
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

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26 Chs

The Legendary Excalibur

With a focused intensity, Kyle extended his hand towards the empty space before him, his fingers curling as if to grasp an invisible thread. A resonance of power radiated from his being, intertwining with the magical energy that surrounded him.

A ripple of energy, like the shimmering waves of stardust, emanated from Kyle's palm. It was as if he had tapped into a dimension beyond the physical, a realm where his connection to the cosmic spirit was at its peak. The very air seemed to respond to his command, carrying with it a surge of anticipation.

In response to his call, the empty space before Kyle seemed to quiver with an ethereal presence. A soft hum filled the arena, growing steadily in intensity. And then, as if summoned from the fabric of the cosmos itself, the Stellar Sword materialized—a convergence of futuristic brilliance and power.

The sword's form solidified, its blade gleaming with an otherworldly light. It was a sight to behold, a testament to Kyle's mastery over the cosmic forces that bound him. The audience gasped in awe, their eyes fixed upon the weapon that had been conjured with a mere gesture.

Michelangelo, Kyle's cosmic cosmic spirit, showed up in Kyle's mind with an aura that resonated with both wisdom and enigma. His presence was an embodiment of the cosmic forces that guided and empowered Kyle.

Tall and dignified, Michelangelo's appearance held an air of timeless grace. His eyes glowed with an ethereal light, containing the wisdom of ages and the mysteries of the cosmos. His features seemed to be chiseled by celestial hands as if the very stars had sculpted his form.

Michelangelo emanated an aura of tranquility and cosmic power. His presence was both calming and awe-inspiring, a testament to the ancient knowledge and boundless energy he held within.

As he observed Kai, Michelangelo's gaze held a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. His cosmic perception allowed him to sense the subtle shifts in energy, and he spoke to Kyle with a voice that seemed to echo from distant galaxies.

"Kyle," his voice can be heard in Kyle's mind, "There is something different with him, but I cannot sense it well. There is definitely something change in him."

Kyle's eyes narrowed, his attention shifting between Michelangelo and Kai. The words carried weight, and he realized that the cosmic spirit's perception extended beyond the surface.

"Yes," Kyle replied, his own voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and determination, "there's something different about him."

"You need to be careful," Michelangelo warned Kyle.

Enlil's voice resonated within Kai's mind, a guidance that cut through the anticipation like a clarion call. "Kai," Enlil's words echoed within him, "summon Excalibur."

With a focused intensity, he extended his hand towards the heavens, his fingers splayed as if reaching for the very fabric of existence. Massive energy enveloped him, a convergence of his connection to Enlil's cosmic power that resonated within.

The air itself seemed to respond to Kai's intent, crackling with the promise of cosmic energy. His eyes gleamed with determination, a reflection of the harmonious strength that flowed through his very being.

And then, a radiant light burst forth from Kai's outstretched hand. It was a brilliance that defied description, an ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from the very stars themselves. The spectators watched in awe, their collective breath caught in their throats.

In that luminous radiance, the Excalibur materialized—a legendary sword of unparalleled power. Its blade shone with a brilliance that rivaled the sun, and its hilt seemed to pulse with the heartbeat of the universe. The Excalibur, a symbol of the greatest of heroes and wielders, had answered Kai's call.

Kai's grip tightened around the hilt, his eyes blazed with a fusion of determination and cosmic energy, his very being resonating with the power of Excalibur.

The masters of the Legion Academy, the very paragons of strength and knowledge, exchanged shocked glances. The sight before them was beyond their expectations—a freshman student harnessing the power of the Excalibur, a weapon reserved for the most exceptional and worthy.

"Is it what I think it is?" Selene Shocked.

"Oh my..." Valen showed an exciting smile. "Excalibur."

"Since when this young man do with a contract with a strong cosmic spirit?" Kaine was shocked, his eyes wide open as he did not believe the Excalibur of the legend existed.

Nyx only showed some amazement and smiled, her smile showed that Nyx noticed potential of Kai since before.

Draven Mahendra's expression registered the shock and realization that swept over him, "What in the world is this? What a surprise." he couldn't believe it.

His gaze remained fixed on the legendary Excalibur, a sword that had become the stuff of legends and myths.

The headmaster's eyes widened imperceptibly, a mixture of awe and curiosity gleaming within them. It was as if he had witnessed a convergence of destinies—potential and the unwavering will that had driven Kai's power

As the headmaster observed Kai with the Excalibur in hand, his mind raced to comprehend the implications of this turn of events. Excalibur was no ordinary weapon; it was a symbol of extraordinary power, a key to unlocking the deepest wellsprings of cosmic energy. And now, in the hands of a student, it signaled the emergence of a force that had the potential to shape the very course of Legion history.

The arena erupted in a chorus of gasps and whispers, the astonishment echoing through the very air. Kai's feat was a testament to the growth, the unity, and the cosmic guidance that had guided his journey. The Excalibur was not just a weapon—it was a manifestation of his connection to the universe, an embodiment of the ideals he stood for.

Michelangelo's voice resonated within Kyle's thoughts—a whisper of cosmic wisdom that cut through the intensity of the duel. "Kyle," his words were a melodic blend of insight and caution, "that sword is Excalibur, a vessel of power bestowed by Enlil himself, One of the strongest cosmic spirits."

Kyle's expression shifted from confidence to a mixture of surprise and realization. He looked to Michelangelo, his cosmic spirit manifested in human form, with a gaze that sought understanding. "Enlil?"

Michelangelo's eyes held the weight of ages as he nodded in confirmation. "Indeed. Enlil's essence flows through that sword. His cosmic guidance and power resonate within Kai."

"You must be careful, Kyle," Michelangelo's voice carried the weight of cosmic authority. "Kai possesses a connection to Enlil, a resonance that transcends the ordinary. His power is not to be underestimated."

Kyle's gaze narrowed, his understanding deepening. The stakes were higher than he had initially perceived. He realized that the duel was more than what he expected. He never knew a freshman like Kai possessed such a power.

With a swift burst of motion, Kyle launched himself into an aggressive assault, his stellar sword slicing through the air with blinding speed. The arena was engulfed in a whirlwind of motion as he closed the distance between himself and Kai in the blink of an eye.

Kai's reflexes kicked in, he met Kyle's onslaught with a series of precise blocks and counters, the clash of their swords ringing out like a battle cry.