Ending up in a new world by accident, Naruto's mere presence has shifted the flow of events. So Naruto is sent to Kuoh Academy to ensure peace will eventually be reached in this new world. Can he ensure peace in a second world? He'll sure as hell try,
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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Anything lower than it was left alone though. Whether Naruto was right with that or not, unarmed attacks seemed to cause Phenex members the most pain.
If you wanted to break someone's will to fight, causing them pain was a good start.
Which meant Naruto was going to restrict himself to using blunt force trauma against Ravel. No cutting attacks.
He was just going to punch her, kick her, and slam her into stuff till the spoiled and arrogant princess got tired of the abuse and gave up.
Already Ravel looked frazzled and worn. If a single punch to the stomach and throwing her against the ground was able to damage her so much, Naruto doubted this was going to take long.
Maybe four or five more successful attacks before she gave up.
Ravel scowled at him before announcing, "Now you've earned my ire. I'm just going to finish this now."
Ravel then held up a hand. Fire formed in a tightly condensed ball. Naruto could feel the demonic power radiating from it.
That was a finisher. An attack meant to end a battle. He didn't know it, but this was the same attack that had defeated Yuuto.
Naruto wanted no part of that. There were limits to his rook defense, and he was pretty darn sure that attack surpassed them. A direct hit with that would finish him. No question. Unsure whether he was capable of dodging it, Naruto ran through several hand seals and called out, "Fuuton: Atsugai."
Naruto's best chance was to overpower her attack with one of his own.
This was the strongest pressure type attack Naruto knew.
If any of his current attacks could manage it, it was this one.
Using wind techniques against fire attacks was generally discouraged. Wind fueled fire, and so the result was usually explosive.
Naruto was willing to do it for three reasons here.
First, Naruto had found that chakra attacks were generally more concentrated than magic.
Magic produced larger attacks, but chakra was more intense and concentrated.
Second, Naruto was putting a lot of chakra into this attack. Third, Naruto really didn't have any other choices.
"Disappear," Ravel ordered as she threw the attack at Naruto.
Naruto waited as the attack came at him. Letting it close the distance, Naruto finally acted when it came within twenty feet of him.
He released all the wind chakra infused air he had in his lungs. As soon as it left his mouth, the full power of the attack was revealed.
The air exploded outwards, forming a whirlwind of incredibly dense air that was aimed right at Ravel.
The two attacks collided just fifteen feet away from Naruto. The condensed ball of flames exploded in a firestorm.
Naruto would have easily been engulfed at his distance, but his own attack distorted the explosion enough to protect him.
He still felt the intense heat wash over him.
There was one difference between the attacks though. Ravel's was centered around the explosion, that single instant being the climax.
Naruto's was a sustained attack. Which meant even after Ravel's attack exploded, Naruto was still breathing out the cyclone of wind.
With Ravel's attack spent, Naruto's continued onwards. No, it grew stronger.
The flames of Ravel's attack were absorbed and nourished by the powerful winds of Naruto's, creating a massive firestorm.
A collaboration attack of wind and fire. A tornado of fire.
And it was heading straight for Ravel.
"Eh?" Was all Ravel managed to get out, caught completely unaware by the sudden turnabout. That was her last act before she was engulfed by the inferno.
The entire attack didn't just stop at Ravel. It continued onwards into the forest. Thankfully, as it detonated not long afterwards.
A large chunk of the forest was incinerated, and a wildfire started raging. Naruto had to brace himself as the shockwave hit him.
Covering his face with his arms and sticking to the ground with chakra, he weathered the wind washing over him.
And then it was over. Lowering his arms, Naruto looked at the results of the attack with slight awe.
The forest was on fire, trees falling over as the intense heat ate away at their structure.
The grass all in front of Naruto had turned to ash from the fire.
Damn! That was one big attack. That was fire on the level of some of the techniques Madara had used.
Guess that's the level achieved when you combine an overcharged B-rank wind technique and the most powerful fire attack of a high-class devil.
If they had been used in concert from the beginning, it might have been even more powerful.
Naruto didn't allow awe to distract him though. He stayed focused on the conflagration.
There was no announcement, so Ravel was still active.
Apparently even an attack of that magnitude wasn't enough to rival the power of a god. Not that Naruto was aiming to kill Ravel.
She may have pissed him off, but killing her was still overkill in his opinion.
It took close to a minute for Ravel to finally reappear.
"You…you dare," Ravel whispered as her form appeared from within the flames. The flames didn't seem to bother her in the least, but that didn't stop her from looking at Naruto murderously as she continued in a voice so soft he could barely hear it over the flames, "…wind…we rule over fire…and wind…You dare to use wind…against me…Not only that…but you turn…my own flames against me…the audacity."
By now Ravel had cleared the flames. She actually looked better than she had before that attack.
Her clothes were now free from dirt, and her skin seemed to have regained some color. Apparently that whole 'rule over fire' spiel wasn't a complete load of bull.
She genuinely appeared to be rejuvenated by the flames. Naruto saw her limbs trembling though.
While it was partly due to anger and indignation, Naruto could see the fear in her eyes as well.
Physically the attack had proved less than useless, but mentally it had affected her.
Her most powerful attack had been overpowered, and then turned against her.
And it was done by wind, another element she supposedly ruled over.
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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