
Upgrading the Altar

Even though there's a ton of threes inside the twilight forest, you still need to upgrade it! It was just to make sure that you will never run out of it.

There are a few ways to upgrade the altar. For example, placing certain objects (or foci) on top of the altar will boost the focusing capabilities of an altar, either improving the amount of magic it can focus, the rate at which it replenishes or the range it can distribute power. Only one of each type of item (skull, chalice, etc.) will have an effect. There may also be other less savory foci that dark magic practitioners could make use of.

By placing a wither skull, you could boost the maximum power and reducing the time that was needed to recharge the power up to two times. And there's definitely a lot of things that could do that.

George already knew about it and placed the wither skull on top of the altar. He also bought a candelabra, a chalice, and an arthana.

The chalice is used to boost the maximum power, while the candelabra is used for boosting the recharge rate. The wither skull could also do these two-part by itself, but he decided to add this thing to make the altar more overpowered. And lastly, he added arthana to boost the power distribution range.

Even though with only these foci, it could be considered overkill. BUT, he didn't stop there. He wanted to upgrade the chalice. This unfilled chalice could only boost the maximum power by onefold, while the filled one could boost the maximum power by two folds, so he didn't waste this chance and immediately wanted to upgrade it.

To upgrade the chalice, you need to fill it with a thing called Redstone soup. To create one, you need a witches kettle that has been powered by the altar.

And to create the Redstone soup, he needs a few ingredients that are relatively easy to create. For example, a Redstone, one Drop of Luck, a Wool of Bat, the Tongue of Dog, one stalk of Belladonna and of course... the most annoying ingredient of all time... a Mandrake Root.

All of them was very easy to get, but he still needs to create a drop of luck. To make it, you have to use the cauldron and throws another mandrake root, a stalk of nether warts, the tear of the goddess, refined evil and a mutandis extrimis.

This is the most difficult part to make the Redstone soup. You need these weird things to make one, but it was very worth it! As there's a ton of stuff that drained many power from the altar very quickly, so it was very important to invest your energy on making the altar overpowered.

It takes a lot of effort to make it, but it was very easy and fun. The only boring part is about to grow more mandrakes and belladonna flowers. As he wasn't really that concerned about time, he went to his mansion without Jerry and Brad. He remembered about planting more mandrakes there and decided to harvest all of them.

"Oh! Good afternoon Master!" Mu Yifei smiled at him, so George nodded in response. "I was researching different kinds of potions and more stuff in the lich tower. Do you want to watch?"

She immediately nodded her head, as she didn't have many things to do in here. Creating potions? She already did that and in fact... she made too many of them. Teaching the pigtificate duo on how to speak Chinese? They could already speak and understand Chinese. Even though their Chinese isn't really perfect, but at least they could understand each other.

"Where is little ginseng?" George curiously asked.

"Oh, Little Ginseng? She loved the garden so much that she always tend the garden every day." She talked about little ginseng with enthusiasm, it was very similar to a proud older sister talking about her likable little sister.

George could only smile at her and couldn't help but to thought "Woah... When we first met, she was very shy and reserved. But now, she is very confident in herself!"

They then went inside the garden. It was very different than what George was expecting. There's no more of that mess that was caused by the mandrake and was changed to a beautifully arranged garden with a few decorations here and there.

George narrowed his eyes in shock when he looked at this garden, while Mu Yifei smiled when she saw George's reaction. "Little Ginseng, Master has visited us!"

When she finished talking, a familiar petite figure came out and excitedly ran towards George. "Papa!"

"Oh, my little ginseng! Did you decorate this garden? It was very beautiful!"

She nodded. "Big sister Mu, Themerm, Mengi, and the rats helped me to decorate this garden! Beautiful right?"

George smiled while he patted her head. "It was very good."

Themerm and Mengi also ran to this spot when they heard Mu Yifei's yelling. When George saw them, he gave belladonna seeds to the pigtificate duo. "Plant them when I'm gone!"

"Daddy will be going again?" When little ginseng heard it, she frowned deeply.

George sighed when he saw her reactions. "I was researching for a new kind of potions. If you wanted to follow me, it's okay. But, who will tend the garden if you gone?"

When she heard that, she looked at the garden and at George. She couldn't choose between them and was very confused. Looking at little ginseng's confused manners, Mengi said "It's okay little miss! We could handle all of it. You could join your father." Smiled Mengi.

"Mmn... If it's like that, then I could go with Papa without any worries!"

George laughed at little ginseng's confused face and said "Alright... We'll go later! I still need to harvest these mandrakes. So... maybe all of you should move away first?"

When all of them heard the word "Mandrake" all of their faces darkened and these peoples ran away from the garden quickly. George could only laugh awkwardly when he saw their retreating body.