

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 55

And... Anyway, this method is much better than when Su Mu was at the beginning, like a headless fly, he could only rely on the magic of Orpheus and still think hard to open up a path.

Su Mu comforted himself in his heart.

Time passed slowly.

Su Mu is like a sponge that encounters water, quickly absorbing the knowledge from the Tree of Kabbalah.

With his efforts, the path corresponding to the "trial" slowly opened up.

When this road is completely opened, Su Mu will hold "Glory" in his hand.

Of course, Su Mu was not completely immersed in the Tree of Kabbalah.

He thirsted for knowledge, but the purpose behind it was to gain wisdom and power.

He wants to gain wisdom and power, but he does not live for power, and he is not a slave to power.

For him, power or what, after all, is nothing but a tool.

If power can achieve its purpose, then climb to the top of power.

If wealth serves its purpose, build an empire of commerce.

However, after coming to this world, he found that it was easier to achieve his goals by choosing force.

Power is power, wealth is power, wisdom is power, prestige is power, and force is the most straightforward power.

The so-called power, after all, is a tool that serves a purpose.

In many cases, the combination of work and rest can greatly improve your efficiency.

While absorbing the knowledge in the cosmic blueprint of "Kabbalah", Su Mu would occasionally accompany the kitten on a date, or go directly to the Supernatural Research Department to stuff the dog food into the mouths of Rias and others.

When you are at home, you will also stick with Infinite Menglong to make contact at various distances.

In my spare time, I was able to train a certain little turkey by the way, watching her distraught but having to endure it.

Such days, until one day, two guests from the church came to the door.

"Long time no see, Su Mujun."

Looking at the two slim girls outside the door, Su Mu was a little surprised.

At the forefront is Wisteria Irina with a maroon twintail.

When we parted, she was just a little girl with a big fart, but after so many years, 730 has become a slim and beautiful girl.

The face is carefully painted with light makeup, and the clothes on the body are the dress of the girl next door that matches her age.

At this moment, she raised her hand and waved it gently, looking at Su Mu with soft and adoring eyes.

However, what surprised Su Mu was that Rias's engagement time didn't seem to happen yet.

But at this time, the holy sword duo of the church had already arrived at Kuwang Town and came to the door.

"Long time no see, Irina, she has become a big girl."

Thoughts flowed in his heart, Su Mu's face quickly brought a smile, raised his hand and gently rubbed the girl's chestnut hair.

If you think about it a little bit, this kind of thing is actually normal.

What he has done before has an impact after all.

For example, Rebel who became her own little maid.

At the critical moment when his sister disappeared, he did not believe that Lysa Phoenix could continue to hold ranking games or get engaged with Rias without any influence.


Almost subconsciously, Wisteria Irina gently rubbed her head on Su Mu's head.

Then, she suddenly reacted, her face flushed slightly, and she quickly took a half step back.

"Well, I'm a little embarrassed. Besides, there are outsiders..."

outsider? Where are the outsiders?

Following behind Wisteria Irina, her partner who had been with her for several years, Xenovia, had a suspicious look on her face.

She raised her hand to fold her blue hair and looked around.

No one around here is watching.


Ah, Gan, it turned out that the outsider was referring to me.


ps: School is about to start. My original flight was announced in the afternoon that it was cancelled due to public safety issues. I changed my check-in to 8:00 tomorrow morning. I needed to pack my things and visit my relatives' house to greet me. . . Sorry.

Chapter 95 Want to Protect Your Daily Life (6/6)

"Then, Irina, and this friend, come in."

Su Mu nodded, then walked towards the house with the two girls.

As for why there are maids in the house, why does Su Mu have to open the door by herself now...

It wasn't that the little maid, Leibel, was disobedient, and Su Mu himself was required to open the door for the guests.

The point is that Rebel, the little princess of the Phoenix family, is a pure devil, and these two girls from the church are warriors with holy swords.

Su Mu thought about this in his heart, and glanced at the two girls behind him without a trace.

Wisteria Irina, Su Mu's childhood sweetheart, noticed Su Mu's gaze, and immediately pursed her lips with a slightly awkward smile on her face.

The reason why I say a little awkward is not to force a smile when I am in a bad mood.

Instead, when the other party's eyes fall on his face, he will smile subconsciously.

However, I felt that I needed to be restrained, so I wanted to restrain the too obvious joy.

The maroon-colored reins...the double ponytails swayed slightly according to the owner's mood.

It's just that the church girl with short blue hair is a little different.

In order to meet her childhood sweetheart, Irina Wisteria deliberately transformed herself into a girly dress in an everyday style.

Xenovia is still wearing a black melee combat uniform inside and a wide white robe on the outside.

Moreover, unlike Wisteria Irina, who was full of relaxation and joy at this time, Xenovia had a straight face, and her slightly vigilant gaze stayed on Su Mu's body at all times.

Furthermore, his taut body was clearly in a position to be able to take out the sword instantly at any time.

Probably, it was because he sensed the aura of the devil that Su Mu was tainted with.

Xenovia was born in an orphanage and raised by a church institution.

Since he was a child, he only had the simple idea of ​​fighting for God in his mind. He was a pure church warrior, and he didn't listen to other people's words. He only knew how to wield his sword to kill the enemy.

Even the rest of the church warriors who are fighting together are hard to accept.

Only Wisteria Irina can partner with her.

Moreover, Xenovia at this time seems to be closer to an extreme religious person.

Obviously now, it is no longer an era of tense relations between the three ethnic groups.

But when she encountered demons, fallen angels, and even vampires, the first reaction in her mind was still to draw her sword and kill the opponent.

Su Mu politely nodded towards her, then looked away.

Well, that's why Su Mu didn't ask Rebel to open the door for these two.

If the demons and the extreme warriors cultivated by the church met each other while Su Mu was away, then it was estimated that they would be able to fight immediately.

It was obvious that he was here to visit his childhood sweetheart's home, but it was the devil who came to open the door.

If this happens, there will inevitably be some misunderstandings.

Su Mu was too lazy to deal with any misunderstanding, so he came out in person.

"Irina, are you too relaxed now 々ˇ?"

Xenovia quietly approached Wisteria Irina and spoke in a low voice.

"Don't you notice it? Your childhood friend is full of demonic aura now!"

Even if the war is basically stopped, it does not mean how good the relationship between the church and the devil can be.

In particular, those religious members who have been raised by the church.

For her, her disgust for heretics and heretics would change because of the truce?


Wisteria Irina's footsteps paused slightly, the expression on her face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, and quickly returned to normal.

Then, blinking his eyes gently, he also spoke in a low voice.

"Isn't it normal to have a demonic aura on your body? This is the territory of Gremory and Sidi. There must be a lot of demons in the school where Su Mujun attended."

"In this case, it should be normal to have a demonic aura on your body, right?"

Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Xenovia was suddenly dumbfounded.

Indeed, it is not impossible to be contaminated with the breath of the devil because of daily contact.

However, like your childhood friend, who has such a strong demonic aura...

Could it be that he could stick closely to the devil?

You are also a warrior of the church, so is it really good to protect humans who might cooperate with demons?

Xenovia doesn't mean that she wants to draw her sword and kill him when faced with a demon... well, she thinks most of the time.

However, she still wouldn't take it lightly when she didn't know the situation.

Therefore, he could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart and follow Irina's footsteps.

In his hand he holds the part that uses the legendary king's sword, the "Holy Sword of Destruction", as well as the holy sword Durandal. Xenovia still has a lot of confidence in his own strength.

Even if something happens, his partner is there and can take care of himself.

Thinking of this, Xenovia felt a little at ease.

The three came to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Xenovia, who was sitting opposite Su Mu, sat upright, with her hands on her thighs, her back straight, and her awe-inspiring aura came naturally.

Wisteria Irina hesitated for a while, and finally, as a girl, she still chose to sit down with Su Mu's opponent.

Seeing this, Xenovia felt even more relieved.

In her eyes, Wisteria Irina was really closer to her partner, and she chose to be by her side when she sat down.

It seems that even his childhood childhood sweetheart is still no match for his life-and-death partner.

Just when Xenovia felt a little complacent, she suddenly noticed that there was an uncomfortable aura nearby.

At this moment, a slightly flattering voice appeared just by the sound of it.

"Everyone, please have tea~"

A little girl with blond hair and double ponytails, dressed in a maid outfit, appeared from the direction of the kitchen.

She had an overly enthusiastic smile on her face, and she held a tray with a tea set in her hand.

"This is—" Xenovia's yellow eyes widened immediately, "It turned out to be a demon!"

Could it be that he accidentally fell into the devil's trick? Fall into a trap?

Her body suddenly tensed, and her eyes were sharp.

The little maid who brought tea and water was naturally Rebel Phoenix.

There was a faint smile on Su Mu's mouth.

Well, he was a little curious about how the church duo would react to this situation.

Just as Su Mu expected, almost instantly, Xenovia raised his hand and tore off the wide white robe he was wearing, revealing the black battle tights underneath.

The "¨"Holy Sword of Destruction" instantly appeared in her hand.

The original body of this sword is the "King's Sword" that once shined brilliantly in ancient times. As a holy sword, it has a terrifying holy attribute, and it has a very powerful lethal power to demons.