
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs

Clash of The Pride

The air inside the Legion Academy was charged with anticipation, as the day of the duel between Kai and Kyle had finally dawned. In their respective rooms, both competitors were immersed in their preparations, each step a reflection of their dedication and resolve.

Kai stood before a mirror in his room, the combat suit adorning his form with its sleek black and golden design. His fingers traced the intricate patterns as he took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. The weight of the upcoming duel was undeniable, but his heart remained resolute.

As Kai's thoughts danced between moments of reflection and focus, the door to his locker room creaked open, revealing the familiar figure of Rio. Concern etched into his features, Rio stepped forward.

"Hey, Kai," Rio's voice was tinged with worry, "I haven't heard from you since yesterday afternoon. Are you alright?"

Kai's gaze met Rio's, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "I'm fine, Rio. I just needed some time alone, you know? Took a walk outside to clear my mind."

Rio's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I get it. This duel is a big deal, and everyone deals with their nerves differently."

Kai nodded, appreciating Rio's understanding. "Exactly. But I'm ready now. Wish me luck, man."

Rio's grin returned, his voice filled with pride. "Break the leg, dude. Good luck, you can do it."

Kai gave Rio a high-five. "Thanks, Rio."

With a nod of camaraderie, Rio left the room, leaving Kai to his thoughts once more. As the minutes ticked away, Kai's spirit remained unshaken. The duel was not just a clash of strength—it was a testament to the ideals and connections that had shaped him.

With one final look in the mirror, Kai gathers his thoughts to gain his mentality. The time had come to step into the battle, to face the challenge against Kyle. The echoes of Enlil's teachings propelled him forward.

On the other side of the locker room, Kyle was also preparing for the duel. His combat suit, polished and gleaming, exuded an air of confidence. His friends surrounded him, offering words of encouragement and support.

"You've got this, Kyle," one of his friends exclaimed, clapping him on the back.

Kyle's smirk was a mix of confidence and excitement. "Of course, I do. I will show who's the boss to that freshman."

As the final moments before the duel approached, the tension in the locker room reached its peak. Kai and Kyle were both aware of the significance of this clash, the duel that would not only test their strength but also their pride.


The tension in the air was palpable as Kai strode into the arena from the left side, his every step resonating with purpose. Every eye in the stadium was fixed upon him, the hushed anticipation echoing through the grand arena. He carried himself with a confident yet composed demeanor, the combat suit gleaming with a fusion of black and gold.

On the other side, Kyle entered from the right, his presence radiating an aura of arrogance and power. His every movement exuded confidence, his stride was purposeful and assured. His Black and White combat suit bore testament to his power, and his gaze held a glint of cockiness that was impossible to ignore.

The entire student body focused their attention on the dual procession, their collective energy electrifying the atmosphere. The stands were a sea of eager faces, their expressions a mix of curiosity, excitement, and even some concern for what was about to transpire. The clash between Kai and Kyle had captured the imagination of the entire academy. The entire student body focused their attention on the dual procession, their collective energy electrifying the atmosphere. The stands were a sea of eager faces, their expressions a mix of curiosity, excitement, and even some concern for what was about to transpire. The clash between Kai and Kyle had captured the imagination of the entire academy.

At the pinnacle of the Legion stadium, the headmaster and the board members took their seats upon thrones reserved for their esteemed presence. Their gazes were steady and contemplative, their roles as observers and overseers of this confrontation unmistakable.

"Let's see how well Kai handles this duel," his gaze unwavering as he observed the two combatants preparing for battle.

Calista, her features thoughtful, nodded in agreement. "But I will not put so much expectation on Kai, I am curious with his guts only."

Selene, known for his strategic insights, added, "But let us not underestimate Kai."

Lyra, her expression serene yet analytical, offered her perspective. "If we are analyzing the fight, of course, Kyle has the bigger chance to win."

Valen spoke up. "The outcome of this duel will reveal more than just the victor. If Kai can win against Kyle that would be something big."

The headmaster's gaze lingered on Kai, his voice carrying a sense of assurance. "Kai possesses an enormous talent, even though I only taught him about the force technique, I believe in his potential. I am sure he will stand his ground against Kyle."

As the tension in the arena reached its zenith, Kyle took a step forward, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

Kai," he sneered, his tone dripping with arrogance, "you're brave to stand before me, I'll give you that. But don't think you stand a chance."

Kai's gaze remained fixed on Kyle, a calm intensity emanating from his very being. He didn't flinch, nor did he allow Kyle's words to rattle his composure. Instead, he stood resolute, a pillar of unwavering determination.

Kyle's smirk widened his attempt to provoke Kai to fall flat. "You are just a freshman."

Kai's response was measured, his voice carrying a serenity that seemed to contrast Kyle's. "You speak too much."

The atmosphere in the arena was charged with anticipation as Mentor Kevin, one of the board members of the Legion Academy, stepped forward. His presence commanded attention, and his voice carried the weight of authority as he addressed the two combatants.

"Kai, Kyle," Kevin's voice resonated through the arena, "are both of you ready for this duel?"

Kai's gaze met Kevin's, his eyes reflecting the calm resolve that had become his signature. "Yes, sir. I'm ready."

On the other side of the arena, Kyle's confident smirk remained in place as he responded, "Absolutely, sir. Let's get this over with."

Master Kevin's nod was a gesture of acknowledgment, his demeanor both neutral and observant.


The word reverberated through the expanse, a signal that marked the beginning of the clash between Kai and Kyle. The students and faculties leaned forward in their seats, their collective energy converging on the arena below.