

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 32

"Then, human, I already know your purpose."

In the emerald dragon pupil, Su Mu's shadow is reflected.

"The body that has been tempered into steel, the eloquence that is eloquent, and the will that is confident that it can reach its peak no matter what—"

The grinning dragon's mouth looked a little hideous.

"In terms of qualifications to become a host, 'Ddraig' hereby admits that in my eyes, you are enough."

"But, you are ready now, have you carried the curse brought by the name 'Red Dragon Emperor'?"

"I have never thought about the curse brought by the name Chilongdi."

Su Mu smiled.

"I said, Ddraig, are you looking too high on yourself?"

"Is the title Chilongdi really qualified as my symbol?"

Su Mu sneered unabashedly.

"What an arrogant human kid." There was a sinister undertone in Ddraig's voice.

It opened its dragon mouth and sprayed ochre-red flames at the detached body of the fallen angel Linali's corpse, burning it up.

Then, the dragon hoof kicked the ashes resentfully, causing the dust to fly all over the sky.

"Then let me see it with my own eyes—"

The body of the heterogeneous red dragon shrank rapidly, and finally turned into ochre-red hand armor inlaid with huge emerald gems.

The celestial dragon named Ddraig is precisely the ignorant dragon that rejoices in arrogant words.

"What kind of weight does a human kid who is arrogant enough to think that the words 'Red Dragon Emperor' are not enough."

Majestic red gauntlets were worn on Su Mu's arms.

"I, will allegiance to you!".

Chapter 67 Touch the cat, Panlong

"Mate, are you being too cautious?"

Ddraig, who resided in the gauntlet, spoke helplessly.

It found that its partner seemed to be completely different from any of its former hosts.


I just signed a contract with him for his use, and this guy hurriedly left the alley just now.

"Ddraig, you should remember that caution is never a bad thing at any time."

Su Mu didn't care about her swift departure from the starting location.

Although he has harvested the god-killing tool of the Chilong Emperor's hand armor, the current Su Mu is not ready to let the whole world know about this matter.

After all, facing the Chilong Emperor who has not yet grown up, many people may have strange thoughts.

It may be coercion, or it may be malicious.

But in any case, Su Mu is not ready to become too conspicuous before he has enough strength.

Not to mention anything else, if this guy Valli Lucifer came over now, I'm afraid Su Mu would have enough headaches.

Vali, who can use Balong, even if Su Mu has all his cards, it will probably be quite troublesome to deal with, and the outcome is unpredictable.

In that case, he might have to rely on the power of Orpheus again.

But in this case, it will only lead to more troubles, such as the coveting of more forces headed by the Troubled Group.

"Ah, ah, it seems that my partner this time is a strategist who acts cautiously."

The Chilong Emperor sighed loudly.

The previous host, no matter what his personality was, was a reckless man who would only try his best to move forward.

Therefore, act cautiously and plan as much as possible before doing things. Now such a host makes him feel quite novel.

It doesn't feel bad. —Drager

Of course, the reason why it has such a feeling, and why it can accept Su Mu's win so easily.

I am afraid that the ability of "The Ballad of the Dragon" has played a big role in it.

All in all, Ddraig was quite satisfied.

As the saying goes, if you lose your horse, how can you know it is not a blessing.

Ddraig was in such a mood at this time.

This new host is much better than the guy named Hyoudou Issei.

As a human, he can acquire power that can be regarded as the top among intermediate demons.

In addition, it seems to be a body that has been tempered.

Such a host, and then cooperate with his own assistance.

As long as there is still the awareness to use the power of the Tyrannosaurus, it must be enough to compete with the host chosen by Arubion in the future.

Ddraig was in a good mood.

However, this good mood disappeared instantly when Su Mu got home.


The feather-colored Dragon God stood in front of Su Mu, facing the ochre-red gauntlets floating in front of him.

For the first time, there was a clear hostility in her eyes.

The fair and pretty face was cold.

The gray-black power swept through, rushing towards the divine weapon "Red Dragon Emperor's Hand Armor" like a tidal wave.

"You guy, do you want to snatch my husband from me?"

For the first time, an emotion called unpleasant appeared in Orpheus' voice.

For this innocent dragon god, Su Mu is the most important thing in this world.

If the rest exist, she will not care.

However, if they were both dragons, Chilong Emperor, one of the two heavenly dragons, was enough to make her vigilant and hostile in her heart.

In this regard, Ddraig said...?

Who is going to rob you of your husband?

I just want to find a partner to help me fight the White Dragon Emperor.

Just when I came to the house of my chosen partner, I found that a guy like the Infinite Dragon God was glaring at him...

That undisguised hostility made Ddraig feel a lot of pressure.

Although he is not afraid of fighting, or lacks the courage to face the Dragon God.

However, he was afraid of being demolished by the Infinite Dragon God in this powerless state.

In this case, it is really a shame, or it can turn the originally innocent Longsheng into a joke.

Ddraig was confused.

Not expecting this scene to happen, Su Mu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

Almost habitually, under Ddraig's vibrating gaze...

He raised his hand and placed it on top of Orpheus's head, rubbing it gently, soothing the almost berserk dragon.

"Don't worry, Ddraig didn't come to take me away from you."

Su Mu said softly.

"My current strength is still not enough. With Ddraig, it can increase my strength a lot. So, it is different from you, this guy is just..."

Su Mu thought about it for a while and considered his words.

"It's just a tool dragon."

Ddraig: Shit.

Shouldn't it be a partner? Why has it become a tool dragon now?

It feels uncomfortable.

However, before it could ask anything, Orpheus silently cast his eyes.

"Yes, he was right."

Ddraig's gauntlet dangled up and down, as if he was nodding.

"I'm just a tool dragon."

In order not to be demolished by this infinite dragon god, it is better to give in.

If the old enemy who was waiting for him knew, the hand armor of the Red Dragon Emperor was torn down for such ridiculous reasons...

unimaginable. .

Chapter 68 British Magical Girl

"What it can do, I can do too."

Orpheus's expression returned to calm, and he opened the mouth with the same cute tone as before.

"Even as a tool, or an artifact."

"It's different." Su Mu said softly, as if he was teaching the simple difference between things to children who didn't understand anything.

"Ddraig is just a tool for me to provide strength. And you, the wife who made a vow with me."

The ochre-red gauntlets vibrated gently, and there was some will of approval.

Although the title of tool dragon made him a little uncomfortable, it was too cold compared to the title of "partner".

However, Ddraig didn't really care about these things.

For Ddraig, a dragon that lives in the world, and is the top dragon in the world.

The most important things are power and pride.

As for the rest, whether it's a companion or a more inexplicable family love, it doesn't matter.

Although it has a good impression of Su Mu, its relationship with Su Mu is still a "representative" relationship.

As a replacement for the one that was sealed in the God Slayer, Sumu, who possesses its power, will fight against the fellow with Alubion's power.

This will be a continuation of the battle between the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, and everything else is irrelevant.

"It really makes me wonder, as the infinite dragon god far above me, he would be addicted to these boring things-"

Ddraig sighed.

"Ddraig, are you—" The young woman named Orpheus, her black hair fluttered slightly, and there was no joy or sorrow in her eyes, "Teach me a lesson?"

"That's not the case. How can the weak have the qualifications to preach to the strong."

Ddraig replied with emotion.

"Although we can't understand it, if the weak and the strong are at odds, then the strong must be right."

"It's just that, whether it's me or Arubion, I'll always stick to my choice."

As a two-day dragon, Ddraig was proud when he was a strong man.

Even when he is weak, he is proud.

The arrogance of the strong can trample the arrogance of the weak at will.

The arrogance of the weak tries to maintain itself under the arrogant trampling of the strong.

This is the dragon that lives in the world and is inherently stronger than many races.

Orpheus, who grew up in the gap between dimensions, may never understand the dragon inside the world.

After resolving the conflict between Ddraig and Orpheus, Su Mu directly put Chilongdi's gauntlet into the storage space.

After all, as he said, this is just a tool that can improve his combat power.