

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 44

However, Akeno Himejima's behavior is still textbook-level norms.

To be honest, no matter in the past life or this life, Su Mu has always lacked understanding of the tea ceremony.

In the past life, tea was indeed a drink that really entered the homes of ordinary people and could accompany ordinary people.

But if you want to talk about the tea ceremony, or look for the mysterious and mysterious spirit in it, then this thing is more often just a back wave player in the earth ol, specially used for tricks.

Even picking up the word "tea ceremony" alone occasionally produces an inexplicable sense of wretchedness.

If you say such slang words as "tea ceremony is high" and "gulugulu", you may be able to arouse some approval from him.

But now, Su Mu can realize that the so-called tea ceremony, no matter which country it is, no matter what kind of tea it is, is actually the same.

Only the red sleeves add fragrance and let cute girls serve them discreetly, which is the essence.

Master, I understand.

After a brief silence, Himejima Akina played with the hair by her ear and opened her mouth with a small smile.

"I was rescued by Rias' father's family, and after negotiating with the Himejima family, I was handed over to the Gremory family for shelter."

She smiled lightly and described her previous experience lightly, obviously without the will to say more.

"Then I stayed at Gremory's house and became Rias's entourage. Together with her, she received education, grew up, and became close friends. It can be said that she is the best friend who knows Rias."

"After obtaining the demon chess piece in Rias's Ascension Kingdom, she was reborn as her first servant as a queen."

The faint scent of the tea room lingers.

Himejima Akeno said, her brows and eyes slightly curved, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

The memories with Rias were also very precious memories for her.

Even though he is often at tit-for-tat with Rias, this is actually a very good relationship.

In her eyes, Rias is a friend, a benefactor, and a sister.

"Rias has many shortcomings."

Himejima Akeno's tone was gentle and slightly helpless, as if talking about her troublesome sister.

"Impulsive, do things without considering the consequences, have a strong self-esteem, arrogance and arrogance above the top, who can only see the goal in front, but will ignore more other things."


The girl in the witch costume had a soft face, and there was a hint of pride in her words.

"Rias has more advantages, which can make her as dazzling as a sparkling gem. Among the many advantages, those flaws are just small flaws on the gem, and they can't hide the overall brilliance."

"Yesterday, Rias was indeed a little impulsive. She may not realize that she caused trouble to your two friends." Himejima Akeno bowed his head slightly, apologizing, "I hope you do this Don't mind."

"Actually, this is also because of the enormous pressure that Rias is facing, so sometimes it is inevitable that she will be impulsive."

"Under the pressure of the family, she was forced to get engaged to Leza Phoenix, the third son of the Phoenix family, one of the 72-pillar superiors, but she didn't like each other."

"The reason for this is that the family has given many reasons, such as for the continuation of pure blood demons, for the future of the underworld-"

"There are many reasons given by the two families, but what cannot be changed in the end is the fact that a girl's happiness needs to be sacrificed."

"After all, let's not talk about how the other party is, in Rias's eyes, this marriage partner is very bad."

Just these words are enough to make the young and vigorous teenager fill with righteous indignation.

However, Su Mu didn't answer, just listened to Himejima Akina's narration with a calm expression.

As the so-called great power comes great responsibility.

The more benefits you enjoy, the more responsibilities you have to take.

As one of the four great families in the underworld, Rias was born to stand on a peak that no one knows how many people have worked hard to reach.

Then, she naturally has to take the corresponding responsibility.

Some people may say that in order to be able to freely pursue her own happiness, she would rather not have these favorable conditions that she was born with.

But this kind of thinking is also qualified because of the innate conditions that have been obtained.

In fact, if she was really born ordinary, what kind of thoughts she would have is unknown.

And... as the third son of the Phoenix family, what exactly is Lesa Phoenix like remains to be explored.

It can be said that he is only young and vigorous as a noble son, and he was not bad at all.

If the other party is really an ignorant dude, then Rias doesn't need to worry so much about the ranking game with the other party.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

What's more, it was impossible for Sazex Lucifer to really push his sister into the fire pit, because he was acquainted with him and would naturally resolve all conflicts.

And after all, she is the little princess of the Gremory family. Even if it is a marriage, the Phoenix family needs to consider the influence, and will only send out the best members of the family.

Otherwise, it would be tantamount to an insult to the Gremory family and the Demon Lord Lucifer, and Sazex would definitely terminate the engagement without hesitation.

However, in the eyes of Rias, who had a bad feeling about marriage, Raisa's frivolous attitude can be said to be extremely dazzling.

Therefore, she tried her best to cancel her engagement.

Especially, after seeing his friend Zhiku Canna, who successfully obtained the freedom of marriage through the victory of chess.

The above is the explanation given by Akeno Himejima for Rias' impulsive behavior when she invited Su Mu's two friends yesterday.

At the same time, this apology has a different meaning.

When Rias needs it, she hopes to get her help.


It would be even better if those two friends of my own could also help out together.

"The little princess of the Gremory family, Rias."

Su Mu gently rubbed his eyebrows and said with emotion.

Akeno Himejima smiled gently.

"So, Su Mujun, don't you know that you are willing to be a prince and protect the dream of the little princess?"

She may not be able to see the essence of things.

This so-called marriage itself cannot be explained in a simple way.

However, as Rias's retinue, as a friend and sister, her position itself is on Rias's side.

Not to mention that it is difficult to tell right from wrong, even if Rias is wrong, she will stand firmly on this side.

Speaking of this, Himejima Akeno blinked her beautiful purple eyes, her tone changed quietly, and her face had a nasty look.

"The little princess trapped in the castle, if a prince is willing to help save her, then she may really like the prince~"

"You must know that Rias is not only beautiful, but also kind and approachable."

Himejima Akeno's demeanor was like that of a pimp, and the smile on his face was a bit thief.

"Also, Hungarian is very big. In addition to her family background, if she can marry her, it must be able to greatly satisfy her desire to conquer as a man, right?"

Su Mu was silent for a few seconds, then spoke slowly.

"Actually, Himejima-senpai is also very beautiful, and even bigger."

"Eh? Is it?"

Unexpectedly, Su Mu would suddenly molest him, and a blush of shame flashed across Jijima Akeno's face.

Then, he put on a smiling face again to hide his shyness.

"Ahhh, senpai, I'm on Rias' side~"

"Oh." Su Mu nodded lightly, "I'm on the kitten's side."

Himejima Akeno blinked a little off guard.

Shouldn't you say that you are also on Rias's side, or on my side?

wait, kitty...

Himejima Akeno looked down silently.


Gan oh, goddamn poor breast control heresy. and.

Chapter 83: Cao Cao's Visit (2/6)

Himejima Zhu Nai now, probably heard what Su Mu wanted to express.

She and Su Mu have always had a very good relationship with the Tacheng kitten, and she is Rias' family.

If Rias really had to marry Lysa Phoenix, the noble young master who opened the harem because of the marriage...

"Even if it's for the kitten, I can't let Rias really marry that guy directly, right?"

Su Mu spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Unless Rias is willing to break away from her family status, otherwise, I can't stay out of this kind of thing."

"Ahhh, that's what I said."

Himejima Akeno was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a clear expression on his face.

Then, the expression on his face changed into a resentful expression, and his voice sounded pitiful.

"It's just for the kitten. If you say that, Rias and I don't matter?"

Su Mu didn't answer, just looked down at the teacup in his hand.

This look made Himejima Akeno feel very discouraged.

Although I heard that most boys like big ones...but it seems that there are a few special tastes.

Shouldn't it, Su Mujun is one of them, right?

Himejima Akeno brushed his finger over his "Seven-Three-Zero" chin, and thought to himself.

Then, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Poor breast control or something is evil.

It seems that it is necessary for him to help him correct it... oh, oh, it's none of my business.

Himejima Akeno secretly spat in her heart.

In fact, Su Mu wanted to interfere with Rias's engagement, although the most important reason was because the Tacheng kitten was Rias' family.

However, it was probably because Rias and Himejima Akeno were both beautiful girls.

The so-called inferiority of men is just like that.

Even if I don't take the initiative to pursue it, I don't want a cute girl to fall into the hands of others.

Moreover, he is not actually a poor milk control, just a color critic.

Su Mu sighed in his heart.

"Then, are you willing to become Rias's servant?"

Himejima Akeno shook his head gently, throwing away all his distracting thoughts.

Then, with some anticipation, he asked aloud.

"Sorry, but I haven't given up on the idea of ​​human identity."

Su Mu replied calmly.

"It doesn't seem like it has to pass the ranking game you mentioned before for Rias to be able to break up the engagement, right?"

Ranking games, battle matches with demon masters leading their retinues, are the mainstream way to determine the status of demons.

Raisa, who was the target of Rias's engagement, achieved a very high position in this kind of competition by virtue of her immortality as the Phoenix family.

Whether it is the strength of the servants or the strength of the master, they are far superior to Rias.

However, for Rias, this hopeless method was the only way he could see.

That's why she is so thirsty for powerful relatives.

"It's true, it's not like there are no other methods besides ranking games."

Himejima Akeno smiled lightly, her beautiful lips pursed into a seductive arc.