
Elusive Miracle

Legends foretold, the spark of light Fallen from the heavens to bring delight Those who follow in her goddess's light Shall be brought to lands that heavens compare Darkness however knows they won't fare Against this gracious sunbeam's shimmering might Snuff this ember before ruin is brought upon the dark Go forth, my faithful beast of darkness! Engulf the spark before it destroys us all! _ One of heart, one of mind, one wish that made the heavens open their pearly gates. A miracle, born to lead the world into a new age of peace for the light elves. Unfortunately, that would mean the end for the dark elves. The crimes of their ancestors were pushed down through generations. The new age of peace has no place for half-demons, someone must put an end to the newborn Messiah. Unfortunately for Philomel, this death sentence of a mission was pushed to her, courtesy of the Chief's son, Asclepius. Asclepius, an ambitious, short-sighted dark elf, determined to bring the dark elves to their former glory. A person Philomel made the mistake of pissing off. Dragging along the oblivious entrance guard, (Amon) they begin their emotional rollercoaster of a journey. Daggers in hands, can they become the villains their tribe so badly needs, or will the guilt finally drag them under? _ A voice bellowed and screeched from all around him. It sounded like a million cries through the echoes of a cave, that shrieked as it spoke. The shadows reach out toward the blood-red sky, forming a huge dark figure, the figure of a roaring dragon. Its eyes shine through all the darkness, one a brilliant blue, the other a golden yellow, slits of black in the middle, when the dragon blinks, it blinks sideways. From the corner of the eyes to the other corner, rather than one eyelid to the other. " Was anything but pleasant." The distorted voice of his father reminded him as the dragon stomped around. Each stomp crushed the homes of many and killed screaming villages. " Is this what you wish for? Is this what your heart desires?" The disfigured voice questioned. __ " I win." Philomel smugly whispers to Lenny. Completely pleased with herself before noticing Lenny's heart rate beating against her own, matching her speed but was off her pace. It felt like her heart was pounding at an unnatural speed which felt scary but at the same time interesting. She barely noticed Lenny's hazel eyes sparkling as his shocked expression slowly melts into a blissful goofy smile. Her attention finally returned to Lenny when his chiseled jawline moved closer to her. Lenny's head leans forward kissing Philomel on the cheek as he stares at her with such soft eyes. Philomel instantly blushes as she gasps at the sudden kiss. Her lips trembling trying to think of something to say but her brain malfunctioned. Lenny let out a deep chuckle as he ran a hand through his mahogany chestnut brown hair, extremely happy at Philomel's cute reaction. _ There will be romance but it would be slow-paced since it's friends to lovers. No smut scenes. There will be battles and tons of emotional trauma. Super in the middle can go both ways. This book is experimental writing. It shall be written in script format, detailed, and have a rhythmic beat/freestyle poem to certain scenery descriptions. The story shall also have switched target audience, where certain chapters are tailored to male/ female readers. There will be a notice to inform which chapters are which. Female Tailored Chapters (FTC) will have more cute scenes between characters. Male Tailored Chapters (MTC) will have battle based on the Dungeon and Dragon format where the victory or defeat of a match is based on a dice roll. Upload Every Saturday I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com and Inkitt. ______________________________________________

Metztli_Night · Fantasy
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161 Chs

V5 Chapter 146 Doctor

" Toddler?!"

Amon exclaimed as he instantly turned to Philomel, sharing the shocking realization.

" Is he really that old?"

Philomel questioned as she turned back to Aella. Aella was surprised by the question and stood up straight.

"Yes?.... I have seen many children and I'm pretty sure that he is a toddler."

Aella confirmed in an unsure tone, wondering if she had made a mistake.

" Why not confirm it with the drunk shaman?"

Gale suggested before taking a sip of his drink.

" I am no shaman, boy."

The old man grumbled as he took another swing of his drink.

" Didn't you perform a ritual the other day and healed one of Gale's friends?"

Aella questioned as she recalled the memory.

" It wasn't a ritual, it was medical treatment. I am a doctor, not some mumbo-jumbo shaman. "

The old man sighed as he swirls the drink in his hand.

"Is it possible for you to check the age of Little One then? And also on his condition while you're at it. We'll be willing to pay for your services."

Philomel requested and the doctor nodded as he gestures for Amon to approach him.

" Let's have a look at the child."

The doctor grinned as he reaches out for Little One. Amon passed Little One to him and he sat Little One down next to his drink.

" Ai?"

Little One questioned as he glanced between the doctor and Amon.

" It's alright Little One, we're just trying to see if you're ok and how old you are."

Amon reassuringly says as he pats Little One on the head. Little One turns his focus back onto the doctor, staring at the old man as his eyes changed from sky blue to crystal blue. Something that Philomel instantly noticed and wondered if Darzirak had anything to do with it. Since Amon has the same ability to change his eye color depending on his mood and he has a contract agreement with Darzirak.

" From the looks of his feet, he has been doing quite a lot of walking. His hands are still quite small though and one tooth while there's no sight of any other coming soon. "

The doctor noted as he checked Little One from head to toe.

"Little One, can you look here? Follow my finger."

The doctor held up a finger to Little One, moving it from side to side. Little One's head turns following the finger but his eyes could stay focused on it and his gaze kept drifting. Little One's gaze kept drifting between the doctor's coat, his eyes, and his wrist before returning back to his finger. The doctor chuckled when he noticed.

" My what a curious one you are."

He commented as placed a hand on his chest.

" Deep breath, slow release. Deep breath, slow release."

The doctor demonstrated trying to get Little One to do the same but Little One didn't really understand.

" Too hard for you? Never mind then."

The doctor waved it off before placing a hand on Little One's chest and feeling his breathing.

"From the looks of things, he is healthy but might get sick since he isn't used to such a cold environment. He was shivering slightly when I held him earlier. Best get him some clothes soon. "

The doctor suggested as he patted Little One's head for doing such a good job.

" As for his age?"

Philomel reminded.

" Hmm... Hard to say."

The doctor frowned as he started at Little One. Little One suddenly pointed at the doctor's coat.

" Sque."

Little One chimed before smiling.


Gale instantly dashed toward Little One.

" That's amazing! What about, doctor? Can you say, doctor?"

Gale chimed as he placed his hands on the table and leaned closer to Little One.

" Squeak?"

Little One questioned and instantly Gale's face lit up.

" What about Gale?! Can you say, Gale? "

Gale excitedly pointed at himself.

" Sque?"

Little One smiled as he waves his hands around. Gale froze for a moment before his smile widen and tears stung his eye. Gale leap forward and hugged Little One.

" You're like a little parrot!"

Gale complement as he nuzzled against Little One's cheek. Philomel, Amon, Aella, and the doctor all glance at each other with a very confused expression, unable to understand what was so amazing. Little One repeated the same word, why is Gale so happy?

"Maybe it's because the tone of the word was the same?"

Aella wondered out loud as she rubs her neck. Amon then realized Aella was probably right, the way Little One said Squeak sounded exactly like each word Gale said and even matched the same energy. Everything was there just that Little One didn't say the right word.

" Maybe he meant parrot as in how he is repeating the same word?"

Philomel softy guessed.

" Kids cute but confusing."

The doctor shrugged as he takes a sip from his drink.

" Either way, he is definitely turning into a toddler soon. Might as well pick a day and celebrate his birthday."

The doctor added as he leaned back in his seat.

" Birthday?"

Amon titled his head.

" Yeah, a baby turns into a toddler after their first year."

The doctor informed as he pointed with the same hand he was using to hold his glass and waved that pointer finger at Amon before taking another sip of his drink.

" Little One is going to be one? No wonder he is so heavy now. "

Philomel nodded as she crossed her arms and connected the dots. Amon pulled Philomel to the side, wanting to talk to her in private.

" Is he turning one today? How should we celebrate? "

Amon questioned a little blur on the details.

" The doctor said to pick a day so it doesn't mean it has to be today. Even if we picked today, it only would be less than half a day and since we rushed everything, it wouldn't be a good celebration. "

Philomel pointed out.

" That's true... but aren't birthdays supposed to be celebrated with family and friends? Little One's friends and family are back at that daycare. We shouldn't celebrate such an occasion without them, right?"

Amon sighed as he turned to Little One, wondering if Little One misses his big sister Shayna and the rest of his little friends.

" Well, nothing we can do about that. He is turning one soon and we can't go back to that village. Lenny and Estrella will be here soon with the Messiah, I already have a brilliant plan to catch them off, guard. It could be the day when we finally get our hands on the Messiah. Besides, do you really want his birthday to be the day we left him and returned back to our tribe?"

Philomel asked knowing that there was no way Amon would want to ruin such a wonderful occasion with such a sad farewell.

" I don't want that either... I rather have him have a fun full day without any worries or sad thoughts."

Amon shook his head.

" Why not we have a birthday party? Here in this village? We'll be here for some time since I have to set up the traps and the Messiah team won't come through here anytime soon. He could make new friends during that time and then with the gold I stole from the lord, we could have a fine birthday party.

Philomel suggested as she opened up her coin pouch, revealing the 18 gold coins and 7 copper she has.

" Alright! We're going to make it the best birthday party that Little One has everything had!"

Amon determinedly fists the air.

" A birthday party! That sounds delightful!"

Aella chimed with a smile.

" You're going to have a birthday party?! Oh! Oh! Let me help! I know everyone here! Whatever you need I'm sure I know someone you can do it!"

Gale volunteered with much excitement and a raised hand.

" Seems a little much for a kid that isn't yours."

The doctor pointed as he poked Little One's cheek making the baby sequel in delight.

" He may be a baby we found but a birthday is a birthday and should be celebrated well. Goddess Luna's gift of life is nothing less of a miracle, no matter how many times it's been granted."

Amon proudly says then remembers his goddess hates him and his family causing a sharp pain to pierce his heart.

" That's nice. I lost the god I believed in and choose not to believe in any other. Now only a dark void waits for me in the afterlife. A price I'm willing to pay for never betraying Lexi."

The doctor raised his glass to that before drinking down every last drop.

" If your god has fallen then how are you still able to perform the miracle of healing?"

Philomel wondered out loud.

" Again, I am a doctor, not a shaman."

The old man reminded as he signals Aella for another drink.

" How are you able to heal without a miracle?"

Amon questioned for clarification as he rubs his sore heart. Still sad about the whole Goddess Luna turning her back on all dark elves.
