
DxD: Heavenly Life

A young man suddenly wakes up in a forest. With nothing but a money-grubbing system for company. Gods? Devils? Angels? Monsters? Humans getting dunked on? "Truly, Poverty is a Shinobi's greatest enemy..." Mutters a voice in despair. Desclaimer: I do not own. Naruto. Neither do I own hush school dxd. Don't forget to comment and suggest.

MechanicalHeart101 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: What is this place?

"Someone once said Man is made of Mud...

Poor Man turned out to be made of Muscle and Blood." - Edited quote by Carl Sandburg

[Time Skip]

////////////// Underworld Night ///////////////

In a dim, eerily silent corridor, a cloaked figure moved swiftly, his steps seemingly making zero sound on the cold stone floor and his movements precise. A result of having done this multiple times before.

If one observed closely, one would notice the cloaked figure seemingly merging with the shadows every time he passed a lit torch.

The figure rapidly approached his destination. A lone door at the end of the hallway.

Draped in black, only two visible features could be seen from under the cloak. A pair of eerily crimson eyes that just seemed to glow leaving trails as they rapidly scanned the surroundings for traps and threats.

Three black commas gracefully spun around a similarly black pupil in each eye. All following a constant path at synchronized speeds.

The other distinct feature was a tuft of red hair that stubbornly draped over the front as if seeking attention despite past attempts to restrain it using gel.

' Maybe I should just cut it off...' an idle thought flickered across an alert mind.

The figure walked into a large intricately designed office which wouldn't look out of place for even kings to sit in lit by the various torches burning with bright blue fire. The walls were made out of old stone bricks giving the room an ancient look.




Raito P.O.V:

It had been two years since my enlightenment episode in the library regarding my location.

To say i was stunned would be an understatement.

I read a bit more and grew even more and more baffled with what I learned. In the end I all but barged into Sensei's office and started a very enthusiastic session of 'Q and A'.

I could tell that he was a bit surprised with the questions i was asking. The thought of someone like me not knowing about the non-human-but-still-humanoid entities living among us.

He voiced his confusion and asked why this was so. Likely attempting to glean more information of his strange disciple and my origins.

Unfortunately for him, i had no intention of responding to such inquiries.

I deflected the question with another. He got the message and gave up surprisingly quick. Looking pretty saddened if i must say.

He however entertained my inquiries and even taught me how to recognize the local Yokai.

My Sharingan immediately trained itself to recognize these minute differences and pierce through their illusions.

It was a bit alarming to me knowing that the guards i often sneaked by and the nice shopkeeper who often let me get away with stealing Dango and Tomatoes from her shop were Yokai.

No wonder they tasted even more "Heavenly" than usual. Thinking back now, i finally notice that It was way too delicious.

I had thought that it was just my Uchiha Genes acting up.

It was fairly common for Uchiha to like those things even if they'd never admit it. In fact i could tell you with certainty that between 15-20% if the villages Tomatoes and Dango was consumed by The Uchiha. A clan consisting of a few hundred people at most. Maximum a bit over a thousand.

'Come to think of it, Shopkeeper-san always looked a bit amused when i was caught. Did she see it as some kind of game? It was strange how she'd been able to notice a missing item from angles that I was certain humans cannot normally observe. Don't Yokai have similar blind spots?' I frown as the series of questions crossed my mind.

Then approaching my destination, I snapped myself into a 100% attention. Violently throwing that thought out of my mind.

My feet blurred making no sound as i walked upside down on the ceiling passing by yet another patrol group undetected.

Sneaking into the Phenex household was an uphill task indeed.

Came close to getting caught several times. However my mastery over the [Concealment Jutsu] along with an [Masking Seal] ensured my safe entry.

It also helped that the [Sharingan]'s ability to accurately perceive the intangible energies that triggered traps scattered throughout the mansion remained unparalleled.

'Finally found it. Why would they put their treasury in such a place?

They could have stored it in a Bank like everyone else.'

Why insist on 'keeping their gold under their beds?'


Or are they truly that secure?

'Has no one ever dared to do this before?'

I would just have to find out.

I made my way to the entrance, idly moving in a certain pattern, sometimes wall-walking as has become almost second nature by now. Using this, I targeted the gaps between the arrays of energy displayed in my vision.

None were triggered.

Successfully bypassing their equivalent of [Laser Traps], I finally made it to the door and all that was left was to...

'Shoot. Magical Biometric scanners.'

My study on [Seals] and observations of this world's [Magic] has been quite fruitful.

'Flimsy at best...' I inwardly note as I take in the inscriptions on the doorway.

From an outside perspective, it looked like an old wooden Oak door. A bit archaic, but normal looking enough.

However inscriptions programmed to deliver painful deaths using [Curses] and [Fire] to transgressors attempting to gain access were scribbled all over.

Form what I could gather, entry was only allowed to those who presented a certain genetic sequence to the scanner on the doorknob. Family most likely.

Then there was the energy masking array distorting perception of the trap.

This told me something:

The arrays were meant to be invisible.

Normally wouldn't have been able to stop me. I could have easily hacked something this "half-hearted " as I could tell.

I didn't expect something so flimsy from a pillar house like the [Phenex].

However there was one issue.

A rather large one at that.

'I can't use [Magic].'

I just don't have the ability to.

[KI]? Sure.

[Senjutsu]? Maybe.

But [Mana] eluded me or some reason.

Research on other energies was still in progress.

I just couldn't manipulate mana without help from a [Seal] specifically designed to fulfill a corresponding purpose.

I'm also on the field right now so I couldn't just tailor a mana channeling biometric seal on the fly.

[Fuinjutsu] without precision would only spell disaster.

Then there was the problem of [Demonic Energy] signature. It's likely needed to ensure the "Trap array" didn't wonder what a Human was doing in the underworld.

Brute-forcing is also out of the question....

'*Sigh*. Kidnapping it is... But who?' I wonder. Mentally going through the mission records, I quickly pick my target.

As far as potential prey go, even predators in the wild know to go for the stragglers in the back. So my target is preferably someone weak, yet important enough to take hostage.

Using these parameters, I begin narrowing down my list.

Rosar Phenex and Ralla Phenex, the heads of this Pillar House are known to be Ultimate class both Husband and Wife. Unsurprising since being weak in a society that values strength whilst being amongst the top nobility would get most certainly get you killed or used by anyone who pleased.

'Taking down an ultimate class target is manageable. Two at the same time would be dangerous and at that point, attracting attention will be inevitable. I've prepared for confrontation, but things could always go awry. ' I sigh and cross them of my mental list.

The eldest sibling Ruval Phenex. I next on the list.

'Ideally I could do a take-down, however according to the behavioral patterns typical to these species of In humans since he's currently recorded as unmarried, he is likely to be surrounded by his Peerage of most certainly beautiful ladies. Due to fluctuations in the species which they were previously, I wouldn't be able to tell which ones have heightened senses. Sneaking around while confined to an enclosed space would be unwise. '

Ah yes Peerages...

There is a trend famous amongst the species known as Devils. They tend to surround themselves with servants they recruit throughout their lifetime. They are turned from another species into devils. Some kind of devil-vampirism, but without the bloodsucking..... Usually.

The details of how they do this are currently unknown to me, but the effects are irreversible since it involves tampering with the Soul.

Who do they turn?

Their taste varies, however usually Strength and Attractiveness are the most common features of their servants. Some are more into Rarity of species. Yes its not only humans who end up in their clutches. Forceful slavery is a common method they use to employ these servants. 

Using these same reasons, I cross Riser Phenex off the list.

That leaves me with one more potential target. Someone relatively weak and who doesn't have a peerage yet...

'If only Mana wasn't a problem...' I inwardly curse at the thought of extra work.

Shaking my head regretfully, I made my way towards the bedrooms, fully determined to make some more time for research in order to overcome my Mana-deficiency.

But that's for future me. Now, I work with what I have.

//////////////// Flashback /////////////



The warm liquid slowly flows into the grass, a red puddle is slowly formed as a Crimson Moon watches from the sky...]

My eyes snap open at that last scene and I'm hit with an intense wave of Nausea.

I rush to the nearby bathroom and stay there until it passes. That's how i spent the first thirty minutes of my day.

Luckily I regain my bearings, and am back to peak combat condition.

Still though...

'Same dream every night...'

No way its a coincidence right?

I use this moment of respite to go over the potential seals I could use to solve this issue. The tag I applied last night obviously didn't work.

My rest did not last long

-My biological clock indicated that it was time for my daily guard duty.

----- Change P.O.V : 

"Go away. You're a nuisance." A certain Clan Princess directly said her mind. Arms crossed, face-to-face without an ounce of hesitation.

It was getting to mid-day. Raito hadn't really been briefed about today's plans. However, from the clues he had gathered, a meeting with other Clan Heirs and upcoming nobility seemed scheduled to take place in about thirty minutes. It was a friendly "Social-gathering or Tea-party" as you could say. Meant to build bonds amongst the Principal Clans youth. Maybe get an engagement contract with someone of interest. Even lower ranked nobility would be in attendance.

This was of no concern for Raito, as he wasn't a noble.

It should have been safe as an attack during such an event would be a ballsy move indeed. Regardless, he would endeavor to do this duties thoroughly.

This had been the arrangement for the past three months. Raito would accompany her through her daily activities observing all interactions with her Clan members and associates, while Lian-Yu paid utmost attention to his tasks in the Dojo. Religiously Imparting the art of his Sword-School to his disciples.

Training with Raito would then progress from evening, till late into night-time.

The routine was almost... Pleasant.

Throughout that time, his ward Suzaku Himejima had refused to show any acknowledgement of his existence and Raito likewise had done his best to stay out of sight.

But it seemed today was different...

She decided on a confrontation.

Black hair cascading down to her midsection, tied with a red ribbon. Graced with similarly dark eyes and adorned with a red blouse with a red skirt.

She was dressed for an occasion i could tell.

"You can't accompany me." She insisted with a glower forming.

'Interesting... I've been used to the silent treatment and I'd taken it as acceptance. What caused this change of heart? Or was I previously mistaken?'

"It would be inconvenient to be associated with a riff-raff such as yourself. " She clarified. Seemingly smug about coming up with such a slur.

'Riff-raff? Who still says that word? I'm sure it was meant to be an insult but...'

It was nothing.

'I've been called worse with much more malice. Compared to those...' These insults seemed far too juvenile.

This needed to be dealt with. Preferably now.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at her

"So, do you hate me?" He asked the question with the same blank look he'd given her since.

Hate would explain it.

Hate was a bit extreme, but not something totally unexpected.

Yet she recoiled at the suggestion. Momentarily at a loss.

Nevertheless, Raito waited for a response.

Supposing that was indeed the case, he would have to adapt, as always.

"N-no, not exactly-" she said, a slight stutter made its way into her speech.

'So, no...' Raito thought silently while considering his next options.

The consequences of negating the contract outweighed the benefits.

'Plus I can feel the contract gradually accumulating power. The benefits gained over the period of a few years would be truly immense.'

This must happen.

"Do you loathe my presence? Is my staying in your immediate vicinity unbearable for you?" Raito's next question flowed out without pause.

And now she looked taken aback.

Skin tone slightly paling and her jaw hung loose in surprise.

Supposing I left right now. The training and the cash aren't the only things I would lose.

'I just recently discovered that I'm sharing the same planet with Inhumans likely more dangerous than the Bijuu. Some of which I killed a few moments ago. Recklessly wandering about would not be advisable.'

"I-i wouldn't go that far, bu-"

She gathers her courage in the end and attempts an explanation.

"I see..." Raito interrupts before she could regain her verbal footing.

"Then I only ask that you endure this arrangement till my contract is complete."


He then vanishes into a cloud of smoke. Leaving her gaping and wondering what just happened.

'I have more pressing concerns right now.

Like tending to this still bleeding wound.'

It turns out that this bodyguard job is a bit more challenging than I anticipated.

Familiars, Magicians, Yokai and the occasional overconfident and entitled Devil seeking a peerage member in the heiress.

I dealt with all of them without exception.

However, that devil came along with his harem of slaves donned with different sorts of Magic and [Sacred Gears]. He was High-rank and sometime through the fight, someone got in a lucky shot.

They all died in the end though, and their bodies were disposed. All evidence was removed.

However, it seemed that I still needed more training.

'Carelessness is the enemy. Almost as much as Poverty is.'

"Ow..." I allow myself a groan and a grimace when I'm sure I'm out of sight.

'I'm going to need to sew this one I'm sure...

Luckily stitching wire is pretty cheap and so is the needle.'


This is going to be a long hour...

Self medication always hurts a lot more than getting treated by someone else.

Not sure why...

//////////// End Flashback /////////

Raito P.O.V:

'They always look everywhere but up.' I inwardly muse before making my move.

With a swift and silent strike, I incapacitated the guards standing watch outside the resting chamber, their bodies slumping to the ground like marionettes with severed strings. The sound of their unconscious forms hitting the floor was muffled by the night, a testament to the precision of my assault.

I then drag their unconscious bodies and hide them in a nearby closet.

Mentally making a note of the positions of guards all around the manor the information was provided to me by a number of shadow clones skulking around the manor's various shaded corners using a generic [Transmission Jutsu], they provided very reliable reports.

Still caution is warranted. With a single gesture, two more shadow clones appeared on the field in a puff of smoke.

Already instinctively knowing their task, I passed by them by and silently unlocked the door using a pass I pilfered from one of the chamber guards.

Mixed P.O.V:

The moon hangs low in the sky, casting a veil of darkness over the ancient castle grounds. Silently, like a wisp of shadow, Raito moves through the labyrinth of corridors, his movements fluid and soundless. He blends with the night, becoming one with the cloak of darkness that shrouds both is form and the castle.

Upon reaching his destination, gently, the ninja eases open the door.

With a muffled *Click.*, the door was open, and my clones had already performed their assigned [Henge]. Thus two more lookouts joined this assignment.

And so I finally entered the room revealing the sleeping form of the target.

Ravel Phenex, an heiress of the Esteemed Devil Clan known as the Phenex bathed in moonlight.

Dressed in attire befitting her noble status, Ravel Phenex wore garments of fine silk and satin adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate lace. Each piece was tailored to perfection. Combined with her slender figure, I could tell that she would grow up to be a real beauty in the future.

But still...

'Really expensive for a pair of Pajamas... Not surprising. The Phenex are known to be one of the wealthiest in the underworld.' He cringes and flinches in regret at the blatant squander of money.

'Still a job is a job. Let's get on with it.' And with a swift and silent motion, he darts across the room, his movements fluid and precise.

It seemed that her senses were heightened as she shoots up in alarm.

Still a bit drowsy, her eyes snap open and she turns to face the intruder.

This turned out to be a mistake.


"[Genjutsu Sharingan]."

The effects were immediate.

She crumples back on the bed in a heap.

In one smooth motion, Raito scoops up the slumbering heiress and vanishes into the darkness once more.




'Phenex though, where have I heard that before?' A question nags as he makes his exit.

-----------Change P.O.V------------

Unknown to our intruder, a distance away within the manor, the master bedroom. A pair of eyes blue as the sky, snapped open the moment the door was unlocked. Rousing him form his slumber.

Silently, a form that seemed to radiate heat and experience sat up. He carefully shifted as not to disturb the still sleeping form of his lifelong companion. His wife. They had quite a busy previous night and she needed the rest.

Drowsily but still alertly enough to consider a question nagging at his psyche as he glanced at an expensive clock hanging at a side of the room.

'How unusual... It's quite late. Why did the guards feel the need to check on Ravel?

//////End Chapter//////

A/N: Sorry it's been while, however new chapter here. Please note that your comments are my encouragement. please don't forget to power stone me!

MechaHeart out!