
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Sophia has always been immature. After her mother died her father doted on her. So much so that she became spoilt. Before her father passed away, he left her not just with enough money, but also a secret that will help her survive as an orphan in this world. But that secret was only meant for dire times. Unfortunately, because of her childishness and immaturity even though she is already eighteen, and her carelessness in spending all her money, Sophia loses everything her father left for her. Now stranded and poor and unwilling to get a job, she opens the small box where her father left envelopes that contained the secret, secret he warned her never to open unless she was really in trouble. Sophia is shocked and hurt when she sees the secret her father has kept for her. Four handsome billionaires, with detailed information about each and every one of them. The best part; her father had written down step by step procedure that was guaranteed to make her a bride to whichever one she chose… now all Sophia had to do was pick one envelope…

Giamini · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

The attention

Aside from the few moments I spent away from Tyler, moments my brain chose to force me into remembering I wasn't just in a pickle but locked in a pickle jar, everything else was going smoothly.

For example, Tyler and I finally went public and I realized I'd been stupid for thinking hiding our relationship was better. It was more than a dream come through.

We did almost everything together. Had lunch together; not alone together, but it was still cool. I got to learn a lot about him through his friends…

And like I'd anticipated the Tyler fan club wasn't very happy with our union. That was all well and good, except I could feel it deep in my bones that Sharon had something to do with their extreme hostility. But I refused to dwell on it. A small snarky comment here and there every time I bumped into a member of the Tyler fan club was nothing to lose sleep over. I was having the best time of my life.

"Hey babe."

Tyler kissed me, taking a seat on my desk before leaning in.

I still felt butterflies from our kisses. I wondered when that would stop.

"Hi." I smiled back unable to focus on anything but the surface dimple on his left cheeks.

"So, I was thinking. For our after school activity today… we visit… a place that I like."

I eyed him. "Tyler, you're being dodgy."

He lightly grabbed my right hand and caressed it. Then his smile grew.

"What is it?"

"You know me too well." He chuckled.

The sound of his voice almost distracted me. "It's not where I think you're talking about, is it?"

"Depends on what you're thinking about." His brows danced and I couldn't help my laughter.

"Stop, Tyler. I'm not going." I warned playfully.

"C'mon babe. You won't have to do anything. You can just watch."

"I don't want to watch you feel pain. I don't… Tyler." I cried, "Don't make me." Pouting, I flaunted my lashes as our eyes locked.

Tyler bent over and placed a kiss on my lips. Startled, I drew back in surprise and blinked.

"I can't resist." He said, moving his head slowly towards me again.

"Stop." I tried to sound serious.

Even though I was happy flaunting our relationship, kissing ever so regularly when in the midst of our classmates was something I needed time to get comfortable with.

Tyler obviously didn't care what others thought.

"Tyler." I warned again. It didn't stop him.

"Okay, fine. I'll go to the tattoo parlor with you. Just please, no more kissing."

"Great." He jumped effortlessly down my table, his arm muscles flexing inside his white shirt.

"See you after school." He said, and before I could say anything, he pecked me on the cheeks, laughing, he ran out of my classroom.

My cheeks burned when I heard the side talks about Tyler and me. I should have been used to it…

Sometimes I wished everybody would turn a blind eye to our relationship. Debbie Garfield and Thomas Topias were also together, but I didn't hear whispers about how Debby would end up broken-hearted because Thomas would leave her eventually. Or how Thomas was only with Debbie because she was putting out. But then again, Thomas was no Tyler. I was going out with the most popular boy in school, the attention was part of the package whether I liked it or not. And the sooner I made my peace with that, the better.