
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Explosive Enigma

Jack's weary body slumped to the ground, his chest heaving as he gasped for air. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, mingling with the grime and dust that clung to his skin. The training had taken its toll, pushing him to his limits and beyond. He looked down at his body, covered in burn marks and bruises, a testament to his relentless efforts.

Every muscle in his body ached, and his limbs trembled with fatigue. But amidst the pain, there was a fire in Jack's eyes, a fierce determination that refused to waver. He knew that this grueling training was necessary if he wanted to grow stronger, if he wanted to protect those he cared about.

As he caught his breath, Jack's mind replayed the battles, the failures, and the moments of weakness that had spurred him to push himself to such extremes. He recalled the faces of his friends and allies, their trust in him, and the weight of the responsibility that rested on his shoulders. It fueled his resolve to keep going, to become a champion worthy of their faith.

Slowly, Jack forced himself to his feet, his muscles protesting with every movement. He walked over to a nearby water source and splashed the cool liquid onto his face, washing away the dirt and sweat. The sting of the burns subsided slightly, and a renewed sense of determination coursed through his veins.

"I won't give up," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and conviction. "I will become stronger, no matter what it takes. I will protect them, protect everything I hold dear."

"Are my friends slowing me down?" Jack thought to himself after spending a whole week just training. He hadn't talked to anyone outside of helping them become stronger, and now Jack asked himself if it was even worth continuing to do so.

Kazuma, emerging from behind a tree, spoke up, addressing Jack's concerns head-on. His words carried a mix of sincerity and self-reflection, dispelling any notions of resentment or doubt.

"Alright, edgelord, let me stop you there," Kazuma walked out from behind a tree. "I'm not ashamed to admit that I was a leech at first, thinking to myself, 'I can just live comfortably if I leave the adventuring to Jack. He seems like the kind of guy you can ask for their savings and they will give them to you.' But then you took it up a notch and frankly speaking, helped a bunch of useless adventurers focus on their strong points and made them into at the very least intermediate adventurers."

As Jack reflected on the events of the past week and the way he had been handling his newfound power, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and regret. His original intention had been to create a strong group of adventurers to help him in his mission to defeat the Demon King. However, somewhere along the way, he had lost sight of that goal and started to view his friends as mere luggage.

'This is exactly why I was taking it easy on my transformations. My mentality itself is being affected the faster I try to incorporate multiple Chara-People's powers into my own,' Jack thought to himself.

"Kazuma, I don't care if a general of the Demon King comes to Axel. I'm not going to lift a finger. I'm going to squash down these pesky thoughts, and to do so, I need to take it easy. I'm sure you guys can take care of anyone if you work together. A warning, though: if you slack off on your training, I'm going to leave everyone in the dust. Please relay this message to everyone—I'm spent and would like to go back to the inn and pass out on my bed."

"Alright, Jack," Kazuma replied earnestly, "I'll let the others know. We'll respect your decision and give you the space you need. But promise me one thing—don't isolate yourself completely. If you need someone to talk to or just want some company, don't hesitate to reach out to any of us. We're here for you."

True to his word, Jack didn't do any training and instead wandered through Axel, spending more time with Megumin, Aqua, Darkness, Kazuma, and occasionally Chris. They were now sitting at a table while Kazuma briefed him on the great success they had in capturing cabbages.

Jack listened attentively as Kazuma recounted their recent adventures in cabbage capturing. He couldn't help but chuckle at the image of cabbages with eyes flying around, flapping their leaves.

"That sounds quite entertaining," Jack remarked with a grin. "Who would have thought that cabbages could become such mischievous creatures? It's good to see you all having some fun and enjoying lighter quests."

Megumin, sitting beside Jack, chimed in with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, you should have seen it, Jack! Kazuma was running around like crazy, trying to catch those elusive cabbages. It was quite a sight!"

Aqua added, "I managed to catch a few myself! They make great companions, you know. I think I might keep one as a pet."

Darkness, who had a slight blush on her face, cleared her throat and said, "Indeed, it was quite the adventure. I even managed to shield Kazuma from a particularly aggressive cabbage. My knightly duties know no bounds!"

Kazuma then brought forward a topic he had been thinking about for a while after Aqua 'convinced' him, along with Megumin and Darkness, that they should buy a base of operations

Kazuma cleared his throat, looking a bit hesitant but determined. "Guys, I've been thinking... Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, and I had a discussion, and we believe it would be beneficial for us to have a base of operations. Somewhere we can gather, strategize, and rest when we're not out on quests. It would also serve as a place to store our loot and valuables."

Jack raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. "Hmm, a base of operations, you say? That does sound practical. It would provide us with a central location to regroup and plan our next moves. Plus, having a secure place to keep our belongings would definitely be convenient."

Aqua chimed in, her eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Yes, exactly! We can have our own little headquarters, complete with comfy beds, a kitchen, and maybe even a hot spring! It'll be like our own adventurer's guild, but better!"

Megumin nodded in agreement. "And think of the benefits, Jack. We won't have to rely on inns or other accommodations. We'll have a place to call our own, where we can rest and prepare for our next adventures. It'll be our sanctuary."

Darkness, blushing slightly, added, "Having a base would also allow us to establish a stronger presence in Axel. We could gain a reputation as a formidable group of adventurers, attracting more lucrative quests and opportunities."

Jack pondered their proposal, realizing the merits of having a dedicated base of operations. It would provide stability and a sense of belonging for the group. "I see the value in your suggestion. It would certainly make our operations more efficient and give us a sense of home away from home. Let's do it."

Jack then smiled. "If we want to do all that and more, then we will need more money than what we have saved. Let me hunt a dragon or two real quick, and we will be set."

Chris interrupted Jack. "Actually, I was about to suggest to the others that we go on this quest while you take care of the legal stuff. We can't have you doing all the heavy lifting again, can we, guys?"

Jack gave up when he saw the others shaking their heads in agreement with Chris' words.

Jack chuckled and shook his head. "Alright, alright, I get it. I suppose it's only fair for everyone to have a chance at the glory. I'll handle the necessary paperwork and preparations for our base while you guys embark on this dragon-hunting quest. But remember, if you need any backup, don't hesitate to call me. I may not be swinging my sword, but I'll be right there with you in spirit."

Jack overlooked the guild after his companions left. Some adventurers had looks of disbelief. It seemed they not only heard the talk about the quest, but also lacked faith in Jack and his companions. It was only natural, as they hadn't undertaken particularly difficult quests, focusing more on training than leveling up. Besides, Jack wasn't in the mood to reveal his victory against the Shogun. 'Don't think about it,' Jack shook his head and decided to inquire about acquiring a plot of land to start building their base of operations.

With a determined look on his face, Jack approached the guild reception desk. Luna, the guild staff member, greeted him with a smile. "Hey there, Jack. What can I help you with today?"

Jack returned the smile, though there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes. "Hello, Luna. I'm here to inquire about acquiring a plot of land for our group. We're planning to build a base of operations."

Luna's eyes widened in surprise. "A base of operations? That's quite ambitious! But I must say, it's an exciting endeavor. Let me check the available plots for you."

She started flipping through some papers and maps, searching for suitable locations. After a moment, she looked up and said, "We have a few options available. There's a plot of land on the outskirts of Axel that's spacious and offers a good balance between accessibility and privacy. Alternatively, there's a smaller plot within the town walls, which could be more convenient but might have limitations in terms of size."

Jack pondered for a moment, considering the pros and cons of each option. Finally, he made his decision. "We'll go with the plot on the outskirts of Axel. Privacy is important to us, and it'll give us more room to expand if needed."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Very well. I'll prepare the necessary documents and get everything in order. You can expect the details and terms in the next few days. Do you have any specific requirements or preferences for the construction?"

Jack thought for a moment before answering, "We'll need a main building that can accommodate all of us comfortably, along with training facilities, storage space for equipment, and a meeting room. It should be sturdy and well-defended, but also have a welcoming and warm atmosphere."

Luna took note of the requirements. "Noted. I'll make sure to include those specifications in the plans. Is there a timeline for completion that you have in mind?"

Jack considered their upcoming quests and the need for a solid base before answering, "We'd like it to be completed within a reasonable timeframe, preferably within a couple of months. We have some important quests and training ahead, and having our base ready will be a great asset."

Luna nodded understandingly. "I'll do my best to expedite the process while ensuring the quality of the construction. I'll keep you updated on the progress."

Jack grimaced after doing some mental math and realizing the cost of everything. He would have to use his own savings to make up for the initial deposit.

As the weight of the financial responsibility settled on Jack's shoulders, he couldn't help but grimace. The cost of acquiring the plot of land and building their base of operations was higher than he initially anticipated. It meant that he would have to dip into his own savings to cover the initial deposit.

"Oh well, nothing worth doing has ever been easy. It's not like I need anything else besides food," Jack shrugged off his newly acquired poverty. If the worst comes to happen, he can just slice through some low-level monsters real quick, even with a butter knife.

With a nonchalant shrug, Jack dismissed the burden of his financial situation. He believed that true worth came from the challenges and sacrifices one made along the way. The idea of living on a limited budget didn't bother him much; after all, he had always been a simple person with modest needs.


Chris observed the intense battle unfold before her eyes, her usual air of nonchalance momentarily replaced with genuine surprise. She had expected chaos and panic to ensue when facing a formidable creature like a dragon, especially considering the eccentricities of her companions. Yet, to her astonishment, they were taking the fight seriously, displaying a level of teamwork and determination she hadn't anticipated.

Megumin, unable to contain her excitement, stepped back from the battle to distribute her skill points instead of helping her comrades confront the remaining dragon. While Chris had expected this behavior from Megumin, it still left her somewhat perplexed.

Despite Megumin's absence from the fight, the rest of the group didn't falter. Darkness and Kazuma, blessed by Aqua's divine intervention, stood their ground against the formidable creature. Their determination and teamwork were evident as they coordinated their attacks and defended each other against the dragon's onslaught.

Finally, as the dragon succumbed to their combined efforts, the group rejoiced in their victory. Chris couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and amusement at Megumin's excitement over her newly distributed skill points. It was a reminder that each member of the group had their quirks and unique approaches to combat.

Chris approached the remains of the dragon Megumin defeated, her gaze fixed on the smoldering wreckage that had once been a fearsome creature. As she studied the scene, she couldn't help but be in awe of Megumin's incredible power and the unique way she wielded her magic.

Megumin, seemingly unfazed by her explosive feat, stood nearby with a triumphant grin on her face. The remnants of her destructive magic lingered in the air, a testament to the sheer force she had unleashed upon the dragon. It was a sight Chris had never witnessed before, a display of magical prowess unlike anything she had seen in her adventures thus far.

Intrigued and captivated by Megumin's abilities, Chris couldn't resist the urge to approach her. "Megumin, that was... incredible," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I've never seen anyone use magic the way you do. It's fascinating."

Megumin's grin widened, clearly pleased by the praise. "Of course, it is! My explosion magic is the epitome of power and elegance," she proclaimed, her voice filled with confidence. "But I must admit, Jack's guidance and teachings have played a significant role in honing my skills."

Chris nodded, her curiosity piqued. "What exactly did Jack teach you? Your magic is on a whole different level."

Megumin's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she explained, "Jack taught me how to channel my magic in a more focused and controlled manner. Instead of expending all my energy in a single explosion, I've learned to direct it precisely to maximize its impact."

She continued, her voice filled with excitement, "He showed me how to find the perfect balance between power and efficiency, enabling me to cast multiple spells in quick succession without exhausting myself. It's a method that allows me to maintain a high level of destructive potential while preserving my energy."

Chris listened intently, fascinated by Megumin's revelations. She realized that there was more to Megumin's explosive magic than meets the eye. It was a skill honed through guidance and practice, a testament to the depth of Jack's teachings.

"I can see how Jack's approach has transformed your magic," Chris mused, her eyes still fixed on the remnants of the dragon.

Megumin beamed with pride, her chest puffed out slightly. "Indeed! With Jack's guidance, I've become a force to be reckoned with. And there's still so much more to learn! I can't wait to unlock new heights of power."

As Chris pondered the immense potential of Jack's teachings, a realization struck her. If Jack continued to acquire new knowledge and skills through his transformations and then shared them with others, it had the potential to unbalance the world they inhabited.

The thought sent a shiver down Chris's spine. Jack's ability to absorb and assimilate various abilities was a double-edged sword. While it allowed him to grow stronger and provide valuable guidance to his comrades, it also held the risk of disrupting the delicate equilibrium of power within their realm. Deep in thought, she resolved to discuss her concerns with Jack when the opportunity presented itself.

Chris muttered to herself, "It is arrogance to think men can reach the heavens without being acknowledged." her eyes became unfocused, as if someone else was speaking through her.

You Know the Rules and So Do I.

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