
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Action
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Clash of The Steels

The atmosphere was charged with a palpable energy, a mix of determination and power that set the stage for their duel. The clash of steel against steel reverberated throughout the arena as Kai and Kyle engaged in an intense sword fight.

Their movements were a blur of speed and precision, the flash of their swords creating arcs of brilliance that seemed to defy the limits of human perception. Each strike and parry was executed with a skill that spoke of countless hours of training and mastery. The arena watched in awe as the two warriors moved with a fluidity that bordered on the ethereal.

Kai's eyes blazed with unwavering focus, his connection to Excalibur showed the purpose that radiated through every swing of his sword. The Excalibur responded to his will, its blade gleaming with a brilliance that mirrored the very stars. He moved with controlled intensity, his strikes calculated and deliberate, each movement a testament to the training that he did with Enlil.

Across from him, Kyle's stellar sword danced with a fierce elegance, his movements driven by a determination that mirrored the blazing fire within his eyes. He deftly deflected Kai's strikes, his own counterattacks executed with an agility that defied the laws of physics. It was a battle of strength and finesse, a sword fight that pushed both of them to their limits.

The clash of their swords created a cascade of sparks, the sound of their blades meeting reverberating like thunder. Their footwork was seamless, their forms a testament to the martial arts techniques they had honed. All of the people in the Legion Arena watched in awe as the duel unfolded, their collective breath held as they witnessed a convergence of power and purpose.

The beginning of the duel was an intense display of skill, power, and unity—a clash of swordsmanship that would forever be etched in the memories of all who bore witness.

Kyle unleashed his Stellar Strike—a power imbued within his sword that cut through the air with blinding speed. The swing was a manifestation of his cosmic prowess, a force that seemed to bend reality itself. The audience gasped as the energy of the strike surged forth, a comet of power hurtling toward Kai.

Kai's instincts kicked in, and he reacted with a burst of speed, his body moving with an agility that he had been trained before. The arena seemed to warp around him as he evaded the oncoming strike, a testament to the otherworldly power that enveloped him.

The Stellar Strike missed its mark, its cosmic energy creating a shockwave that rippled through the arena. As the dust settled, Kai stood unscathed, his heart pounding with the realization of the close call.

"That was so close," Kai tried to get some space away from Kyle. "He is not bad."

"Michelangelo," Enlil suddenly spoke up.

"What?" Kai confused. "Who is that?"

"His cosmic spirit is Michelangelo," Enlil said. "Be careful, both of them are trying to read your weakness."

"Got it," Kai got ready to attack again.

With a surge of determination, Kai seized the moment to retaliate against Kyle's formidable strike. His movements became a whirlwind of calculated chaos, a dance of skill and power that left the arena in awe.

His swordsmanship was precision and finesse, each swing of his blade a calculated strike aimed at exploiting any opening. He weaved through the air with an almost supernatural grace, his body an extension that flowed through him. The Excalibur gleamed with a radiant brilliance as it carved arcs of brilliance through the atmosphere.

Kai's attacks were relentless and varied, a testament to the sword techniques he had mastered. He combined swift slashes with intricate footwork, his strikes designed to disrupt Kyle's defenses and keep him off balance. It was a dance of calculated chaos, each movement a calculated step in a sword ballet of skill and power.

As he attacked, time seemed to warp around Kai, his movements transcending the boundaries of the ordinary. He executed feints and counters with a fluidity that defied logic, each strike a testament to his mastery over the art of combat. The air crackled with his energy, the very atmosphere resonating with the power that surged through him.

Kyle found himself on the defensive, Kai's onslaught a relentless barrage that left little room for respite. The speed and skill with which Kai attacked was awe-inspiring, the arena watched in rapt attention as the duel unfolded, their eyes tracing the arcs of brilliance that Kai's blade left in its wake.

Kai's keen eyes detected a fleeting opening—a split-second vulnerability on Kyle's left side. With a surge of determination, he seized the opportunity and lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with precision. But instead of delivering a strike with his sword, he unleashed a powerful punch that landed squarely on Kyle's left cheek.

The impact resonated through the arena, a momentary hush falling over the spectators as they watched in disbelief. Kyle staggered back, his grip on his stellar sword momentarily loosened as he tried to regain his footing.

The arena held its breath as the two warriors stood locked in a moment of suspended tension. Kai's punch had delivered a message—a piece of evidence of his resilience, his skill, and his training. The dust of their battle seemed to settle around them, the echoes of their clashes lingering in the air.

For a fleeting moment, the arena was silent, a canvas frozen in time. And then, as if sparked by the intensity of the duel, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

Kai's punch had marked a turning point in the battle, a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming odds, he possessed the strength and determination to stand his ground.

"Quite skillful of you," Kyle said. "I've never been hit that hard for quite some time."

"Then I will give some more for you," Kai heated up Kyle.

Kyle smiled in a furious way, he locked his view on Kai's eyes, "How exciting, this time I will give it back to you."