
Chapter Three

In the thick night Cynthia and Mrs Michael left the house. They were prepared to kill the men causing their suffering so they went to Mrs Michael's house and hid waiting for the division men to come. At dawn three men dressed in leather suit walked into the house and were murdered brutally, their head ripped off and their body slashed into pieces, packed in disposable bags and buried by the side of the road. They walked back home acting like nothing happened.

The women were happy that somehow they avenged their husbands death. The news reached division that the men who visited Mrs Michael house were no where to be found so they went in search of the men and found them where they were buried. They announced several times but no one was identified to be their killer.

"Ken" Mrs Michael called

"Yes mum" he ran to his mom

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Nothing really just hanging out in the neighborhood" Ken answered

"Please my love you shouldn't expose yourself that much" she said to her son

Ken not comfortable with his mother's statement "mom I've been in the house for days and I'm already getting sick of staying indoors"

"I Know my son but you should be careful"

Mrs Michael smiling "come son" she said.

Ken walked to her, she removed the orb necklace from his neck and threw it away, she gave him a knitted handkerchief she made herself.

" Mom you made the hanky?" ken asked

"Yes son I made it" she looked at her son smiling and said "this is the kind of life I want you to live, a happy world with children and parents with no existence of evil" she used her finger to point out the items in the hanky as Ken looked.

"Keep it safe okay" she said as Ken nodded.

Caressing his soft cheeks with her palm and smiling " I love–".

The division came and took her away. Ken held his mom tight when he noticed they want to take her, he tried his best to protect his mom but they just shrud him off Ken was devasted and cried all day. Cynthia returned and heard the news she became scared because she knew they would to take her too but still she was happy she avenged her husband's death.

She reminded herself that she had no reason to live, no family,no husband and no child and she's ready to die to reunite with her husband. She consoled Ken and adviced him to be reasonable and wise because the world is full of evil and that he should never do evil things especially not to others.

Few days later, Ken returned home from playing and found out that Cynthia was missing, he asked the neighbors if she has been seen anywhere and they said she was taken by the division. Ken hearing the name division began to cry again not knowing what to do.

All day he sat inside thinking about his mum. He took the handkerchief she made for him and his it inside his shirt. He wondered what the division want from him and why they took his mother and Cynthia. He thought Cynthia shouldn't be involved because she offered to help them.

Days had past his mother had not returned neither did Cynthia. Ken became so worried and continued crying, the neighbors offered him food to eat but he rejected their offer, all he wanted was his mother. Another night was coming yet his mother had not returned she hasn't stayed this long before even Cynthia has not returned.

He was still in his thought when a boy about his age barged into the room.

"Ken! Ken! Ken!" He called. Ken looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Ken your mother—"

"Where is she?" Ken asked without allowing the boy to finish.

"She's by the road—"

Ken ran immediately didn't even wait for the boy to finish. He got there and all he could see were two corpse tied up to a tree with no head. Their heads were on the floor with notes that no one should bury them. Ken in shock stood there for a moment reminiscing on what he's seeing it took a while before it dawned on him that his mother was dead alongside Cynthia.

He went closer to his mum's corpse touching her as he cried bitterly. The neighborhood were also gathered there crying. They loved Cynthia and now she's dead. There were bitter cry in the streets.

That was Ken's worst day, he couldn't take that his mother's death so he tried to kill himself but one of the neighbors stopped him.

"No child you shouldn't end your life like this" he said to Ken

"But my mother is gone I need to go and meet her" he said crying as he tried to take the knife from the man but the man threw the knife far away and hugged Ken.

Ken sobbed bitterly "she should have stayed with me, noooo I need to meet my mum I can't stay here alone"

"Be strong boy your mum died to protect you don't let her death be a waste" he squat looking into Ken's eye "when you come of age fight for your nation, for this people who have suffered in the hands of this men,fight for your mum especially who they have put to death in the most cruel way and maybe fight for me too" the man said still holding Ken when fire burst into the neighborhood from nowhere.

Ken cried even the more and wanted to go to his mother when the man stopped him carried him and ran to the direction where others were running.The streets were scattered with fire, bodies lying on the ground and injured people littered everywhere. The Ambulance came and were carrying the injured while Ken and the man stood looking at them.

"What are these people after?" Ken asked

"I don't know but the way I see it,they are catching fun"


"You witnessed it after they killed your dad they went ahead to abuse your mother what do they still need with her after killing your dad?"

"Look at this people here, their family are either not complete or they have none" he said as tears strode down his chin.

"Why did you save me?" Ken asked

"Because I can't just let you die, you are our hope" he said

"What do you mean by hope?"

"Son when the time comes you'll know"

They stood there for a while until Ken recognized one of the child the medicals were helping he ran to him and the man trying to stop him also followed him as they ran to the spot the boy laid.

"What are you doing?" The man asked

"This is my friend he is injured"

"Boy there's nothing you can do about it" the man said taking Ken with him as they walked back.

"Who are you?" Ken asked

"Boy you wouldn't want to know who I am" he said.