
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs

Headmaster's Announcement

In a moment that echoed through the halls of the Legion Academy, the headmaster's presence was projected onto every LED TV screen and broadcasted through the academy's radio announcement system. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, as students and faculties gathered around to hear the headmaster's announcement.

The headmaster's image appeared on the screens, his expression a blend of solemnity and resolve. His voice carried through the speakers, filling the academy with his words.

"Dear students, esteemed faculty, and members of our academy," the headmaster's voice was steady, projecting a sense of authority that commanded attention. "I stand before you today to address the matter that has been at the forefront of our discussions—the duel between Kai and Kyle."

A collective hush fell over the gathered crowd, all eyes fixed on the screens before them.

"After careful deliberation and consultation with the board members," the headmaster continued, his words resonating through the academy's spaces, "I am here to officially announce that the duel between Kai and Kyle has been granted approval."

An audible murmur swept through the audience, a mixture of surprise and curiosity circulating among them. The headmaster's announcement was a confirmation of the rumors that had been circulating.

"The decision was not made lightly," the headmaster's tone conveyed a sense of doubt a little bit. "We understand the concerns and potential ramifications, but we also recognize the profound significance of allowing this duel to transpire."

The headmaster's image projected a sense of unwavering resolve, a testament to his conviction in the decision.

"Our academy has always been a crucible of growth, where not only physical strength is tested, but also character, ideals, and leadership potential," the headmaster explained. "This duel will serve as a trial by fire, an opportunity for both Kai and Kyle to prove themselves in the eyes of the Legion Academy."

"As we prepare for this clash," the headmaster's gaze seemed to pierce through the screens, addressing each individual, "let us remember the values that bind us—the ideals of the Legion Academy, integrity, and growth. This duel will challenge not only the combatants but all of us as a collective."

The headmaster's final words held a weight that lingered even after his image faded from the screens.

"The board members will be the ultimate judge," the headmaster's voice echoed, his words resonating in the hearts of those who heard them. "Let us approach this trial with respect, purpose, and the understanding that our actions shape the narrative of the academy."

With the conclusion of his message, the screens and speakers fell silent, leaving the academy to grapple with the announcement's implications. The upcoming duel between Kai and Kyle held the potential to be a defining moment—a moment that would resonate through the halls of the academy and the hearts of those who believed in the cosmic symphony's enduring harmony.

As the headmaster's announcement echoed through the Legion Academy, a ripple of excitement surged through the corridors. Among those who felt the thrill of anticipation were Kyle and his group of friends. Their expressions lit up with eager enthusiasm, and a chorus of excited voices filled the air.

"Did you hear that? The duel's officially happening!" some of the students' voice was filled with a mixture of triumph and eagerness, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Kyle's friends gathered around him, their energy infectious. "This is going to be legendary! Kyle, you're going to show everyone who's the real champion!"

Kyle's chest puffed out with pride, his confidence bolstered by his friends' support. "Kai is such a fool, he messed with the wrong person."

His group of friends exchanged high-fives and excited grins, sharing Kyle's enthusiasm. "No one's going to doubt your power man!"

As they chatted and exchanged predictions, the excitement within their group continued to build. The headmaster's announcement had ignited a fire of anticipation, and Kyle and his friends were ready to seize the spotlight.

"Kai won't know what hit him," one of Kyle's friends chimed in, a mischievous grin on his face.

Kyle's laughter rang out, a confident edge to it. "Exactly! He's about to learn a lesson in real strength."

Their camaraderie was evident, their anticipation for the upcoming duel palpable. The announcement had given Kyle and his friends a sense of purpose, a chance to prove themselves and solidify their place within the academy's hierarchy.

As the academy buzzed with discussions about the impending clash, Kyle and his group of friends were at the forefront of the excitement, eager to witness the duel.

On the other side, Kai and Rio stood among a gathering of students who had heard the news. The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of anticipation and speculation. Kai's eyes were fixed on the screen, his thoughts racing.

Beside him, Rio's voice broke through his thoughts. "Kai, did you hear that?"

Kai turned to face his friend, a mix of determination and uncertainty in his gaze. "Yeah, I heard. It's really happening."

Rio's expression was a blend of concern and support. "Listen, Kai, no matter what happens, you've got this."

Kai nodded, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks, Rio. I will do my best."

Rio placed a reassuring hand on Kai's shoulder. "Exactly. Remember, the outcome isn't the only thing that matters. It's how you face the challenge and what you take away from it."

Kai's resolve deepened, his gaze steady. "You're right. No matter the outcome, I won't regret it."

Rio's smile was encouraging. "That's the spirit, Kai. You've already proven your strength by facing this head-on."

As Kai and Rio shared a moment of encouragement, a familiar figure stepped into their midst. It was Alethea, her presence commanding attention with an air of grace and determination. She looked at Kai, her gaze steady and supportive.

"Kai," Alethea's voice was sincere and unwavering, "I just wanted to let you know that no matter what happens, I'm behind you."

Kai's surprise was evident, his gratitude shining in his eyes. "Alethea..."

Alethea's lips curved into a soft smile. "You see, I remember how you stood up for me, how you defended me when others wouldn't. This is my way of giving back, of showing my appreciation."

Kai's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. "Thank you, Alethea."

Rio chimed in with a knowing grin. "Looks like you've got quite the fan, Kai."

As Rio playfully teased Kai about having Alethea as a fan, a warm blush crept across Kai's cheeks. He chuckled, trying to brush off the comment, but there was a glint of something in his eyes—a spark of recognition that Rio's words might hold a kernel of truth.

"Yeah, yeah, Rio," Kai replied with a lighthearted grin, though his gaze briefly flickered towards Alethea.

Rio's playful grin widened. "Come on, man, don't be so shy. You've definitely caught her attention."

Alethea, who was still within earshot, couldn't help but suppress a knowing smile as she watched their exchange. She had to admit to herself that there was something about Kai that had intrigued her from the start.

Kai's playful defensiveness couldn't entirely hide the fact that there was a newfound connection forming between him and Alethea. As their eyes met, a brief but meaningful exchange occurred—a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that seemed to be growing between them.

With a roll of his eyes, Kai lightly nudged Rio. "Alright, you've had your fun. Let's focus on the duel."

Rio chuckled, seeing through Kai's attempt to change the subject. "Sure thing, man."

Kai's gaze softened as he looked back at Alethea, who was now engaged in a conversation with some of her friends. He nodded a mix of determination and a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Enlil's voice resonated within Kai's mind, carrying a hint of playful amusement. "Seems like being young always enjoyable eh?"

Kai's eyes widened in surprise at Enlil's sudden communication. "Enlil? You're observing this too?"

Enlil's ethereal presence seemed to hold a knowing quality. "Indeed, I cannot help but notice the bond that seems to be growing between you and Alethea."

Kai's cheeks flushed slightly, his surprise turning into a sheepish smile. "It's... well, it's not what you think."

Enlil's chuckle reverberated through Kai's thoughts. "More like it is what I think it is, Are you trying to fool me who lived way before your existence?"

"You do realize I feel like I don't have privacy anymore," kai sighed a bit.

"Don't worry, I would do something else if you guys have a moment in the future." Enlil made fun of him.

"Could you just..." Kai annoyed.

Enlil gave him a little laugh, Kai's expression was so fun to observe for him.