! Where are you taking us to?" Ken asked.

"Shut your mouth and move before I use this on you" bringing out a steel rod used to torture people to inflict unbearable pain on its victim.

They are taken to their cell and locked.

"Tomorrow you shall begin your training" one of the men said.

"What are we training for" Ken asked

"Its none of your business and you have no choice, just try keeping your mouth shut a little" another replied him

Ken continued speaking after the men left "can't believe I'm here, I miss my mom" he sat and placed his head against his knees as he cried "mum where are you I wish you're here with me" While crying he felt a hand rubbing his back "sorry" one of the boys said

Ken surprised looked at him again "you" he points at him "thought you are mute, you refused talking to me earlier"

The boy gives Ken a rude look and shift from him.

Ken surprised " what again thought you've changed but it's obvious nothing improved"

"Where I come from we don't talk anyhow" the boy replied

"That means you all should have a smelling mouth" he said

"Why don't you try percieving my mouth from here to know if I have odour" he opened his mouth and rushed to Ken trying to pull him to place his nose on his mouth but Ken struggled with him and finally freed himself

"Stop!" Ken screamed

The other boy sat back and watched the two boys struggling.

"You shouldn't talk too much in this kind of place" he told Ken

"Why were you silent all this while, you refused talking" Ken asked

"Refused answering? You really think so? Well I did not refuse talking rather I was just silent because I did not have anything to say" He said looking at ken and asked "do you know who that lady is?"

"No I don't" Ken answered

"That is Sandra she is the leader of the division" he explained

"What are they training us for?" Ken asked

" To fight"

"Oh no, I don't want to die quick" Ken start sobbing again

"Sssshhh". Ken stopped crying

"Be strong, that's what I'll tell you and by the way I'm Uther" his hands waiting for a handshake from Ken

"I'm Ken" he stretched his hand for a handshake.

"And you?" Ken asked the other boy who has been quiet all this while watching.

"I'm Marshall" he said

The gate sound is heard again and the children behaved waiting for the men to show up.

" I thought it's tomorrow, why are you here again" Ken asked the division man.

The man gave Ken a Stern look ignoring him as he unlocked the cell. He looked at another direction and nodded taking two step backward then a man dressed as a chef appeared with a tray of three bowls of food on his hand and placed them on the floor with a disposable can of water and walked out of the cell while the division man closed the gate. The trio quickly took their food and ate, each taking turns to drink water from the can.

"I can't believe I'm in this place" Ken said

Marshall and Uther are lying down facing up with their hands behind the head. Ken looked at them and does same.

"Do you remember how you came here?" Ken asked looking at Marshall and Uther one after the other.