

unknown_20281 · Tranh châm biếm
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126 Chs

Chapter 15

"It's better to just leave it like this and make a fair deal. How about exchanging the 'necessary knowledge of the mysterious world' for the 'right to reveal the secrets between you and me' to others?"


The Tacheng kitten was silent for a while.

Because what she was thinking about at this moment was just like what Su Mu said.

As Rias's family, if he refuses to report what the owner of the house is worrying about at this time, it will be another great dereliction of duty.

However, she really regarded Su Mu as a friend.

If it is a secret between friends, then naturally it cannot be leaked out at will.

As Su Mu said, she may face a dilemma at this time.

In this case, what Su Mu said at this time was indeed the best choice.

Tacheng Kitten nodded with some difficulty and agreed.

However, she did not immediately explain anything to Su Mu, but turned around and left.

"I'm going to inform Minister Rias first. About what you want to know, let's wait for Minister Rias to explain to you in person."

Tsk, I thought I would have a chance to make this guy call him "senior" obediently. .

Chapter 30 Rias' Calmness

Looking at the back of Tacheng Kitten leaving in a hurry, Su Mu couldn't help but smile. Like this, I can be troubled by the choice of whether I should keep my secret or report my situation to Rias.

That means that his status in this kitty's heart is not low.

Su Mu admits that he is not a good person, but he doesn't mind being kind to those who are really willing to be kind to him if it is not necessary.

Moreover, the other party regards him as a friend, or a more intimate relationship, under the condition that he is not a good person.

This kind of feeling is much stronger than the goodwill caused by the so-called "Assassi".

In particular, the other party is still a cute little cat.

He stopped pretending, he is an lsp.

Since he stayed in Kuwang Town, his official status was still very important.

And Rias and Zhitou Canna represent the "official" of the mysterious side of Kuwang Town.

Su Mu now has the power of Kabbalah and Tarot, so naturally he can't hide it all the time and dare not expose it to the sun.

Therefore, in order to reduce some unnecessary troubles, it is also a good thing to expose your own situation under appropriate circumstances.

Moreover, if you tell your own situation through the mouth of Tacheng Kitten, you will have higher credibility.

Of course, he wouldn't foolishly expose his situation.

Now, he is an artifact user who has just awakened.

The name of the artifact he possesses borrows the name of the guardian angel in the tenth essence, "Shang Dafeng".

In this world, the angel who guards the tenth essence does not exist, so Su Mu can also borrow his name without hesitation.

Um. From today, he is the artifact user of the artifact "Chang Dafeng's Cloak".

Looking at the back of Tacheng Kitten leaving, Su Mu did not follow, but went back to the classroom directly.

It was now lunch break, and only a few people were still in the classroom.

"Su Jun! Tacheng classmate called you out, what's the matter?"

"Student Su Mu, are you dating Tacheng classmates?"

As soon as Su Mu returned to the classroom, he immediately attracted the attention of several people in the classroom.

Gossip is human nature after all.

What's more, Su Mu has a very good relationship with almost all of his classmates.

Boys are gossiping about this, as for girls...

It is to determine whether the lover of his dreams has been robbed.

Although it was just after class, Su Mu was dragged out by the Tacheng kitten in the front seat during class, and ran all the way to the confession holy place behind the teaching building...

I'm afraid, it will soon spread throughout the school.

Su Mu looked at the surrounding classmates, rolled her eyes, and spit out a word succinctly.


If it was before the election of the student council president, he might have dealt with these classmates in order to maintain his reputation and popularity.

But now, he has absolutely no interest in maintaining that Assassi character.

However, the indifference after the exposure of this nature has caused most of the students to make up their minds, thinking that he was hit hard by the election of the student council president.

While the surrounding students were still asking questions, a knock on the door suddenly came to mind.

Followed by that, there is the feminine voice full of confidence and vitality.

"Hello, Su Mu, do you have free time now?"

Noticing the slender red-haired figure standing outside the door, the discussions in the classroom stopped instantly.

"I don't know if you would like to spend this noon with the members of our paranormal research department?"

Rias asked with a confident and bright smile on her face.

Behind her, Himejima Zhu Nai smiled without saying a word, looking at Su Mu with scrutiny eyes.

"I don't know about the paranormal research department. Can you help with the lunch problem?"

Hearing this, Rias's face showed a slightly astonished look, and then quickly turned into a smile: "This is natural, the power of the Supernatural Research Department has tea and meals for the members."

The three of them had just left, and there was a moment of mourning in the classroom.

"Damn, I was invited away by Rias-senpai! He was followed by Himejima-senpai!"

"Not only that! It is said that in the morning, classmate Su Mu was dragged by classmate Tacheng all the way to the cherry blossom forest to confess!"


So, after knowing that I was the artifact user who could easily deal with the lost demon, did Rias also have the intention of turning me into her own family?

Su Mu followed behind the two girls and said with emotion.

Whether he came to pick him up to go to the Occult Research Department in person, or the "tea and meals prepared for the members" that he answered when he faced his own temptation just now, this can be explained.

The seemingly impolite words he just said were actually confirming the intention of the two of them. And Rias also instantly understood what he meant and gave her own answer.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward).

Chapter 31 Rias: I feel that my IQ is suppressed

The activity room of the Department of Occult Studies, in the old school building of Kuo Academy.

The slightly mottled walls and the creeping vines seem to have been abandoned for quite some time on the surface.

But inside, it is far more luxurious than the new school building.

Entering the Supernatural Research Department, in addition to Rias and Himejima Akeno who came to pick up Su Mu, Tacheng Kitten and Rias's other family member, Yuto Kiba, were already waiting in the activity room.

Seeing Su Mu, Kiba Yuto suddenly showed a bright smile.

Most of the students in the entire school have a high respect or a good impression with Su Mu.

Kiba Yuto, who has always had a good temper, is naturally even more so.

Moreover, seeing Su Mu coming here, his smile was more intimate than before.

After all, in his eyes, Su Mu, who can awaken the divine weapon, can be regarded as someone on his side whether he accepts Rias' invitation or not.

As for the Tacheng kitten...

She was just sitting on the sofa, eating potato chips in her mouth.

Seeing Su Mu come in, her bright yellow eyes turned slightly, and then she turned Lian to one side, obviously still a little sullen, and didn't want to say hello to him.

"Welcome to our paranormal research department, Su Mu."

Entering the Occult Research Department, Rias closed the door and sat down gracefully in her place.

Afterwards, Jijima Zhu Nai, who had an inexplicable smile on his face, raised his hand and guided Su Mu to sit next to the kitten in Tacheng.

The girl who was eating potato chips showed disgust on her face, and silently moved her butt to a slightly farther position.

However, it didn't actually move much.

"Student Su Mu, as far as I know, you have a little understanding of supernatural powers before, right?"

Rias didn't know much about Su Mu before, most of which came from the conversations with other students and the Tacheng kitten.

In addition, it was the spiritual power cultivation method that Su Mu used to successfully capture an exorcism family.

The family tried to take revenge, but in the end it was swept away under the interference of Zhi Kuangna.

This also shows that Su Mu may have a little understanding of the non-conscious world.

Of course, in Rias' eyes, this understanding should be quite shallow.

Otherwise, he would never easily do something like stealing the inheritance of the exorcism family that was no different from courting death.

Not knowing Su Mu's scheming when he acted before, Rias patiently spoke and told him the basic situation of this world.

Then, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said slowly.

"And my identity is one of the four major families of demons in the underworld, the successor of the Gremory family."

"The remaining members of this paranormal research department, although originally of different races, have now accepted my invitation to become my followers and reincarnated as demons."

Saying that, behind her, a pair of purple-black demon bat wings slowly opened.

As if to echo her words, Kiba Yuto, and Tacheng Kitten, who always pretended not to pay attention to Su Mu, also spread their demon wings.

As for Himejima Akeno... She just smiled and watched without doing anything.

Seemingly noticing Su Mu's gaze, Rias explained softly, "Zunai's situation is a little special."


Su Mu retracted his gaze and touched the pair of demon bat wings behind her in the sullen eyes of the Tacheng kitten next to her.

In fact, he probably knew the reason why Himejima Akeno was reluctant to reveal the Devil's Wings.

Himejima Akira is a hybrid of human and fallen angel, and hated the fallen angel blood from his father because of his mother's death.

She was then reincarnated into a demon by Rias, and the wings she possessed were also a mixture of fallen angels and demons.

So, I don't like to show my wings.

"That being said, it's not like you are dealing with strangers who have inadvertently stepped into the realm of the supernatural."

Su Mu put her arms on the table, her hands resting on her chin, and a gentle smile on her face.

"With your relationship with the kitten, you are not a stranger in this paranormal research department." Rias said in a natural tone, ignoring Tacheng kitten's complaint that "I have nothing to do with this guy", "What's more, I am now It is indeed with the purpose of wanting to win you over, and I hope you can agree to become my family."

"So that's the case. So, the awakened artifact on my body should still be quite valuable?" Su Mu asked with a slightly smiling tone.

"It's natural. You can easily kill the lost demon with intermediate strength just after awakening, and you can see that the potential is extremely high."

Although some unscrupulous bosses will greatly depreciate the value of their employees when they are in the workplace, in order to reduce their salary and the possibility of job-hopping, when recruiting employees, it is also conducive to forcing him to agree to join the job at a very low cost.

However, Rias is not such an unscrupulous boss.

Although when she recruits family members, she will select them according to whether their value is worthwhile, but she will treat her family members as family members.

"in addition..."

Rias hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to say it herself.

"In addition to me, there are others who hope to make you their own family."

(Sorry, a bit too much today, now working on coding).

Chapter 32: Rias wants to be upright

"The person you are talking about should be the president of the withdrawal?"

As soon as Rias spoke, Su Mu immediately asked back.

Rias blinked a little blankly, then nodded suspiciously.