
Brewing Potions

Mmn.. For now, Let's create some potions, shall we?

George bought the essentials for brewing minecraft style potions. It was a brewing stand and a lot of empty bottles. The brewing stand and the bottles were cheap. Those items only cost about five spirit stones.

George nodded. "I think these bottles are enough!" He assembled the brewing stand in his room and placed the bottle in the stand.

"Just regular water works right?" he thought before he filled all the bottles with regular water.

In minecraft, to brew potions, you need some blaze powders. George was puzzled by it. He wondered where should he put the blaze powders, inside of the bottles or outside?

"Meh.. maybe it's for making them boiling." He thought as blaze rods that he got was scorching hot. So he decided to put those blaze powders bellow the bottles.

George grabbed one of the blaze rods by using a heat resistance glove that he bought from the elditch shop. By using a hammer, those blaze rods were pounded until it becomes powder. When he looked at the poor floor with some dents, he thought "Uhh.. maybe i should've used a mortal and pestle instead of this hammer!".

As he placed the blaze powders below the bottle, he nodded when he saw the water slowly beginning to boil.

George wondered what kind of potion that he wanted to make first. "Mmn.. the easiest is probably a speed potion. You only need sugar and nether warts."

As George almost throws in the nether warts inside the bottles, he just remembered something important! "What ratio of ingredient to i have to use?!"

( ̄■ ̄;)

Well.. Let's just see what happens if i use 1 : 1 ratio..

He bought a measuring cup and a food scale from the shop.

George then put the nether warts inside. After a while, the nether warts seems to dissapeared and merged with the water. After that he put those sugar that he just scaled.

The color of that water slowly changing to a tinge of violet hue. George nodded when he saw that "But, the question is... does it work?"

George gulped down the potion of swiftness that he just brew. George kinda liked the taste of it. It tasted like honey water, as it used sugar as the main ingredient.

When George moved around, he immediately recognized that his speed was increased by ten percent. But, the thing that he didn't realize was that his breathing, heart rate and even his ability to think was sped up too. "Mmn.. 1 : 1 ratio isn't the right amount of ingredient!" thought George while he frowned. The regular potion of swiftness from minecraft usually make the drinker's speed increased by twenty percent, not just ten percent! Something's wrong.

「Ding! The eldritch shop is also selling the step by step instructions of using the brewing stand from minecraft that includes the recipe of the potions, too. Are you interested by that? It's only 100.000 credits.」

What? Why don't you just stole me, then? 100 spirit stones isn't cheap!!!

If the A.I. have eyes, he would've rolled his eyes at him.「It was cheap, you know?! You can sell it and get a ton of credits, so why not invest some credits? Furthermore, you have a fifteen millions of credits, you cheapskate!」

George replied "Argh! Fine! I'll buy it."

After he bought the instructions, he tried to make another potion of swiftness. Like before, he put the bottle that was filled with water in the stand and for the blaze powders, it was placed under the bottle.

This time, he only throws one stalk of nether wart. After the nether warts merged with the water, he put the right amount of sugars from the instructions.

"This potion of swiftness's color is more saturated than the last one." George nodded. "This must be the correct ratio! For now, let's just put it on the golden bag of holding!" He felt really excited when he successfully brewed the potions.

Let's try another one, shall we? A health potions? or maybe a regeneration potion?! I have a bottle of ghast tears from Mo Jianhong and the others. There's also a lot of new potions! Probably from all sort of mods.


"OHOHO! All of the potions are done! I wonder what kind of effect if it was used in this world? Will regeneration potion grows a severed limbs like it never happened? If it does, it'd make all powerhouses of this world fighting. Yawn~" George suddenly yawned.

George stretched his body. "Ah! It's time for sleep!" As he walked to his bed, he realized that the sun is already in the sky. It was already morning. The streets was busy and they are really loud.

F*CK! IT'S ALREADY MORNING! They're really noisy too!!! How can i sleep now?

George listlessly opened the Eldritch shop and bought a cup of coffee for 10 credits. "Ah! It's slightly better! I better not doing that again!"

Because George couldn't fall asleep, he decided to go for a walk to Li's Residence. He want to give the Li's, a nether portal. "The nether is a very fun place, but it's very hot! Maybe i'll try making another portal to another dimension. What about the aether? it's not too hot in that dimension. Or maybe twilight forest." He thought.

In admist of the busy street, he could heard someone calling him. "Young Master Ma! What are you doing here?"

It was Qiao Wuying, the guy who got wrecked by the wither effect.

"Oh! It's you, i'm actually wanted to go to the Li's Residence. I promised them to make another portal in their house."

Qiao Wuying was excited by that. If there's a portal in Li's residence, he could go to the netherworld of blocks more easily. "In that case, let's go there!"


When they came to the Li's Residence, Li Weixiang was already awake and they saw him sitting in the garden.

"Oh! Brother Ma, what's going on here?" Asked Li Weixiang.

George simply replied. "The nether portal. Where do you want to place it?"

Li Weixiang's eyes widened in shock. He thought that it was just a figure of speech, but he didn't believe that he would actually made one for him. "Ah?! Well.. come here!"

Li Weixiang actually leads George to the basement of Li's Residence.