
Earth's Strongest Shield

A Gang Boss meets an unlucky end, but the universe has more in store for him. Watch as the Mightiest organization rises above the Earth to be the one true S.H.I.E.L.D for all of Humanity.

AgentMonke · Phim ảnh
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18 Chs

From Boss to Grunt


A glass fell to the ground and a man's gruff groan was heard.

A man held his forehead in a quaint apartment as the twilight peeked through the window. The man opened his eyes and looked confused, looking around strangely. He turned his gaze up and looked at a mirror before being shocked.

Who was this handsome guy?

The man walked to the mirror and touched his face strangely, muttering "Who is this?" The man in the mirror was white with a strong jawline, heroic cheekbones, gray irises, and black hair.

He was wearing a tight white t-shirt with washed out jeans and black boots. Not only that but he had a 5 o'clock shadow, but he didn't seem to be any older than 25-30!

The man checked his memories before being dumbfounded!

This was unbelievable!

Now even a second later a young guy with a head full of hair rushed in and shouted "Boss! Are you alright?! Fury?!" The man looked over and let out a sigh, holding out his hand, "Phil, calm down. I dropped a glass." Phil put down his gun and let out a breath, smiling "Good. Thought you were attacked."

The man looked at him speechlessly, waving, "Any news?" Phil looked thoughtful before shaking his head. The man nodded and sat down on the couch in the room, waving Phil out of the room.

Phil saluted and walked out, just before he left, the man said "Oh right, Phil. Do me a favor and keep an eye on Garret." Phil looked at him grimly, "Traitor?" The man's lips twitched and he shook his head, replying "Just precautions." Phil nodded and left, closing the door.

The man leaned back and covered his face with his hands, rubbing his face as he calculated quickly.

Was this the universe giving him another chance?

This man was originally, John Blake. A very famous gang boss in Chicago.

Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly a secure operation… As a result, he needed to learn various skills to survive, even be extremely ruthless. John went pretty far, he had a very peculiar trait that allowed him to survive.

He was a cold blooded snake.

He knew who he could trust and who he couldn't, but that never meant that he would 100% trust someone. In a world without superheroes, everyone could turn around and point a gun at your head…

He was indignant because… well… his death was just unfair!

One day, he's sitting in his penthouse, holding two models in his arms… The next second, aliens invade and reduce the entire city to ashes!

John didn't even get to feel despair, he was eradicated in an instant!

As for betrayals… didn't exist.

Any thoughts of rebellion or usurping were snuffed out the moment they were thought up!

John was very successful, if it weren't for those damn aliens, he would've had the Governor of Chicago in his pocket!

Now he was stuck here…

John sighed to himself, rubbing his face. Or rather, Nick!

He died and came back as Nick Fury!

This wasn't unfamiliar as he had seen all the Marvel movies, even some comic books here and there… The main reason was that he wasn't like the other Gang Bosses, or rather, he was a bit like King Pin.

A very high profile Gang Boss.

He believed that he should be respected, mainly because he was a poor pissant before he started his gang. He had to literally climb through corpses to get where he was, he went to a bunch of venues, showing his face at all sorts of high profile events. He had a hand in nearly every business imaginable, as long as it made money he had a hand in it!

Another reason why he knew about the Marvel movies was because he had a piece of Disney to begin with. He was in the process of parasitizing the company to turn the garbage back to a golden goose. He was enraged at these damn liberal bastards and their woke bullshit.

Mainly because it was a complete money furnace!

If it made money, he would give sermons about marrying trees! He didn't care at all. If the woke garbage was profitable, he would be on board, it was a shame that it was all trash and nobody actually gave a shit.

At any rate, Nick leaned over and intertwined his fingers, resting his elbows on his knees with a cold look. Now he was Nick Fury, the year was 1990. From what he could remember, in a year's time, Howard and Maria Stark would be assassinated by Bucky.

Who could forget the legendary catchphrase 'Mission Report: December 16, 1991' Legend has it that the actor for Zemo was still looking for the mission report in real life!

Nick frowned slightly, he looked around the room and pulled a notebook over, taking a pen from the table as he flipped the notebook, reading what the old Nick Fury wrote down.

He wasn't confused or curious about why he was white, who would be. He didn't care, he could even be blue.

He read his own notes as the personalities merged and perfected into a new being that was simply Nick Fury.

Nick finished reading the notes and nodded to himself, very good for the King of the Spies… But as a businessman, very subpar. It was fine, he wasn't trained in business and politics.

Nick started writing down on the notebook, crossing his legs as he thought to himself.

Letting go of a golden goose like the Stark Family, Nick only had one word 'Haha.' What a joke, these HYDRA bastards were too kind, sending him the Winter Soldier for free. Nick wrote down a detailed plan and tapped on the notebook in a rhythm, thinking to himself.

First of all, if he remembered correctly, during this time, Rocket should still be getting experimented on. As well as his animal friends… You have to know, the new Guardians Movie came out a week ago and Nick was at the Premiere, sitting next to Chris Pratt.

Unfortunately for him, Chris Pratt was a stand up guy, real nice and friendly… But also a straight edge, he wasn't tempted by John's offers at all! Though, he had worked with Bradley Cooper.

Nick sneered and forgot about it, that was his last life. This time he had all sorts of people he could trust for sure. Nick started planning out his new gang…
