
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Action
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26 Chs

Time-Freeze Capsule Training

Kai couldn't stop thinking about how to beat Kyle with only two days of preparation, Somehow Kai was a bit stressed with the little time he had for the training.

"I can hear your thoughts, Kai," Enlil's voice could be heard.

"Ah, right..." Kai was still a bit tired of all his thoughts. "I was just not used to it Enlil, I should talk to you more often."

"You know, I have an idea to give you more time to train," Enlil tried to boost Kai's mood. "All we have to do is just enter the certain room in Annunaki Realm."

"Yeah, that would be nice if we had a longer time to practice," Kai felt hopeless. "It's so nice of you Enlil, but we don't have much time."

"This room is called Time-freeze Capsule," Enlil tried to explain. "One hour here is equal to three years there, the time capsule is in Annunaki Realm."

"What!?" Kai shocked. "Is there such a room like that?"

Enlil gave an excited smile to Kai, "We are going to the Time-freeze Capsule now, Let's train for four hours there, Do you have a class?" Enlil asked Kai.

"Not anymore, I was done with class today," Kai said. "I would love to train with you Enlil, Let's go then."

Seeking solace and guidance, he once again entered the ethereal expanse of the Annunaki realm.


The Time-freeze Capsule stretched out in front of Kai like a tapestry woven from cosmic thread. It was a world of ethereal beauty, where reality seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space. The moment Kai steps into this surreal expanse, he is greeted by a scene that challenges the earthly landscape.

The place was a symphony of colors and energies, a dance of radiant hues that shifted and swirled with a sense of fluidity. Streams of iridescent light wove through the air, creating an otherworldly ambiance that was both serene and invigorating. The ground beneath his feet felt like a mixture of stardust and energy, each step he took resonating with the very essence of the cosmos. Of course, Time flowed differently within the place.

Above, the sky was a canvas of shifting constellations, each star pulsating with a rhythmic energy that echoed the heartbeat of the universe. There was a sense of boundless space, an expanse that seemed to stretch into infinity and beyond. The boundaries between distant galaxies and the realm itself blurred, creating a sense of wonder and awe that filled Kai's heart.

"Enlil," Kai's voice carried a mixture of excitement and amazement, "This place is huge."

Enlil's response was a nod. "I will teach you martial arts and combatant, possibly one hundred thirty different styles. Including the swordsmanship and gunmanship training. You better get used to it."

"Are you serious?" Kai was thinking it was too much.

"Do I look like I am kidding?" Enlil was so serious. "You are lucky I am willing to teach you, you better do it before I change my mind."

"Come on..." Kai was very tired of thinking about a lot of practice.

Enlil's guidance becomes an intricate tapestry of training and mastery, shaping Kai into a formidable one. In Time-freeze Capsule, Kai develops very rapidly in his training when Enlil gives his vast wisdom.

With unwavering dedication, Kai learns one hundred and thirty martial arts techniques, each dance nuanced with strength and precision. Enlil's teachings transform Kai's movements into energy and strength, as he sharpens his body to become stronger. The training includes attack, hold, and evasive maneuvers, each technique a building block in Kai's martial arts repertoire.

Swordsmanship takes on new meaning as Enlil guides Kai through various techniques, each reflecting the essence of a different element. Excalibur, Dojigiri, Mikazuki, Onimaru, Odenta, and Juzumaru become extensions of Kai's spirit as he masters each stance, parryes, and attacks. Enlil's presence increases Kai's understanding, allowing him to master his every move.

In the field of modern weaponry, Enlil's guidance transformed Kai into a master of precision and control. Weapons training is a blend of discipline and intuition, as Kai learns to harness his focus.

But perhaps the most profound aspect of Kai's training lies within the Time-freeze Capsule—one where time is malleable and infinite. The moment Kai stepped into this realm, one hour became a growth vessel equivalent to three years of earthly training. In this cosmic sanctuary, Kai's body shape changes to be more athletic than before, but his skin and face do not change and age. while his skills are expanding exponentially.

The moon turns into a year as Kai learns his training with relentless determination. Enlil's guidance echoes through the endless expanse, shaping Kai's abilities, deepening his understanding, and pushing the boundaries of his potential. As time passed, Kai's mastery expanded.

As Kai stood before Enlil in the Time-freeze Capsule, a sense of accomplishment and gratitude filled the air. The countless hours of training, the dedication, and the unwavering pursuit of mastery had led to this moment—a moment of culmination.

Enlil's held a mixture of pride and contentment. He gazed upon Kai with a sense of fulfillment.

"Kai," Enlil's voice carried the weight of experience and purpose, "you have come far in your training. Your dedication and your spirit have elevated you to a level of mastery, there is nothing I can teach you anymore."

Kai met Enlil's gaze, a mixture of respect and humility in his eyes. "Thank you, Enlil. Your guidance and teachings—they've shaped me in ways I could never have imagined."

Enlil's response was a serene smile, a gesture that seemed full of pride and honor. "You are getting stronger, Kai. The stronger you are, the better our connection together."

"What do you mean by that?" Kai asked him.

"It means the more power and energy we can combine together," Enlil answered him. "But, for the duel, you don't need my power. You are already way above Kyle, make sure you don't destroy him so badly."

"Of course, I am not gonna kill him or anything," Kai assured Enlil. "It's just a duel between two students, I am not going to destroy him."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Enlil told Kai to get back to the real world. "Alright, Kai, Let us go back to the reality."

When Kai emerged from the Time-freeze Capsule, he carried with him the echoes of years spent refining his skills. His mastery over martial arts, swordsmanship, and weaponry was a testament to Enlil's guidance and his unwavering dedication.

When Kai back to his room, he saw the time on his phone only showed eight o'clock in the evening and he saw so many text from Rio.

"I never experienced six hours seems like literally forever. Somehow I felt my body getting stronger too" Kai somehow felt the mind-blowing jet lag.

"Welcome back to Earth," Enlil made fun of Kai. "You better get some food now."

Kai agreed and he went out to find some food outside. "Yeah, I am kinda hungry."