

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 92

People die every day, and familiar faces often disappear the next time.

Realizing that someone hadn't been able to see him for a long time, when he asked out of curiosity, he learned that the other party had already died in a previous conflict.

To deliberately provoke such a war, what kind of wicked soul can use a natural tone to admit that this kind of thing was done by himself?


It was the sound of transferring magic.

Although she thought about teaching the other party a little before, she actually knew that she was powerless to help the other party—even if she was really lucky to be able to temporarily suppress him, when the infinite dragon god returned, she had no choice but to fight desperately. flee.

This kind of behavior is actually more of venting anger, pouring out the anger generated by hiding in the corner and watching his beloved sister kiss someone.

By the way, I want to know what Su Mu wants to do in the context of the Three Clan Wars.

Now, even the idea of ​​"lessons" has disappeared.

leave here--

This is vital intelligence.

Compared to sending the news that has just arrived back to the underworld, other things, such as majesty, demeanor, or personal likes and dislikes, are already irrelevant.

Moreover, in the small world of hell, which is the base camp of fallen angels, it is possible to destroy it in such a miserable state by launching a surprise attack-completely lost hope of recovery, and sooner or later, I am afraid that it will collapse directly into fragments of space.

A guy with this kind of strength, even if she has always had a lot of confidence in herself, she has no certainty that she can defeat the opponent.

So even if this behavior is called running away, he won't mind--isn't it normal to run away if you can't fight?

Although, she prefers to call it a strategic retreat.

The brilliance of transfer magic flashed.

If it is an ordinary demon, even if it is proficient in this type of magic, it needs to be transferred to the entrance of the underworld first, and then go through the entrance and log in honestly.

But as a Demon King, it is natural to have privileges.

As long as one's own strength is sufficient and he is proficient enough in transfer magic, then the underworld is naturally free to enter and exit.

The scene in front of him changed, and Seraph had already appeared at the council of the four Demon Kings in the underworld—as it should have been.

The transfer magic failed.

Relying on the magic beacon left in the underworld, the connection with the underworld that had been maintained before was instantly broken.

Seraph's beautiful face was suddenly covered with a haze, and the previously calm expression completely disappeared.

uh, it seems like...

Seeing what appeared in front of him, Su Mu made no secret of his malicious expression.

Looking at the four-color runes flying around, Seraph naturally knew that it was these things that cut off the connection between himself and the underworld, and made the transfer magic directly ineffective.

Realizing this, an embarrassed smile appeared on her face.

It's getting cold.


ps: Speaking of which, Qiao Ji seems to have opened a new book, has everyone read it? .

Chapter 156 Seraph: Dirty, my mother is dirty

Seraph's expression was stiff, and the corners of her mouth twitched reluctantly, as if she wanted to smile.

However, in this case, she felt that she really couldn't laugh.

Ignoring that Su Mu was in front of her at this moment and might stop her from doing so, the demon king girl with the name of Seraph Leviathan raised her hand instantly.

The blue light on the finger shone instantly, and in an instant, it turned into a blue bright hexagram spinning at a high speed.

Cast spells at high speed.

This is the radiance of a magic circle that belongs to transfer magic.

A dazzling blue light shone throughout the room.

Transfer magic, in essence, involves the application of space.

However, this technique, which is closely related to space, has been simplified and dogmatic by countless powerhouses, and eventually it has become a basic skill that even a guy with low-level demon strength can use at will.

However, corresponding to its extensive practicality, it is the difficulty of making this ability to the extreme.

Easy to learn but hard to master, but that's it.

However, as an old-fashioned Demon King-level powerhouse, Seraph basically has no shortcomings in his body—people with obvious short classes on his body are simply impossible to survive the long war that stretched for countless years.

Especially for her, who is good at magic ability, the use of transfer magic is naturally completely different from those of the younger generation of demons.

In other words, it was already a powerful spell that could match the status of a Demon Lord.

In the hands of a Demon King-level powerhouse, this widely used technique can no longer be said to be killing chickens with a bull's knife, it should be said that it is an anti-aircraft artillery attacking mosquitoes.

However, after the dazzling blue light of the transfer magic dissipated, she remained where she was and did not move at all.

bad, bad.

This is the complete end!

The means of escape that I had prepared were completely ineffective now!

No, it should be said that when the initial transfer magic failed, she almost expected that even struggling would be useless.

Because no matter it is profound or simple, as long as it is transfer magic, it is essentially the use of space.

It's just that there is a step-by-step dogmatic rigidity, and the distinction of being able to use it at will.

Seraph's forehead was dripping with fine beads of sweat.

Space is blocked - no, not just that.

If it is just a means of blocking the space, then she will probably be shaken by her full strength.

However, what prevented her from escaping from here at this time was not something as simple as that.

Su Mu so calmly claimed his identity as the mastermind behind the three-race war, it already shows that he does not seem to be ready to let Seraph leave from here.

But even so, he still watched Seraph's full-strength transfer magic, and did not stop it in the slightest.

This shows that he has long been convinced that it is impossible to break some kind of "imprisonment" set here with Seraph's power.

As a demon king who is good at magic knowledge, Seraph keenly felt that the environment around him gave him a rather awkward physical feeling.

This kind of feeling is quite awkward, as if the characters living in the painting suddenly inexplicably perceive the environment in which they live, and are covered with a new layer.

Only with the four-color runes flying in the air as a boundary, a new world was covered on top of the world he originally lived in.

"Scepter, which means fire—"

Su Mu calmly stretched out her fingers, and the red simplified scepter mark immediately appeared on her fingertips, beating happily.

"The sword means wind—"

The blue sharp sword logo gently circled and danced around Su Mu's body.

"The Holy Grail, which means water—"

Next came the aqua-blue Holy Grail mark.

"Xing coin, meaning soil—"

Finally, it is represented by a thick yellow coin.

Scepter, Sword, Holy Grail, Star Coin.

In the tarot, there are four major categories of minor arcana decks.

They correspond to fire, wind, water, and earth, respectively.

That is, the earth, water, wind and fire, which are widely known in mysticism, constitute the four elements of the world.


The four categories of the minor arcana cards correspond to the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire that make up the world.

With this method, Su Mu constructed a simplified world—although it was simplified, it was genuine.

Not like the underworld and hell, the simple space that can exist only by being attached to the rest of the human world.

If it continues to exist, it may be able to replace the world of "Devil High School" in the future.

Of course, this process probably requires a steady supply of energy.

"Although the development of mysticism in this world is really rudimentary, as a magic user, you should at least know the so-called four elements, earth, water, wind and fire, right?"

The corners of Su Mu's mouth twitched slightly, with a warm smile, but there was no smile in those clear eyes.

"Using runes to symbolize the four elements that make up the world, water, wind and fire, to create a simplified world. Well, this kind of action should be said to be a great feat that the gods of the Bible in this world have not been able to do—"

"You should feel proud of using the prototype of the world as a cage to prevent you from escaping, Seraph."

Su Mu has never slackened his research on tarot cards and mysticism.

Compared with the obscure Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana is undoubtedly easier to conquer.

So that's his main goal right now, and it's been getting a lot of results.

"This method is too unreasonable--" The demon king girl, Seraph, murmured subconsciously with shock in her pink-purple eyes.

・・・ Flowers・・

The four elements are directly symbolized with extremely simple-looking runes.

The four elements directly constitute the prototype of the world.

For example...it's like a heavy cannon that a child randomly scribbles on paper, and suddenly fires in the astonishment of others, destroying the solid fortress in the real world.

This kind of weightlifting is something that no strong person in this world has ever had.

This is the limitation and difference of the world, the limitation of vision.

Seraph, who lives in this world, can't imagine that he has such exquisite skills and abilities.

At the same time, it makes her feel...

Seeing the condescending look of the person in front of her without the slightest smile in her eyes, Seraph gritted her teeth.

He seems to be a frog at the bottom of a well.

Looking at himself, it was as if during the great voyage, the white people found the eyes of the natives who lived a backward life.


It's just that she had seen the other party's mysterious and unpredictable, even beyond her comprehension ability, the means to collapse her worldview, let her face that condescending attitude, without any confidence to retort.

"Then, Seraph, please stay here obediently from now on."

Su Mu said, reaching out and grabbing her wrist regardless of Seraph's struggle.

Then, a few runes wrapped around his hand like shackles, wrapping around Seraph's wrist.

Immediately afterwards, Seraph felt that he had lost his control over the magic in his body.

"Tsk, don't think this will make me give in—"

Even being a prisoner does not mean that you will obediently bow your head and wag your tail to beg for mercy.

As the Demon King, Seraph had already regarded Su Mu as an enemy camp at this time.

When facing the enemy, she naturally had to maintain her dignity as a Demon King.

She gritted her teeth angrily, and her big pink-purple eyes waited viciously for Su Mu, like an enraged female beast.


Su Mu didn't care about her showing her teeth and claws at this time, and just calmly helped Serafel sort out her clothes.

Like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, she tidied up the silk scarf around her neck, released the rolled-up part of her top sleeve, and finally pulled down the slightly shorter magical girl skirt so that it could cover as much as possible. Live more on the thighs...

After doing this, Su Mu patted her with satisfaction.

"Although I didn't think about having to make you submit or anything like that..."

"However, since you like magical girls so much, you should be well aware of how magical girls will be treated if they fall into the hands of the enemy if they lose their battles?" B.

Chapter 157 Don't admit defeat, Seraph!

Whether it is a witch or a magical girl, they are essentially feudal remnants.