

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 76

"And there's nothing you need in the heavens—"

"Get out of here."

A slightly hollow voice sounded in Su Mu's ears.

The voice is a little nice, it seems to be a girl's soft and waxy, and it has a confused meaning.

It can be said that with this voice alone, a certain image of the XP system quite in line with his xp system was created in Su Mu's mind...

With the amount of knowledge Su Mu has at this time, naturally he will not be confused by this kind of voice.

The sound that entered the ear actually had a certain characteristic of the God of the Bible.

Probably, "to be able to let the listener involuntarily transform it into his most favorite form", probably has such a characteristic.

Su Mu was slightly silent.

"Well, it's really surprising."

Su Mu did not withdraw his fingers from the white cube that was the core of the belief system.

He raised his other hand, scratched his face lightly with his fingertips, and said slowly.

To be honest, although he said before, "Don't think that you can take everyone's actions into account with your own wisdom"...

It's just that, in this regard, he has basically not missed.

However, this time alone, the will of the God of the Bible really exists here, and seems to be sane... It really surprised him.

Because with the will of this completeness, it is obvious that the god worshiped by the celestial world and the church on earth has been able to use the power of faith here to resurrect.

However, He doesn't seem to have it.

"Why? At this time, it should be relatively easy for you to revive yourself, right?" Su Mu asked with doubts in her tone.

Aware of the will of the God of the Bible, his vigilance against the 1.8 Heavenly Realm increased by several levels again.

If Michael controls the belief system of the heavens as his trump card, it can make the two dragon gods fight, enough to destroy any myth system in this world.

Although Su Mu's current energy level is far inferior to that of Orpheus, she has enough eyesight to speculate on her.

However, if the will of the biblical god left here is allowed to drive the belief system against the enemy...

Although with the will of the gods today, after forcibly driving the system once, it will completely collapse.

The purpose of this system was originally created, I am afraid it is not as a back-hand to the heavens.

The two dragon gods were already able to deal with the Samael created by the god of the Bible, so they are not imaginary enemies of the belief system.

Whether it is a belief system or a god destroyer, the real target is probably the evil god next door! .

Chapter 129 The God of the Bible chooses to negotiate

The evil gods who came from the adjacent world as if their combat power had collapsed.

All of them have great power - by the way, to show the power of those guys, the sacrifice given in the original work is the head of the great red.

"Resurrection..." The hazy will seemed to pause slightly, and then said slowly, "No way, the power accumulated here is not enough."

Su Mu's heart was a little clear.

This is the will of the God of the Bible, not that the power here is insufficient for him to resurrect.

Rather, if he uses the power here to resurrect, then the remaining faith power may not be enough for him to face foreign enemies!

He may choose to use the power here to resurrect, but this will be in the case of ensuring that the remaining power here can still deal with the incoming evil god!

According to the character of the God of the Bible, it seems that he is extraordinarily insecure, cautious and prepared for a rainy day.

Moreover, He seems to have a certain understanding of the power of those 27 evil gods.

Under these factors, I am afraid that no matter how much faith he has accumulated here, he will stubbornly think that it is not enough.

The end result is that the power of belief accumulated here will gradually increase until the arrival of the evil gods.

Then, these remnants of His will activate the belief system against the enemy.

In the end, no matter victory or defeat, the will remaining here will dissipate.

It can be said that the God of the Bible left behind, not for resurrection, but to guard against the evil gods that may strike in the future!

"Evil God..." Su Mu said with emotion.

"you know?"

The will of the God of the Bible seemed to be slightly stunned, and then nervousness began to spread.

"Could it be that those guys have already invaded this world now? Well, if that's the case, it would be bad. It seems to be a lot earlier than I expected..."

Well, the god of the Bible, but a very serious hypophobic patient.

Even if his own deity has long since passed away, leaving only a little will, it is still difficult to change the characteristics of this deep soul.

For the power that he can have, he never seems to feel that it is not enough.

Moreover, for those evil gods from other worlds, they have always held a very high vigilance in their hearts.

"If this is the case, then it seems that I also need to prepare and control the belief system here to meet the enemy."

Complicated and incomprehensible emotional fluctuations came from the mind of the God of the Bible, and there seemed to be an undisguised sigh.

If she made a move with all her strength, then the remaining will would definitely collapse under the impact of the huge force.

However, she was not sighing for the final collapse of the traces she had left, she was just regretting that some great deeds she had undertaken could not continue.

"No, those evil gods from other worlds have not yet arrived here." Su Mu said calmly, "It's just that you can understand that I can see some pictures of the future, and see those powerful mysterious guys coming here. world."

"As a prelude to the aggression they set off, under their blow, the great red corpse was in the gap between dimensions."

Before Su Mu finished speaking, extremely violent emotional fluctuations came from the will left by the God of the Bible.

It seemed that He was shocked by Su Mu's words.

"Great Red..."

For a long time, some dull thoughts came from the core of the belief system.

"In order to ensure a complete victory, an opponent who has made all kinds of preparations, can't even resist the opponent's move? In this case, even if I control the belief system that I have accumulated over the endless years, I am afraid that it will still be difficult to win."

Hearing this, Su Mu was slightly tongue-tied.

It seems that this god of the Bible is also a guy with a rather arrogant character.

No, it should be said that if such a strong person is not arrogant, then it is strange.

In the endless gods in the whole world, no one dares to hold the idea of ​​defeating the great red.

However, the God of the Bible does have the mentality of wanting to win.

As for its reliance... Perhaps it is the countless artifacts created by him, and Samuel, who has a fatal restraint on dragon species.

Just like Li Zevim in the original book, relying on Samuel's dragon seed restraint to seize the power of Orpheus, it can be said that it is not on the table.

But if the God of the Bible uses Samael to deal with the Great Red, there is nothing to blame.

It's not a double standard, it's purely because Samael is the maliciousness of the God of the Bible, or it's a means specially created to target the Dragon God.

"As far as I know, the number of those guys seems to be quite large. It seems that if you want to defeat those guys, you can only directly take back all the power that belongs to me in the entire heaven."

After hesitating for a while, the firm idea of ​​the God of the Bible came from the core of the belief system.

This celestial world was actually just an ordinary different dimension attached to the earth at first.

Later, under the transformation of the God of the Bible, it became the divine brilliance it is today.

Even if he died, he did not directly take back his own power.

After all, he also needs to use the heavens as a medium to collect the power of belief.

If the God of the Bible takes back his own power that pervades the entire heaven of 747, then this place will no longer be the paradise that countless believers yearn for, but a desolate and dilapidated space.

Even among those angels that exist in the heaven, except for those with high strength, such as Michael, most of them will dissipate directly.

"Is it really okay for you to treat those angels who are loyal to you like this?"

Su Mu's face was a little weird, and he asked subconsciously.

But then he realized that he seemed to be asking some stupid question.

Sure enough, the will of the God of the Bible at the core of the belief system seemed to be stunned because he asked such a question, and then answered immediately.

"I created them and they belong to me. How to use them, when to use them. Why I live and why I die, of course I decide."

In this regard, it is like how humans should treat after creating robots or artificial intelligence.

Are they claiming to give them human rights because they have intelligence or something?

Obviously, this is not possible.

The same is true for the God of the Bible who created the angels.

Angels are just tools.

However, his attitude towards humans is not at all the same as towards the angels he created. .

Chapter 130 Abducting the God of the Bible

Treating the angels under him with such an indifferent attitude, his attitude toward demons and fallen angels is naturally not much better.

However, only in the face of human beings, He is extraordinarily merciful.

In the face of the war, a lot of power was consumed to seal the beast of 666 that endangered the world.

Painstakingly crafted a large number of artifacts and established rules that only humans can use.

No matter which one it is, it can be seen that in His eyes, human beings are different from angels.

But not as many people think, angels are superior to humans.

To Him, angels are but tools.

Humans, on the other hand, are creatures that He takes great care to maintain.

It has to be said that this strange behavior is particularly puzzling.

As for Su Mu's doubts, the god of the Bible would not be stingy to answer them.

"Without him, it's just because I like it."

No other reason, just preference.

Su Mu nodded lightly.

As previously guessed, in different worlds, there will always be something in common.

In fact, he could detect some signs in the analysis of the Bible he saw in his previous life.

Those angels who are greatly revered by humans are actually far less important or valued to the concept of "Lord" than humans.

Angels are nothing but a handy tool from start to finish.

However, human beings are existences that can, in a sense, be identical with God.

In Kabbalah, people can become the original Adam, or become the existence of God.

And angels, even if they seem to be closer to God at first, are nothing but angels in the end.

The so-called Bible is divided into "Old Testament" and "New Testament".

The "covenant" here means an agreement.

It means that God made a covenant with man.

There are some very obvious implications of this—human beings are not irrelevant to God.

In other words, the seemingly indifferent Lord actually attaches great importance to human beings.

However, God and man hold different thinking concepts.

The god who created the world is not an evil god, nor a good god, but a kind of law, as silent as the sky.

Is God good? no.

Is the sky evil? no.

The rain falls on the righteous as well as the unrighteous.

Thunder will kill saints who are sheltering from the rain under trees, but it will also spare wicked men hiding in their homes.