
Chapter 144: Earlier

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If she wanted to win, she couldn't take anything for granted. Which meant she had to act as if that attack could finish her.

Calling upon her dwindling demonic power, she formed fireballs in each hand.

Slamming them together, she combined them to form a single large attack. With that she launched it at the approaching Naruto.

This attack had been powerful enough to overpower the fallen angel's attack.

Unless he did those weird hand things, he couldn't match the power of it.

Naruto just grinned as he looked at the approaching fire attack. He didn't plan on tackling it head on.

Instead Naruto dropped into a slide, and slid right under the attack.

The fire was so close Naruto had a feeling his skin would develop several light burns just from the proximity…but he got through. The attack passed over him safely.

As soon as he cleared the fire, he popped back up to his feet.

Ravel was wide open. Eyes wide at the unexpected dodge, she didn't have time to dodge or counter. Naruto lifted his Rasengan.

He didn't shove it into Ravel though. No, instead he dropped to a crouch five feet in front of her. He then dug the Rasengan into the ground.

The soft earth might as well have been water for all the resistance it gave. As soon as the Rasengan was sunk into the ground as much as it could go, Naruto let the attack destabilize.

The release of energy created an explosion, which Naruto controlled to release in Ravel's direction.

The explosion of energy carried the dirt with it. The result. A wave of dirt that crashed into Ravel.

Ravel reacted in the way anyone would when pelted with soil. Letting out a cry, she closed her eyes and lifted her arms to shield her face. Which left her completely open to an attack.

Naruto moved at her. Passing by her side, Naruto grabbed her wrist with his hand. His other hand rose to grab her upper arm.

Using those two handholds as a grip, Naruto continued running past her. He then used that momentum against Ravel, as with a roar Naruto pulled her arm to throw her in the direction he had been running.

Naruto distinctly felt her shoulder dislocate from the force. With a panicked cry, Ravel was helpless as she was sent flying in the direction of the forest that wasn't on fire.

Like a bullet she flew before she was stopped after smashing through several trees.

Naruto watched in satisfaction. That no doubt hurt her. Considering her previous state, she was no doubt close to breaking.

When someone is close to breaking though, they tend to fight back even harder. Better be prepared. Naruto already had a plan.

Fire erupted from the forest where Ravel had been sent, setting even more of the forest on fire.

She then burst out of the flames, flying into the air.

Pausing in the air above Naruto, it revealed that the wings of flame on Ravel's back were at least double their previous size.

Wasting demonic power needlessly. Yep, Ravel is on her last breath here. A candle always burns brightest right before it goes out after all.

Calm as a cucumber, Naruto lifted a rock in his hand. He then lobbed it into the air high above Ravel. It wouldn't at any point be near Ravel.

Feeling like he was mocking her, Ravel saw red. Screaming in rage, her entire body lit up in flames.

Raising her hands above her head, the fire started gathering at one point. Ignoring her lowering energy levels, Ravel put as much demonic power into the attack as she could.

She didn't stop until the flames burned with a white center.

"Just disappear already!" Ravel yelled as she sent the attack flying at Naruto. As soon as the attack was sent flying it exploded outwards, turning into a wall of flames.

Naruto just smiled as the attack consumed him.

Ravel panted as the fire died down. She was desperately gulping down air, and she was sure she'd be sweating like a pig if the heat of the flames hadn't evaporated it all.

Even her demonic power, which had always been her greatest advantage, was running on empty. She had hit her limit, but that infuriating blonde was finally done.

Wait a second…There was no announcement.

Sensing something, Ravel looked up with wide eyes. All she saw was a descending foot before it connected with the top of her head.

The axe kick had horrific power, and sent her speeding to the ground. For the second time that day, Ravel hit the ground headfirst.

Naruto rolled his shoulders as he stayed in the air after the attack. Calm, he watched Ravel laying on the ground trying to recover.

Her regeneration might have fixed any real damage, but there were several things it couldn't fix. Like stamina.

Ravel was clearly out of stamina. Not to mention an attack straight to the head likely left her dizzy, even if the actual damage was healed.

It took half a minute for Ravel to finally work her way to her feet. After a second though, she collapsed onto her hands and knees.

Panting as her muscles were shaking from the strain they hadn't ever felt before, Ravel could only lift her head to glare at Naruto. She then demanded in a weak voice, "H-How?"

Naruto didn't answer the question although the answer was quite simple. After throwing her, Naruto had created a clone.

The real one had then transformed into a rock. The clone threw the rock into the air above her.

The clone made her waste that powerful attack for no gain, and the original got to land a powerful attack.

Ravel should have noticed that. The explosive note wrapped around the rock earlier would have made her suspicious of the weird move.

She would have suspected something was up. The fight had left her panicked and desperate enough that she hadn't noticed though.

"You can't win," Naruto stated simply.

Naruto hated the 'you can't win' speech. So many enemies had said it to him before, and he had repeatedly proved them wrong.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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