
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

The strongest Rookies

Kazuma was bragging to the adventurers at the guild after hunting not one, but two dragons in the night, while everyone shared a drink. The adventurers couldn't believe it; that was something unheard of. The only one they considered strong enough to accomplish such a feat was Kyouya, and that's taking into account the Holy sword Gram in his possession.

He regaled the gathered adventurers with his tale of hunting two dragons in a single night, the atmosphere in the guild grew electric with excitement and disbelief. The adventurers leaned in, their eyes wide with awe, as they listened to his words.

The news spread like wildfire, drawing the attention of those who had previously dismissed Kazuma and his companions as mere novices. They couldn't fathom how a group of adventurers, without the aid of legendary weapons or renowned skills, could accomplish such a feat.

Whispers filled the air as Kazuma's name began to circulate among the guild members. Comparisons were drawn to the legendary hero Kyouya, known for wielding the powerful Holy Sword Gram and his daring exploits. To even be mentioned in the same breath as Kyouya was a testament to the gravity of their achievement.

As the drinks flowed and stories were shared, Kazuma couldn't help but bask in the newfound respect and admiration. His chest swelled with pride, and a mischievous grin adorned his face. It was a moment of triumph, a chance to prove that strength could come in unexpected forms.

The other members of the group, Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua, shared in the revelry, relishing in the recognition they had longed for. They raised their glasses in celebration, toasting to their victory and the bonds that had grown stronger through their shared experiences.

In that moment, the guild became a stage for their triumph, and Kazuma, the self-proclaimed "useless" adventurer, stood tall as a symbol of unexpected greatness. The tales of their extraordinary accomplishment would ripple through the guild, inspiring others and challenging the preconceived notions of what it meant to be a formidable adventurer.

Jack started clapping loudly after entering the guild and hearing Kazuma. This action drew everyone's attention to himself. Jack smiled widely, saying, "Well done, you guys! See? I knew you all had it in you. All you needed was to trust yourselves."

Kazuma smiled and gave Jack a thumbs up. "It's the start of my arc, Jack! Now watch as the handsome and dashing Kazuma woos all the girls with his prowess."

The guild erupted into laughter and cheers at Kazuma's playful remark. Jack chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, Kazuma, I can't wait to see your romantic escapades unfold. Just remember to stay out of trouble."

The group gathered around Jack, their eyes filled with gratitude and admiration. Aqua beamed, her usual boisterousness shining through. 'Jack, you're amazing! Not as much as a goddess such as myself, but it's still impressive how you manage to turn someone like Kazuma into a competent adventurer,' Kazuma interrupted with an 'Oi' when he heard Aqua's remark, which she ignored and continued talking. "Thank you for believing in us and helping us become stronger"

Megumin nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Indeed, Jack. Your guidance and teachings have been invaluable. I never thought I could unleash my explosions with such precision and control."

Darkness, though blushing slightly, spoke up with a determined voice. "Jack, I owe you a debt of gratitude. Your training has honed my skills and strengthened my resolve. I am ready to face any challenge that comes our way."

Chris, who had been observing from a distance, approached with a smile. "You truly have a knack for bringing out the best in people, Jack. Your impact on this group is undeniable."

Jack stayed silent for a while before smiling and raising a cup to the air. "It's official, from this day forward, the Radiant Erebus is ready to let itself loose on the Demons!" The others looked surprised by the name of their group; they had never really discussed it before.

The group exchanged glances, some with curious expressions and others with a touch of amusement. Aqua was the first to speak up, her eyes shining with excitement. "The Radiant Erebus, huh? I must say, it has a certain ring to it! A name that reflects both light and darkness, just like us!"

Megumin looked really excited with the name Jack came up with. She didn't know he could come up with such cool names. She couldn't help but strike a pose while trying to come up with phrases to present herself and encouraging the others to join her in the poses.

Megumin's excitement was contagious, and soon the rest of the Radiant Erebus found themselves caught up in her infectious enthusiasm. They laughed and joined her in striking poses, each one trying to outdo the other with their extravagant gestures and exaggerated expressions.

Aqua, always one to embrace the spotlight, struck a dramatic pose with her staff held high, proclaiming, "I am Aqua, the Radiant Aqua, the Goddess of Water and Light! Bow before my divine presence!"

Darkness, never one to shy away from showcasing her strength, flexed her muscles and declared, "I am Darkness, the Indomitable Knight of the Radiant Erebus! Behold the might of my unyielding resolve!"

Kazuma, with a smirk on his face, struck a suave pose and introduced himself, "I am Kazuma, the Dashing Trickster of the Radiant Erebus! Prepare to be dazzled by my cunning wit and irresistible charm!"

Chris, always up for a bit of fun, joined in with a mischievous grin, posing with her daggers at the ready. "I am Chris, the Swift Shadow of the Radiant Erebus! Blink and you'll miss me as I dance through the darkness!"

Jack, amused by their antics, couldn't help but play along. With a confident stance, he declared, "I am Jack, the Radiant Eclipse, the Master of Elements! Witness the power that lies within the shadows!"


Aqua and Megumin were smiling with satisfaction the next day. Aqua reveled in their newfound fame and wealth, while Megumin was overjoyed that her friends and teacher had joined her in creating their epic presentation.

On the other hand, Jack, Kazuma, Darkness, and Chris were suffering from the memories of what they did the previous day. Darkness blushed and panted slightly, recalling how she had embarrassed herself with that act. Kazuma stared blankly at the ceiling, pondering where he went wrong in life. Chris rested her head on the table, groaning loudly, and Jack facepalmed. "I really shouldn't drink so much. Radiant Eclipse? Geez, that's so cringy," Jack groaned.

Aqua, not one to be deterred by Jack's comment, raised an eyebrow and retorted, "Oh come on, Jack! Lighten up a little! We were just having fun, and it's not like anyone else will remember it by the end of the week."

Megumin, ever the optimist, chimed in, "Exactly! We were celebrating our victory and reveling in our unity as a team. It was a moment of joy and camaraderie. We shouldn't be ashamed of that."

Kazuma sighed, shaking his head. "I get it, Megumin, but still... let's try to keep the theatrics to a minimum from now on. We don't want to become a laughing stock, right?"

Darkness, still blushing, cleared her throat and said, "Yes, I agree with Kazuma. While it was fun, we should focus more on our abilities and accomplishments rather than flashy presentations."

Chris, lifting her head from the table, nodded in agreement. "I may have gotten carried away with the theatrics. My apologies, everyone. Let's move forward with a more grounded approach."

Jack nodded. "Alright, now that we have somewhat recovered from the mental trauma, let's focus on something else," Chris said. Kazuma and Darkness nodded quickly in agreement. "I spoke with Luna yesterday, and we should have a place to call our own in a few months or so. I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil the surprise. However, I did some math, and we should aim to complete at least one quest daily if we don't want to end up in debt or starve. It shouldn't be a problem, really," Jack explained, shrugging.

Kazuma rubbed his chin in thought and asked, "Really? I thought you were reserved with your money. How much did you ask them to build that you wouldn't have enough even after hunting 2 dragons?"

Jack leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, let's just say I may have gone a bit overboard with the design. It's going to be a base of operations unlike any other, complete with state-of-the-art facilities, training grounds, and even a hot spring!"

Aqua's eyes widened with excitement. "A hot spring? Count me in! I could definitely use some relaxation after all the adventuring."

Megumin's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Imagine the possibilities for my explosion magic in a place like that! I could create the most spectacular explosions ever seen!"

Kazuma stared into Megumin's eyes. "How about you don't blow up our base on the first day you see it? We've all seen what your magic can do. I'd rather not lose something I would have paid months to acquire just because you got lazy and didn't want to practice your explosions far from the base."

Megumin pouted in response to Kazuma's teasing remark. "Hey now, I'll have you know that I can control my explosions perfectly! I won't let a single one go off near our precious base, I promise!"

Aqua chimed in with a playful smile, "Oh, come on, Kazuma! You know Megumin has gotten much better at controlling her explosions. I'm sure she won't cause any trouble."

Jack coughed. "I forbid you, as your teacher, Megumin. I know what you are capable of, and you have shown me excellent control in your Explosions. But I also know you are very... experimental, shall we say? I don't doubt that you will destroy your surroundings while testing a new theory you came up with to enhance your Magic."

All Megumin could do was pout helplessly at Jack's words. While she might be ready to disregard others' opinions, she couldn't bring herself to do the same with him.

Megumin crossed her arms and huffed, but she knew Jack was right. He had been her teacher for a long time, and he understood her better than anyone else when it came to her magical experiments.

"Fine, Jack," she said reluctantly, "I won't use any new experimental techniques near the base. But I promise I'll practice my explosions even more diligently, so I can be sure to control them perfectly."

Jack nodded with a satisfied smile. "That's the spirit, Megumin. Keep honing your skills, and I'm sure you'll become even more powerful than you already are."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, expressing their confidence in Megumin's abilities. Kazuma even added, "Yeah, Megumin, we believe in you. Just don't blow us up accidentally, okay?"

Megumin blushed at the encouragement and teasing from her friends. "Don't worry, I'll be careful. I won't let anything happen to our base or any of you."


And so the days transformed into weeks, and the weeks into months. Everyone did their best to complete quests. If there was one thing they couldn't get used to, it would be Jack's constant change in appearance. Even if he didn't actively use his power to transform, the people he transformed into still influenced him. Luckily, it wasn't anything too drastic, though Kazuma could do without the enhanced beauty. It caught him off guard once, and since then he has to mutter to himself, 'He is a guy,' to not forget it.

The others would occasionally tease Kazuma about his constant reminder, finding amusement in his struggle to adjust. Aqua would often chime in with her own playful comments, making sure to emphasize Jack's attractive features. This would always elicit a mix of exasperation and embarrassment from Kazuma, further fueling the laughter of the group.

Kazuma pointed a finger accusingly at Jack. "You! I get it's a side effect of your powers, but why the hell do you make no effort to at least act more manly or cut your hair?!" Jack and Aqua, on the other hand, were struggling to keep their laughter in check and were leaning on each other. Jack then caressed his hair while leaning forward.

"Kazuma..." Jack whispered seductively, to which Kazuma gulped. "I'm not into guys, other memories be damned." And with that, Jack burst into laughter, while Aqua pointed at Kazuma and told him he was still a virgin loser, so desperate for affection he almost changed sides.

Kazuma's face turned bright red, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration evident in his expression. He waved his hands frantically, trying to dismiss Jack's teasing and Aqua's taunts. "It's not like that! I just... It's confusing, okay?! And stop making fun of me!"

Jack finally managed to control his laughter, a mischievous grin still lingering on his face. "Relax, Kazuma. I'm just messing with you. My transformations may affect my appearance, but they don't change who I am inside. I'm still the same person, regardless of how I look."

Kazuma let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Jack had clarified his intentions. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mixed with annoyance at the same time. "Well, just try not to take it too far, okay? I don't need any more surprises."

Jack smirked while ruffling Kazuma's hair. "You got it, cutie" He couldn't help teasing him more.

Kazuma's face turned even redder, his embarrassment reaching new heights. He swatted Jack's hand away and scowled at him. "Cut it out, Jack! I've had enough of your teasing."

Jack burst into laughter again, thoroughly enjoying Kazuma's reaction. "Alright, alright, I'll stop. But you have to admit, it's fun to see you all flustered."

Aqua joined in, unable to contain her laughter any longer. "Oh Kazuma, you're such an easy target. But don't worry, we still love you, even if you're a blushing mess."

Kazuma crossed his arms and huffed, trying to regain some composure. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Just remember, payback's a bitch."

They continued relaxing in the guild, knowing it wouldn't be long before they would find a place to call their own, a testament to their growth as adventurers.

Bro why you geh? that's kinda cringe.

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