
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Tranh châm biếm
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257 Chs

Chapter 01(New World)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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Yang: "Mmm. My head hurts. Damn everything hurts. Am I moving?"

????: "Dad! He's finally up, look"

Yang: 'A kid? Why is there a kid here, wait where am I'

As Yang opens his eyes he is greeted by blinding brown and grey colors. A hard wooden surface below him and the sound of horses ahead of him. Sitting up in his position and looking around he gathers he is in the back of some kind of old wagon. Clear as day he can see out the back of the wagon on a beaten dirt road with grasslands on either side.

Confused and scared he is unsure of what to do until he hears murmuring ahead and the wagon begins to slow and make its way to the side of the dirt road. His blood begins rushing as he hears someone move from the front of the wagon and begin walking towards the back. Adrenaline and fear send him into a panic as he looks around the wagon for anything to defend himself only to be met with disappointment as he only sees what appears to be animal parts such as furs and some dried meat. Seeing he has nothing to use to defend himself he moves further into the wagon and away from the approaching footsteps.

????: "Finally awake huh, my boy found you in a crater in the woods at our last campsite.Names Tibor."

As the man now introduces himself as Tibor he walks to the back of the covered wagon for Yang to see what appears to be a middle-aged human man in his early 40s with a 12-year-old boy standing behind him.

Yang: "Um, where am I?"

Tibor: "About two days east of Orario.Figured you wouldn't mind coming this way seeing as we found you four days out and the nearest city is maybe a few weeks away after that."

Yang now completely confused that it would take weeks to travel between cities slowly calms down as the man seems friendly and bigger questions begin flooding his mind.

Yang: 'Is this time travel? Wait I remember some things from the future right, um my video games and school, and I had a cat, yeah I had a cat. What was the cat's name, wait did I have any family? Why can't I remember my family but I remember a cat, did I have no family?'

As he begins to get lost in thought he decides to first find his bearing in whatever year he was sent to and starts asking questions.

Yang: "My name is Yang Shen I think, um my memory is a bit, messed up, but what year is it exactly?"

Tibor: "Damn that's unfortunate, must have had it rough if we found u in a crater, probably means your an adventurer if you could survive something like that. Hell could almost fit a horse in that hole. Its been about 1000 years since the gods descended to contain the dungeon in Orario."

Hearing these words made Yang immediately froze in place.

Yang: "What do you mean the gods descended, and what dungeon?"

Tibor: "You hit your head really hard huh, well it's a bit much for me to explain but we have 2 days till we get there so how about I catch you up on the way. Come to the front of the cart and we'll get moving yeah?"

Yang: 'Gods descended? WHAT?! Did I get sent to the future instead of the past, is this after some apocalypse?'

Yang slowly makes his way outside and notices that his clothes are the same as the last he remembered wearing. Thankfully his body remained the same 6ft slim but athletic brown body with curly black hair he had remembered. Wearing a grey hoodie and white undershirt, black jeans, and sneakers. However there was a notable difference of blood on his shirt and a large gash in the middle of the chest area, thankfully he noticed it was only his clothes and not his body.

As Yang walked to the front of the wagon he checked his pockets for anything that would help him and to his surprise he found a letter addressed to him by name. As he climbed the front of the wagon he slowly got the letter out and with great hesitation opened it.

Yang: 'This can't be a good thing, this means someone set me up and threw me into this place right?'

The letter:


Yang: "What the hell is this? What truth? Who even sent this?" he mutters barely under his breath.

Tibor: "What was that kid? You ok?"

Yang: "Yeah just a weird letter, nothing to worry about.", 'Clear a dungeon? The truth huh', "So how did you find me, and while we are at it what's Orario like?"

Tibor: "Well my boy back there" he nods, directed behind them at the covered wagon " Was the one who found you, we were camping out new the road and he went looking for the small game near the camp, found and crater and found your smashed in it, when I pulled you out I figured you must have been an adventurer and fought a monster or something so we took you to the wagon, packed up the tents and got out of there before it came back to finish you. Cut our hunting trip a bit short but better safe than sorry I always say. I'm sure people from Orario can probably answer all your questions since it's the only city even remotely close to where we found you, I figured you'd of come from there after all.

Yang: 'Ok so monsters are a thing in this world, they seem to be pretty rare from the sounds of it, adventurers are strong if he assumes one could survive being slammed into the ground and making a crater. Hmm, I'm not sure what to do from here but I'll figure something out I hope.'

Yang: "So what can you tell me about Orario and the dungeon..."

On the way to Orario Tibor gives Yang the basic information everyone has as their conversation continues. Yang learns that Tibor is from a small family of hunters and foragers who venture into the lands outside the city for game and crafting supplies.

Yang: "So the dungeon never stops making monsters and people just have to keep fighting huh. What happens if someone gets to the end?"

Tibor: "Well the furthest anyone got was floor 70 I believe but that was almost 20 years ago, the god Zeus had adventurers in his famila that were level 8 and even a level 9 so he got that far, the one-eyed black dragon beat them however and his familia was since destroyed. Nobody knows what at the bottom or if it even has an end but if the dungeon becomes overpopulated the monsters will begin to get stronger and eventually come to the surface, most people can't fight monsters and some of them are really nasty, adventurers are essential to keeping their population under control to protect the people of this world."

Yang: "Huh that makes sense, adventurers need to empty the bottle so it doesn't spill into the city eventually right. I guess since nobody has reached the end then nobody has reached the peak of adventurers strength either so that makes sense. And since magic exists it's probably a really good thing the big monsters don't get out I suppose."

Whilst talking Yang couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed that he suddenly was walking in a world of dungeons, magic, and monsters with people who can actually fight such things. It still seemed insane to him, but for now, he simply had to go with the flow and avoid any unwanted attention. Can I learn magic? Is this a world like a comic book? Were the kind of thoughts in his head at the time.

As night fell the party of 3 made camp and Yang decided to strike up a conversation with Tibor to find an opportunity to make money. Thankfully Tibor informed him that the market is always in need of extra hands, the pay may not be much but it can at least get you through the day-to-day necessities.

The following day they arrived at Orario and before he could see the city walls the first sight that struck him was an obelisk on the horizon, the massive white tower which Tibor informed him acted as a cap for the dungeon and was made directly on top of it, the adventurers' marketplace some called it as its where people went to buy, sell and trade items from the dungeon as well as have special weapons made by the goddess of the forge herself. This news was a gold nugget to Yang as he was a massive monster hunter fan and now the only person who can ever possibly make his dream weapons actually exist. He just had to meet this goddess.


Chapter 1 done, I had to break this chapter into chapters 1 and 2 as it was a bit too long, what do you all think of the chapter-length, give me your thoughts.

Discord https://discord.gg/XCNNKGYf

---Also, how do you like the character origin, Character description is in the auxiliary chapter information please read it before continuing the story as it explains changes to the world and characters as well as timeline.

---Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts