
DxD: Heavenly Life

A young man suddenly wakes up in a forest. With nothing but a money-grubbing system for company. Gods? Devils? Angels? Monsters? Humans getting dunked on? "Truly, Poverty is a Shinobi's greatest enemy..." Mutters a voice in despair. Desclaimer: I do not own. Naruto. Neither do I own hush school dxd. Don't forget to comment and suggest.

MechanicalHeart101 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Am I in Naraka? (Part 1)

"How many seconds are there in Eternity?" - A certain King.

Third Person P.O.V:

The moon hung high in the purple sky, casting a serene glow over the Phenex Estate.

Beneath its gaze, a figure cloaked in dark with a a pair of ominous glowing eyes, flitted through corridors, dexterously avoiding guards and watchmen with surprising accuracy despite the unconscious bundle in his arms.

His goal, to backtrack his way to his initial Target, the treasury.

With his 'Key' in hand, he hoped to accomplish his mission before anyone discovered something was amiss.

Raito P.O.V:

'Fortunately, everything is still going on smoothly. Despite the unexpected Scanner, i should be able to be out of here before the hour is over. I might not even need any hostages.' A hint of optimism dared to grace his mind.

And with that I finally arrived back at the door which had caused me such trouble.

'Finally. Lets get this over with.' I decide as i grab my hostages hand and attempt to place it on the part of the knob which made up the scanner.

However I paused in my movements.

Intuition is a powerful thing.

'Everything has been going well. Far too well... ' I thought while staring at the door with a hint of suspicion.

No way it would be this easy right?

The Sharingan flares in renewed alarm and i am once more scanning the door for details I may have missed.

Minutes pass and some may call me paranoid for wasting such precious time jumping at shadows, however supposing they were in my place, I am pleased to inform you that they would have died excruciatingly painful deaths.

'How sinister.' Was the only thing that crossed my mind.

I almost couldn't believe what i was seeing.

' A [Concealing Enchantment] that is less potent as time passes.' I draw my conclusion as the magic in question fades away revealing new details about the door i'm trying to access.

What was it attempting to hide?

'An Intent Quantifying Scanner. A variant form if I'm not mistaken...'

From what I was reading, supposing I had forcefully used an unconscious member of the Phenex House to open their vault, this scanner would immediately react triggering an an array which would then subject the likely abductor to a Fire Spell of scaling magnitude from minimum High-Rank Potency to around the threshold of between peak Ultimate class Bordering Satan Class.

The magnitude would of course depend on the abducted Phenex's resistance to fire delivering just enough to ensure that they would survive while at the same time, making sure that their captor was no longer a problem.

'Certainly enough to kill me.' I observed. Supposing it scored a direct hit of course...

'It seems I still underestimated them...'

All in all, it was impressive.




Moving on, I began to contemplate how I would resolve this issue.

Bypassing this is all but impossible right now so I really only have one option...

I put down by Hostage.

Performing a handseal, I conjure enough water to fill a bucket.

The water levitates in numerous small globules gathering together to form an orb above the sleeping Heiresses face.

"Wake up Blondie." There was no hint of hesitation in my actions.




Ravel Phenex P.O.V:

It was a surreal experience for sure.

One moment I was in bed dreaming about the dessert I had at last evenings tea party. Then I had this uneasy feeling which woke me up.

Next thing I remember is [Red].

Followed by what I supposed was a relaxing nap, but then, I was interrupted by a splash of cold water.

Being a Phenex, a creature of Fire, suddenly doused with cold water out of nowhere, there was really only one reaction.

I turned harshly, fully prepared to show my displeasure.




I turned and saw [Heaven] beneath a cloak.


Something beat HARD in my chest.

I felt as a heat different from the flames I control rushed up my face and ears as I beheld the most attractive face I had ever seen.

He was around my age, perhaps a year or two older. He didn't look like any noble I had seen before. I would have at least caught a glimpse during our yearly Galas.

A dangerous red, beautiful yet intoxicating. Red like freshly shed blood running down a mop of raven black.

Similarly Red and black patterned eyes on an apathetic visage.

Vaguely, I began to understand just why brother Riser, was so attracted to that girl from the Gremory House.

I had thought that she wasn't even that nice in the first place. I'd met her before and found her unpleasant. Unable to appreciate the finer details of life like Tea and snacks. She Instead stuck her face between the pages of Japanese picture books.

What do you call them? Mango? Manger? Whatever. Tea and snacks clearly reigned supreme. Thus I ignored her like the heretic that she was.

But now...

Now that I'm seeing this...

Even I can't help but want to, draw... closer.....


A sword is drawn and it glitters despite the hallway's dim firelight. The razor sharp end pointed directly at my nose. The edge almost too thin too see.

'I hadn't even seen him move.' a thought rushes through my mind.

It snaps me out of my reverie and i notice that i had indeed been drawing closer and reaching out a hand attempting physical contact with my assailants face.

I had come frustratingly close. He was just an inch out of reach before he had drawn his blade in warning.

It was enough and I looked again.

The Sword.

Those Eyes.

They reminded me that I was not in the presence of a friend.

And so...

A chill runs down her spine and fear courses through her veins as she realizes the gravity of her situation.

She is at the mercy of her captor, a stranger whose intentions are as dark and shadowy as the underworld night itself.

'Alright. Listen and listen well. Blondie.'

With a trembling hand, despite her instinctive dislike for the nickname, she nods in silent acquiescence, understanding that resistance would only invite harm upon herself.


Unknown P.O.V:

"Ryo Uchiha, Deceased."

"Yumi Uchiha, Deceased."

"Takeshi Uchiha, Deceased."

"Kaori Uchiha, Deceased."

"Hiro Uchiha, Deceased."

"Emi Uchiha, Deceased."

"Daichi Uchiha, Deceased."

"Mika Uchiha, Deceased."

"Satou Uchiha, Deceased."

"Aya Uchiha, Deceased."

"Haruki Uchiha, Deceased."

"Nao Uchiha, Deceased."

"Asuka Uchiha, Deceased."

"Ren Uchiha, Deceased."

"Yuki Uchiha, Deceased."

"Tatsuya Uchiha, Deceased."

The blows kept raining down.

I wasn't unaffected. I used to have close relations with this clan after all.

Since the death of the Fourth Hokage, this has been a regular thing. As a seasoned medic-nin myself, I often had to be the bearer of this kind of news.

'It's always unpleasant' I directed my thoughts to my work in order to better manage my worry as I stood among the spectating crowd.


After a while I just tuned it out.

Instead focusing on the letter delivered by the messenger birds this time.

'At least Himura made it out safe.' I reassured myself and was about to leave this unpleasant place. My objective for coming at all was completed.


"Rai Uchiha..."

The world slowed down as I snapped to attention.My hair, crimson as freshly shed blood all but stood on end regardless of its length as I waited in anticipation.

For the first time in my miserable existence, I PRAYED.

I prayed as I waited for the announcement.

A medium sized casket was transported out of the ward and brought up for registry. And I broke out in a cold sweat.

'Himura promised. He is strong. One of the strongest. It cannot be.'

I begged for it not to be true.

Despite the facts blatantly displayed before me...

I still prayed to whatever [Kami] cared enough about my plight.

I prayed for a Miracle...

Another tick on the list.

"Deceased." The announcement mercilessly shut me down. 

The world turned gray and everything seemed to blur.

A wail echoed through the hall.

It started as a stutter and quickly became loud.

Harsh and Breaking thus it attracted attention from the onlookers.

Most of all.

It was quite close by.

Where was it coming from?

'Oh... is that me?' I tonelessly questioned before everything finally faded to black.





Short chapter here.

Hope you enjoy the build up.

Please remember that your comments are my motivation and don't forget powerstones.

Till next time

Your Friend MechaHeart.