
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

Chapter 66: A Conspiracy

Currently, Mordred is touring Mo-chan and Tobio at Agreas. The main territory of the Agares.

"Is Sae fine here? This place is more of a huge city than anything." Tobio was nervous as he looked around the city of Agreas.

Being an archduke of the ars goetia. The Agares were one of the most influential pillar clans in the underworld.

Even the Bael clan can't mess with them that easily. Especially when the crystals that make evil pieces come from the Agares territory.

"Sae might be in Seekvaira's peerage, but don't worry. Seek-chan takes care of them nicely. And Sae is from Japan, I think they'd get along. Especially if she is knowledgeable about Mecha anime." Mordred explained.

But Tobio couldn't help it, the name Agares just makes him nervous. An archduke of hell that is only lower than the great kings.

"Why are you being such a pussy mate? You have one of those godslaying thingies. And did you do the nasty with her yet?" Mo-chan wiggled her eyebrows.

Tobio choked on his spit and he began hacking violently.

"T-the nasty? What the hell are you talking about!?" Tobio shouted at her and Mo-chan snickered at him.

"What? You're in puberty, you must be horny as hell. That just thinking of her in her pajamas would give you a stiffie, eh?" Mo-chan laughed as Tobio turned atomic red.

"Hmm, so you desire Sae Tobio? Caress her face slowly and then look into her eyes. After that, you press your lips together in an angle. It always works." Morded shrugged as he gave him some advice.

"What!? Master, h-how do you know things like that?" Mo-chan blinked at him in surprise. Being a homunculus and a knight. Mo-chan has absolutely no idea how to be romantic.

She has been obsessed with the throne for her whole life after all.

"What do you mean? Of course I know that, I do it regularly. That's how you get experience and be able to give advice to people." Mordred looked at her like she was stupid.

"Y-you kiss someone regularly?" Tobio stuttered and he thought that Mordred is definitely a man amongst men. Able to talk about it easily.

As is with every hormonal teenager that knows someone who is physically intimate with a girl. They'd either be jealous or in awe.

"I give everyone massages too, Mo-chan here knows that." Mordred looked at her and she blushed.

"Ahh, that... Well, they're certainly special... Those massages of yours." Mo-chan remembered his magical hands and she went into a daze.

"Master! Please teach me your ways!" Tobio was now convinced. He needs Mordred's expertise to get Sae.

"Are you sure? If yes, then you should initiate more physical contact with Toujo Sae. Don't forget consent as well. Just like this." Mordred looked at Mo-chan.

"Sister, can I touch you?" Mordred asked with a soft smile and Mo-chan nodded subconsciously, thinking that it was for a massage. As she is still in a daze.

Mordred then spun her around and groped her chest while caressing her thighs. "Eep!" Mo-chan went wide eyed and she let out a weird scream.

But Mordred's touch of temptation made quick work of her and Mo-chan almost drooled from the delightful sensations.

"M-Mordred! Brother!" Mo-chan hissed and Mordred licked her neck. "Kyau!" Mo-chan groaned and Tobio's jaws almost dropped to the ground.

"D-did she just call you brother?" Tobio was flabbergasted.

"Correct, sir. She really loves it when I do that you see. But you have to check carefully with Sae first. So be vigilant and always think of your moves thoroughly." Mordred nodded sagely and Tobio slowly nodded his head.

"Y-you! Master! You can't do that with him right here with us!" Mo-chan blushed like a tomato.

"I see, I'll keep that in mind for the future." Mordred nodded at her.

"No! I mean, hah. Whatever, you do you." Mo-chan sighed as she rubbed her temples.

It was already too late for her now. 'It felt amazing anyways... No! What would father say!?' Mo-chan was at her wits end as she felt herself fall deeper.

"Come on, let's meet up with Sae." Mordred saw the floating island of the Agares where their castle was situated.

"Hey, Seek-chan, Latia-chan." Mordred waved at the cousins and they nodded at him.

"So that's your sister huh? I didn't expect Arthur to have another child, hello. I am Seekvaira Agares, it's a pleasure to meet you." She nodded at Mo-chan and she winced.

Mo-chan never was good with the serious types. And they remind her too much of her father.

"Yo." Mo-chan didn't know what to say, so she just raised her hand in greeting.

"And this is Tobio Ikuse? The guy from the Himejima family?" Latia observed him and Tobio felt nervous at the devil's calculating gaze.

"Don't disappoint Mordred, or I'll kill you myself and take your dog from you." Latia fanned herself and Tobio nodded vigorously.

"Latia, don't worry. Master will shape him up, he's a bit lacking right now. Momiji and Erina can even beat him up when he's not using his balance breaker. But he's coming up nicely." Mordred explained.

"Hmph, he better perform." Latia was very critical and blunt. "Don't worry about her, she's just worried. They're my good friends you see?" Mordred smiled and Latia blushed.

"Don't misunderstand, it would reflect badly on us as well if he is subpar." Latia huffed.

"She's a little tsundere too. Just like Sona." Mo-chan chuckled.

"Even if you're his sister, you are being rude." Latia glared at her.

"Okay, okay, stop. Don't having fights now. Where's this guy's lover?" Mordred pointed at Tobio and he went atomic red.

"L-lover? W-we're childhood friends!" Tobio stuttered like mad.

"Embarrassed? Take pride of your loved ones, Tobio Ikuse. Or you won't be able to once they drift away from you." Seekvaira snorted and Tobio froze.

'Y-yeah... What if Sae fancies Mordred after seeing how cool he is? I have to step up my game...' Tobio went quiet and Seekvaira's maid fetched her bishop; Sae.

"Tobio! How are you holding up?" Sae smiled at him and Mordred gave him a thumbs up.

"Sae, that should be my question. You're here in Agreas, the new environment must be stressing you out." Tobio scratched his head sheepishly.

"Pussy..." Mo-chan commented on the side with a cough.

'I can't just be blunt like Morded you know! That guy's got balls of steel!' Tobio glared at her a bit.

"Sae, Tobio has something to say to you." Mordred helped him a bit. He felt his nervousness after all and Tobio panicked.

'Wait! I'm not prepared for this crap.' Tobio's heart started palpitating.

"Go on, what are you waiting for? Fortune favors the bold." Mordred gestured for him to be done with it and Tobio cursed him inside of his mind.

"Hmm?" Sae tilted her head and Seekvaira rolled her eyes. Her bishop definitely likes him too, but they're as denser than bricks.

"Sae..." Tobio walked up to her. "Yeah?" She got nervous at his serious demeanor.

"You guys just going to stare at each other or something? This is so boring." Mo-chan yawned and Tobio winced.

"You see, uh..." Tobio felt his heart in his throat and he was starting to sweat.

"I didn't know that awkwardness can be so unamusing." Mordred was getting annoyed.

So Mordred used forbidden magic and he took over Tobio's soul. Jin immediately perked up at the intruder in Tobio's soul.

But the dog of Canis Lycaon saw three dragons enter Tobio's sacred gear forcefully.

"A puppy? How cute." Azi Dahaka grinned at Jin and the dog started getting nervous.

Azi Dahaka's mana was like an ocean. Among the evil dragons, he had the most mana. And it was like the world dropped down on Jin.

"Azi Dahaka, don't flare your magic here. Tobio's soul might get damaged." Mordred tightened his leash and Azi Dahaka disappeared back to his prison.

"Now, be a good boy and don't do anything unnecessary." Mordred gave Jin a look and Jin whimpered at the immense malice coming from Mordred's soul.

It was emitting tons of bloodlust and desire for destruction like a tsunami that came crashing down on the dog.

Tobio then suddenly froze and his expression changed. Turning into Mordred's apathetic looking one. But Sae didn't notice, thinking that Tobio was just sleepy or something.

"Sae, come here." Ghost Mordred pulled Sae by using the shadows of Canis Lycaon. After all, Apophis is better at using them. You can't be called the primal eclipse dragon by just shooting some shadow constructs.

"T-Tobio?" Sae blinked and ghost Mordred caressed her face. Tobio who was trapped inside of his mind and was seeing what's happening and he was screaming.

"Aren't you going to miss me? Being in Seekvaira's peerage will separate us." Ghost Mordred touched her lips softly and Sae blinked, blushing like a tomato.

"Fue?" Sae was dumbfounded and Mo-chan was amused as hell.

"I'm going to give you a little something to remember me by." Ghost Mordred closed her eyes and slowly went in for the kill. Breathing softly on her lips.

Mordred then went back to his body and he used puppet magic to control Tobio's body.

He concentrated and he thought of it as one of Shirone's games.

Tobio went wide eyed as he got control of his body again. But he found himself unable to move as Mordred manipulated his body.

And after giving Sae a steamy kiss, Mordred gave him a thumbs up.

"T-Tobio! You shouldn't do that with them here!" Sae hit him softly on his chest and Tobio just blinked.

"Y-yeah..." He didn't know what to do and Mo-chan gave Mordred a pat on the back for a job well done.

"You're welcome." Mordred rolled his eyes at Tobio's lack of courage. And he thought that he needs to change that later.

Seekvaira and Latia definitely knew what he did and they deadpanned at him. 'Sae definitely won't get that kind of excitement again for a long time.' They both thought at the same time.

"Mordred! You have to see this!" Rias and Sona appeared out of nowhere.

"Hmm? Why are you panicking?" Mordred noticed their increased heart rate.

"It's because of this! Look!" Rias showed him her phone and it was the underworld's leading social media app besides deviltube, Fiendster.

"Naberius house, erased by a holy sword? Holy energy residues match Mordred Pendragon's." Mordred furrowed his brows and he immediately messaged Serafall.

"Is this true? It's not, right?" Sona thought that was a bit too much.

"It's true, I saved Shirone and Kuroka from them actually. But that has been years ago." Mordred frowned at Ajuka and Sirzechs' mistake.

After all, they were the ones supposed to cover it up nicely.

"Master, you're pretty ruthless." Mo-chan recalled some memories about that incident.

"I see, so this is the answer of the great king faction huh?" Mordred thought of who would benefit from this leak.

And Mordred having a bad reputation with the devil clans and the majority who are low class ones would lower Sairaorg, Rias, Sona, and Seekvaira's authority when they turn to the head of their house.

"What are you going to do about this?" Rias got worried about him.

"There will be no problems for me really. They can't do anything to me. I can just go to other factions with mom. They're trying to be sneaky and make it look like this is affecting me. But you guys are the real targets." Mordred's multiple thought process thought about it deeply.

It was incredibly stupid for them to even try and do something to him. They weren't devils like Tannin. So Mordred and Tiamat's group can just go to either Japan or Scandinavia.

And the Satans would literally beg on their knees to keep them in the underworld. And that's the best outcome too. The worst one is Mordred and Tiamat takes it badly.

Then, they rampage against the devils. Leading to an all out war against a group of dragons that wield Longinus.

And the devils don't even know about Meredith. Just Alphecca Tyrant would give them tons of trouble to even try to raid their bases.

Dulio and Lavinia can just press the balance breaker button and shit on the majority of the underworld.

"I can just weather their attempts to harm my reputation. Because that's the only thing they could do. But I've seen through their plans, it was impressive. But it's not enough." Mordred squinted his eyes.

"I guess we need to show them that a wise king does not wish for war. But is prepared for it all the time." Mordred had an idea and they would cause a rumble.

"Mo-chan, prepare yourself. We'll be going to Asgard and meet up with teacher. Skoll and Hati must miss their father." Mordred announced.

"Hoh? The heaven devouring wolf? Master, you're crazy. I like that idea!" Mo-chan had a predatory grin on her face.

In the past months, she has been improving massively under Scathach's teachings. And the knight of treachery wanted to use the master's shukuchi.

"Zekram Bael thinks that politics work against me. But what he doesn't know, is that I don't have to play his games. Let's show them why my swords have victorious in their titles." Mordred snorted at their dirty little schemes.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.