
Elusive Miracle

Legends foretold, the spark of light Fallen from the heavens to bring delight Those who follow in her goddess's light Shall be brought to lands that heavens compare Darkness however knows they won't fare Against this gracious sunbeam's shimmering might Snuff this ember before ruin is brought upon the dark Go forth, my faithful beast of darkness! Engulf the spark before it destroys us all! _ One of heart, one of mind, one wish that made the heavens open their pearly gates. A miracle, born to lead the world into a new age of peace for the light elves. Unfortunately, that would mean the end for the dark elves. The crimes of their ancestors were pushed down through generations. The new age of peace has no place for half-demons, someone must put an end to the newborn Messiah. Unfortunately for Philomel, this death sentence of a mission was pushed to her, courtesy of the Chief's son, Asclepius. Asclepius, an ambitious, short-sighted dark elf, determined to bring the dark elves to their former glory. A person Philomel made the mistake of pissing off. Dragging along the oblivious entrance guard, (Amon) they begin their emotional rollercoaster of a journey. Daggers in hands, can they become the villains their tribe so badly needs, or will the guilt finally drag them under? _ A voice bellowed and screeched from all around him. It sounded like a million cries through the echoes of a cave, that shrieked as it spoke. The shadows reach out toward the blood-red sky, forming a huge dark figure, the figure of a roaring dragon. Its eyes shine through all the darkness, one a brilliant blue, the other a golden yellow, slits of black in the middle, when the dragon blinks, it blinks sideways. From the corner of the eyes to the other corner, rather than one eyelid to the other. " Was anything but pleasant." The distorted voice of his father reminded him as the dragon stomped around. Each stomp crushed the homes of many and killed screaming villages. " Is this what you wish for? Is this what your heart desires?" The disfigured voice questioned. __ " I win." Philomel smugly whispers to Lenny. Completely pleased with herself before noticing Lenny's heart rate beating against her own, matching her speed but was off her pace. It felt like her heart was pounding at an unnatural speed which felt scary but at the same time interesting. She barely noticed Lenny's hazel eyes sparkling as his shocked expression slowly melts into a blissful goofy smile. Her attention finally returned to Lenny when his chiseled jawline moved closer to her. Lenny's head leans forward kissing Philomel on the cheek as he stares at her with such soft eyes. Philomel instantly blushes as she gasps at the sudden kiss. Her lips trembling trying to think of something to say but her brain malfunctioned. Lenny let out a deep chuckle as he ran a hand through his mahogany chestnut brown hair, extremely happy at Philomel's cute reaction. _ There will be romance but it would be slow-paced since it's friends to lovers. No smut scenes. There will be battles and tons of emotional trauma. Super in the middle can go both ways. This book is experimental writing. It shall be written in script format, detailed, and have a rhythmic beat/freestyle poem to certain scenery descriptions. The story shall also have switched target audience, where certain chapters are tailored to male/ female readers. There will be a notice to inform which chapters are which. Female Tailored Chapters (FTC) will have more cute scenes between characters. Male Tailored Chapters (MTC) will have battle based on the Dungeon and Dragon format where the victory or defeat of a match is based on a dice roll. Upload Every Saturday I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and Inkitt. ______________________________________________

Metztli_Night · Kỳ huyễn
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161 Chs

V5 Chapter 147 Mysterious Knowledge

" How are you able to heal without a miracle?"

Amon questioned for clarification as he rubs his sore heart. Still sad about the whole Goddess Luna turning her back on all dark elves.

"It's impossible to heal without using a miracle. Doctor Storm here is a shaman but just doesn't want to admit it."

Aella rolled her eyes as she spin a bottle around her hand. Slightly annoyed that Amon took an interest in the village's drunk rather than her.

"Yeah, don't take the words of a drunken man so seriously."

Gale nodded as he sat down at the doctor's table and pulled Little One into his lap.

" I am and will forever be a devotee to Lexi. Even if my god has fallen, I shall never turn my back against him. Elves were born from within the earth just like the mystical creature of old. No matter how far you stray, magic is always a part of you. Look into my eyes, heart, and soul. Tell me, what magic runs through my veins? "

Doctor Storm questioned as the old man reaches out a boney hand towards Amon. Amon shared a glance with Philomel. Philomel gave Amon a reassuring nod as she gently push his back toward Storm. Amon gently takes Storm's hand, feeling the rough slightly saggy frail hand in his. There were many scars on Storm's hand, scars that came from many cuts, some shallow, some deep but they were all healed already. Something no miracle user should have for magic heals wounds perfectly leaving no scars.

Something Amon knew since his leg wounds were healed by the nuns of Luxtorious. With their healing magic, it was like his leg never got injured. There was no trace of it except the painful memory. Amon stares into Storm's metallic purple eyes. They were such a glossy sharp purple that for a moment, Amon mistook them for magical blades bursting with an enchantment. Taking in breaths that match the slow shallow breaths of the much older man, Amon felt Storm's heartbeat. A strong pulsing heart that kept blood flowing to his brain, it was then Amon felt it. Bits and pieces, small traces of magic that kept disappearing and reappearing.

As if the magic within Storm was nothing more than a phantom haunting him. Haunting the old man just enough to keep his frail body from breaking down. There was so little magic that it was impossible to cast any miracle, there was barely enough to keep this man alive.

" How is it possible for a man that was created from the miracle of birth to have such little magic in his veins? Is it because his God has fallen? How is this man still alive? "

Amon wondered silently to himself and then he recognized the magic. The magic didn't match the glowing glorious Sun god's presence but it does have a beautiful shimmer, soft and graceful like Luna. It was by the grace of the minor goddess of beauty, Misaki daughter of the gods Lexi Bathory and Asil Luna that his man continues to exist. A young goddess that hasn't yet earned a last name to join the ranks of the main gods.

It was plain to see that this man has been blessed by Misaki but that still didn't explain his healing abilities.

"He is barely alive, how is he able to heal without a miracle? Surely this much has been another blessing? But what god blesses without increasing the magic within a person?"

Amon wondered as he stare into the older man's eyes. One moment after another, Amon stared but there was nothing. Nothing else is hidden within the old man.

" It's impossible for him to cast healing magic, there is barely enough magic to this man in existence. "

Amon declares as he lets go of Storm's hand and takes a seat next to Gale. Feeling slightly tired from focusing for such a long period of time.

" Seriously?"

Aella questioned as she puts another drink in front of Storm and clears away the empty glass.

" Yes. I don't know what he has done but almost all the miracle he was born with has been drained from his veins."

Amon confirmed with a nod.

" I'm sorry for not believing your tale Doctor Storm and making you angry. I truly thought you were trying to pull a prank on me and my friends."

Gale instantly apologizes as his head hung in shame.

" Don't worry about it, I'm used to it. Only one person believed me without proof and I made her my wife. It's truly unfortunate that I never achieved the dream I promised her to achieve. I never did become as successful as Doctor Terrius and brought about the new age of medicine."

Storm sadly raises a glass to the memory of his late wife.

" Doctor Terrius Falkner as in the witch doctor?"

Philomel asked as she took a seat next to Storm.

" The very same. "

Storm nodded.

" Who's that?"

Gale instantly asked as he nuzzled against Little One's cheek.

" Squeak"

Little One answered.

" A mighty legendary healer, he was rumored to be the reincarnation of the goddess Luna. Said to have the golden healing touch that could cure any ailment. It was said he was blessed by Rhane (cupid, Angel of Solomon Givendale. Solomon Givendale is the God of peace.), married the fourth angel of Misaki, and was a beacon of hope during the Dragon wars. It was said his children begin half angels themselves disappeared back into the heavens. All that was left was the knowledge and a little clinic hidden deep within the catacombs that run under Aravorn (Continent). Anyone who follows his ways would be blessed with the ability to heal.'

Amon answered but halfway through Gale suddenly started at Little One in amazement, shocked about something.

" So Storm is actually a follower of Terrius? That's why he is able to heal without any magic ? Without any miracles?"

Aella questioned in shock.

" That's what I have been trying to tell you these past few decades."

Storm grumbles as he took another sip of his drink.

" Well, the words of an old drunk don't hold much weight against the words of a handsome elf. "

Aella pointed out and winked at Amon, causing Amon to blush and avoid eye contact.

" Even so, Terrius has been rumored to have this knowledge long before he has even met his beloved angel. His father was the royal council of the kingdom Katusha even then Terrius devoted many hours to perfecting his healing abilities. It isn't possible that he is the reincarnation of the goddess Luna. He was a half-elf and an outcast from the Light Elves Elders of old. If he truly was the reincarnation wouldn't the Elders have noticed and sensed it? "

Philomel wondered out loud as she stirred her drink.

"Maybe he truly was just a normal man but was blessed by Morpheus to have the inspiration to heal without magic. Either way, it doesn't make him any less of a legend."

Storm shrugged, completely blurred by how Terrius managed to come up with such a skill. Little does the old man know, Terrius was nothing more than a student that achieved his impossible dream.

Little One yawned as he leaned against Gale's chest, rubbing his sleepy little head against the boy's shirt.

" Looks like it's nap time for a little someone."

Amon chimed as he picks up Little One from Gale's lap and cradle the toddler in his arms.

" Allow me to show you to your rooms then, one copper per night. Cheap but unfortunately it doesn't come with breakfast or dinner. I could whip you two something to eat but it'll cost you 4 penny and I can't guarantee it tastes good since I'm only good at mixing drinks. "

Aella awkwardly admits as she gestured to lead them upstairs.

" Well then with that price we'll take you up on that offer. "

Philomel nodded as she quickly finished her drink and stood up.

" Good night Gale, Doctor Storm. See you two tomorrow morning."

Amon wished with a nod as he stood up. Both Gale and the doctor wished Amon back. Philomel slipped a silver coin to Storm, giving the old man a nod before following Aella up the stairs.

Aella led Philomel and Amon up the creaky old stairs. That was lit up by the burning candles of the side chandelier, hung upon the wall. The full oak steps reminded Philomel of home, for her front door was the same wood as the stairs. She finds herself once more missing home as she wonders about the well-being of her parents.

" You two alright with sharing a room with a double bed or would you like to have separate rooms? "

Aella questioned as she gazed over her shoulder at the two of them. Amon instantly turned to Philomel to decide since she was paying.

" One room with a double bed will be just fine."

Philomel answered with a smile. Not really wanting to be alone that night since she was already missing her family.
