
Chapter 143: Raised

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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That had clearly shaken her confidence. Naruto had just proved that he could actually defeat her in her area of specialty.

The sense of superiority she had carried was suddenly gone.

Shrugging Naruto replied casually, "I did say I was going to roast your ass. I never said I was going to use my own flames to do it. I never break my promises, yakitori-chan."

Ravel's trembling increased, although it was clearly due to anger now. She then hissed out furiously, "You think this is a joke?…You have insulted my honor as a Phenex…Y-You insufferable buffoon."

"Calm down, yakitori-chan," Naruto said with a wide grin. His prankster side was acting up. He quickly unsealed something from the storage seals on his wrist. Naruto held up the stick of yakitori as he added mockingly, "You aren't alone. I brought some company for you."

Being mocked with yakitori was clearly the final straw for Ravel. With an enraged scream, she shot at Naruto.

She rapidly started striking at him, fire blasting out with each strike. Naruto frantically started dodging.

Despite her rage, Ravel had clearly chosen this method of attack for a reason.

These blasts of fire were far weaker than her previous attack, but they came at a faster rate.

Staying just five feet away from Naruto, it became nearly impossible for Naruto to dodge the rapid fire attacks.

If she actually knew how to do this sort of attack instead of just flailing her arms wildly, it would be very dangerous

Utilizing raw wind manipulation, Naruto did his best to affect the fire coming at him by controlling the wind currents around him.

He couldn't change the flow of the fire completely, but he could subtly redirect it to pass by him…Barely. The fire was missing him by inches.

The heat of the fire was potent enough for Naruto to worry about being burned just from the proximity.

Knowing he couldn't keep it up, Naruto created two clones without any hand seals. Both moved at Ravel in an attempt to stop the assault.

Ravel stopped the rapid fire blasts, but clearly didn't plan to let up. Crossing her arms across her chest, her entire body lit up with flames.

Uncrossing her arms, she released a wall of flames in all directions. The two clones were destroyed, and the real Naruto was forced to jump backwards to avoid the flames.

As soon as he landed and the flames started dying down, Naruto spotted another attack of Ravel's.

It missed by quite a bit, proving that even Ravel couldn't spot him perfectly through the flames.

The attack created a large shockwave when it hit the ground though, buffeting Naruto.

Shielding his face, Naruto jumped away a bit. He then saw another attack coming.

With the wall of flames down, he also saw Ravel charging another one.

So that was her plan now. Just repeatedly chuck attacks at him until something hits.

Naruto was actually a bit disappointed. Ravel's lack of experience was already starting to show through.

She came on strong at first, but that momentum was already starting to wear down.

Not planning on just dodging, Naruto unsealed a rock from the seals on his wrists. With a quick snap of his arm, the rock was sent at Ravel.

She looked at it dismissively when she calculated it wouldn't hit her, instead focusing on charging her next attack.

She really should have looked closer because an explosive tag was wrapped around the rock.

Naruto didn't have enough kunai to waste them, so he just substituted a rock instead.

When the rock was closest to Ravel, Naruto detonated it with a hand seal.

Ravel was knocked off her feet and sent rolling. Any real damage quickly healed, but it interrupted the attack she had been charging.

She quickly started getting back to her feet, although her hair was frazzled and her clothes dirty from the unexpected tumble she took on the ground. Naruto was already on the move.

Closing the distance before she could get her bearings, Naruto created three clones with a hand seal.

The clones moved ahead of him. The first slid in front of her before nailing her in the chin with a rising kick. It sent her into the air.

The other two jumped up, both hitting her with kicks to send her higher. At the peak of the jump, the real Naruto was waiting.

He readied an axe kick to send her into the ground, but Ravel clearly wasn't going to let him have his way.

Screaming in effort, she covered herself in fire. Then those flames exploded outwards.

Naruto had to do a quick substitution with one of his clones to avoid the counter.

Looking up with a scowl, Naruto was surprised to see Ravel herself falling down.

She hit the ground back first, an inelegant landing to say the least. That attack seems to have cost her as well.

Naruto just watched as Ravel slowly clambered to her feet. Even more dirty and frazzled than before, she was also breathing heavily. Naruto could practically see the weariness settling in.

"You are very good. I'll give you that. It's almost unfair that you could become this strong without any serious training, and I have little doubt you'll get stronger and improve over time simply by virtue of your natural talent," Naruto declared honestly. Ravel immediately perked up while smirking proudly. His words clearly agreed with her. Naruto then stated bluntly, "But I've finished studying your overall ability, and you come up short on what is necessary to defeat me."

That didn't agree with Ravel as much. Crossing her arms, she raised an eyebrow as she asked haughtily despite her disheveled state, "Is that so?"

"Yep," Naruto replied with a smile. Holding up a hand, he formed a Rasengan as he added, "I'll now show you the difference between you and I."

With that, Naruto darted at Ravel. Head on. Ravel frowned. She was confident the attack couldn't harm her, but this battle was not going they way she had predicted. She was…losing. It was galling to admit, but it was true.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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