
Dxd: Dimensionals Group Chat

CodexZero · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

It has been a month since Itsuki made a contract with Azazel now he is currently in his room laying on his bed while thinking 'my body is so weak I need to train more, cursed this child body'

Itsuki is doing his daily training right now he also got Issei to do it with him, he might not be training as hard as Itsuki is but everyone got to start somewhere

Itsuki only has one thought in his mind and that was 'this is the first step to lead Issei in the Right direction and not fall in the perverted path. Even if I can't get him out of the perverted path completely but I can definitely make him less of a pervert than in the Original'

Itsuki lay on his bed to rest, but just as Itsuki was about to go to sleep, his phone rang he look at his phone to see it was Azazel he said to meet up at the park. This time he wear a mask last time he didn't because he didn't expect the governor of the MotherFucking fallen angel to come and see him personally

Just as he teleported to the park he see Azazel standing there already waiting. Itsuki asks "is it another mission?"

To which this Bitch replied "no I just wanted to ask if you want to hang out"

A vein appear on Itsuki forehead as he thinks 'Bitch I was about to go to sleep and you just call me and tell me to come here so you can ask if I want to hang out, you could have just texted me so I could answer no'

Itsuki said trying not to make an ice sword and stab this crow "tell me the real reason why you told me to come out here"

Azazel replied "no really just wanted to ask you to hang out oh and someone I know wants to have a spar with you if you don't mind that is"

Itsuki quickly said "no, goodbye and have a good night" and he just walk away but Azazel quickly said "I will pay you if you accept this spar"

Itsuki reply "lead the way we don't got all night you know" Azazel just look at him dumbfounded

Itsuki Learned a few lessons from his past life people think if you have money then you are the king of the world that why now he wanted to make money so no one can mess with his family again he already has a plan to make money game he is a genius in his past life he could do it.

Azazel lead Itsuki to the Grigori base and he shout "OI VALI I BROUGHT THE GUY I TALK ABOUT FROM BEFORE"

As Vali entered Azazel office he see a young boy the same age as him, he have light silver hair and hazel eyes

Vali quickly came walking toward us and he look at me and said "this is the guy you talk about he doesn't seem to be anything special to me, have you gotten so old that your sense is becoming dull?"

Azazel angrily say "what did you say to me you little brat" Vali just reply "you heard what I say you perverted old man" while Itsuki just standing while thinking 'oh my, those two are just like father and son'

The both of them suddenly sneeze at the same time Azazel change the subject "hey let go somewhere so you two can have that little spar of your"


Azazel lead Vali and Itsuki to an empty field as he cast a barrier he said "this is a spar, not a deathmatch so try not to injure each other too badly"

Both Vali and Itsuki got into a fighting stance as Azazel counted down "3, 2, 1, go"

Vali equip his vanishing dragon as charge at Itsuki the moment Azazel said go

[Be careful this won't be an easy fight] Albion warns Vali, he then throws a kick toward Itsuki who easily blocks the kick with only one thought in mind 'was that Dynamic Entry?'

Itsuki then made a sword out of ice seeing that Vali isn't going to hold back, so he wouldn't hold back also

Itsuki then made a bird out of ice and throw it at Vali, Aokiji style

Vali quickly use his sacred gear ability Divine Dividing


The ice hit Vali even though its power was Divided but it still did some damage to Vali

Vali thought 'Azazel isn't kidding when he said this guy is extremely good with ice magic'

He then looks to see Itsuki in front of him in a boxing stance, Itsuki throw a couple of jab at Vali he wasn't able to dodge, Vali swings his fist at Itsuki but he just dodges it easily

Itsuki kick Vali in the stomach, knocking Vali back

Vali then said to Itsuki "No more holding back let go all out"

Itsuki was preparing another attack he made a mini Ice Gatling gun

He shot an ice bullet at Vali and did a decent amount of damage as the bullet hit Vali the part of his body was hit froze. Vali seems to struggle a bit before breaking the ice.

Vali then punch Itsuki in his stomach, before Itsuki could recover Vali throw a side kick at Itsuki knocking him away, Itsuki was flung back hitting a nearby tree, Itsuki stand up seemingly unfazed by the attack but there was a bit of blood dripping down his month.

"Not bad, since you have gone all out I'd say it also fair for me to go all out so get ready and try not to die," Itsuki said with a wicked smile

Itsuki lowered his body as black lightning started to come out of his body and his hair seem to become spikier as he speak only one word [Surge]

Surge is a skill that Itsuki created because his body is too weak to handle Godspeed so he created a weaker version of it, Surge allows him to move faster than the speed of sound.

[VALI BE CAREFUL] Albion scream but it was too late

All vali saw was Itsuki muttering something "Ice *****" he could only make out the word ice but when he blinked he saw Itsuki fist right in front of him

Itsuki punch knock Vali back 20 feet before Vali tried to recover he just saw Itsuki kick aiming right at his head all Vali could think was 'oh Sh*t'

Knocking Vali back even more hitting the barrier. Vali saw the lightning around Itsuki was gone thought that Itsuki was out of mana but when he saw Itsuki fist his instinct telling him to run

Itsuki concentrated all the lightning energy into his fist, Vali thought since the lightning is gone that mean he was faster now right?

But something hugs Vali from behind he turns around to see an ice golem

Vali tried to break free but it was no use, Itsuki was right in front of Vali and


The punch was caught by Azazel as he said "I said this is a spar not a Fucking Death Match"

Itsuki then realized this was a spar "umm sorry I was having too much fun that I forgot this was a spar"

Azazel then said "Oh my god another battle junkie, *sigh* just try to control yourself better next time please"

Azazel then look at me again saying "oh and I got another mission for you, a friend of mine want you to protect his daughter and wife while he is away"

Itsuki said "fine tell me the location"

Azazel reply "it a shrine under the Himejima clan"

Itsuki was shocked as he thought 'Himejima? Wait does that mean the one that orders this mission is Baraqiel?'

Azazel said while Itsuki was still in shock "the mother name is Shuri Himejima while the daughter name is Akeno Himejima, here are their pictures"

Itsuki then teleported to the shrine immediately as he stayed there all night to keep watch, nothing happens

The second night was also the same nothing interesting happen

But on the third night, he saw a group of 50 people standing near the Himejima shrine, all carrying weapons and soon they broke into the house

Inside the house, Shuri was covering Akeno with her body as she said "please let my daughter go she hasn't done anything wrong. I married him, so kill me and leave my daughter alone"

Akeno cried "mom I'm really scared. Where is father? Who are these people."

Shuri look at Akeno and said, "don't worry dear I won't let anything happen to you..."

The assassin said with an evil grin "being the daughter of that filthy fallen is a crime by itself. Don't worry we will kill your daughter in front of you then we will kill you"

While in the mess what is Itsuki doing you ask? He was recording everything as he sent it to Azazel as he said "I don't want to ruin your evil monologue or whatever you're doing but I'm sorry to say you won't be making it out of here alive"

The assassin looked at Itsuki and said "oh a brave little boy trying to be a hero are we? Get out of here bef-" before he could finish his sentence his head drop down on the floor as blood sprayed out of the assassin neck like a fountain

The other assassin was shocked, no one noticed that the floor was freezing soon it made its way to the intruder's feet and froze their leg slowly freezing up to the head.

Then use his space manipulation to take both the mother and daughter out of the shrine.

'space manipulation takes quite a bit of mana but at least it does take stamina because I plan on using this as a last resort if ever need to' thought Itsuki

Itsuki then raise his hand to the sky as he said [Lightning Storm]

20 lightning bolts descend from the sky turn 37 people into ash also ended up destroying the house.

The remaining assassin charge at him all at once, Itsuki won't be able to dodge them all so his only choice was to take the hit

He coated his skin in ice to lessen the damage.

Charging at him all at once was a bad idea because of his ice skin, he grab their arm and their arm turn into ice. he quickly made ice spike because it is too inconvenient to freeze all these people one at a time because the time it takes for them to be frozen completely is too long(5 seconds)

They impale 6 people leaving 1 alive.


With Shuri and Akeno were teleported outside of the shrine they look to see a note on the ground saying run into the forest and hide.

Shuri grabbed her daughter and ran into the forest she trusted the boy who save them, because why would he save them if he wanted to harm them

As they ran into the forest they saw a girl with red hair and a silver hairs maid she look toward us and ask "who are you"

Shuri said "we need help. We were attacked"

The red hair girl order the maid to help them to which the maid follows her order

The red hair girl introduce herself "hello my name is Rias Gremory what is your name"

Shuri answer "my name is Shuri and this is my daughter Akeno"

Rias said "well let go back Grafiya should be finished"

Shuri asks "are you sure?"

Rias confidently answer "yes I am sure"

As they were making their way back to the shrine, Rias look at Akeno with a curious but excited look.


When Grafiya got to the shrine, she saw dead bodies everywhere and a boy covered in blood with a half-frozen man on the ground

Itsuki left one alive for questioning, as Baraqiel finally arrived as he flew down and hurried ask "Where are my wife and daughter"

Itsuki pointed toward the Forest as the 3 girls just came out of.

Itsuki said "well that convenient"

Akeno scream while running toward him "Father"

Baraqiel cry as he hugged his Daughter saying "I'm glad both of you are okay, I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you"

Shuri said why hugging him "it okay dear we are okay"

Itsuki feel like he have been forgotten but he didn't want to ruin the moment

Baraqiel then turn toward Itsuki and said "thank you for saving my family I don't know what would happen if you weren't here, also don't worry about the house, it fine as long as my family are safe"

Itsuki just said "it nothing really" Akeno walk up to Itsuki and asks "who are you?"

To which he replied "I'm just a hired mercenary" he disappeared after saying that

Itsuki came to Azazel to collect his payment then go home