
Dxd: Dimensionals Group Chat

CodexZero · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

A year has passed since Itsuki saved Akeno and Shuri, a lot happen in the time of just one year.

Rias and Akeno became friend, well that is expected considering how they were in the original series, though he doesn't know if Rias ask Akeno to become her Queen or not.

Itsuki is currently doing some exercise in the backyard but suddenly he heard someone crying inside the house, he went in to check out what the problem was.

When Itsuki enter the house he saw Irina crying while hugg- sorry, suffocating Issei. Itsuki parents and Irina parents all have a sad expression on their face

Irina cried "uwaa Issei *sob* I'm going to miss you *sob*" she said as she continue to hug Issei while Issei was trying to get out of her Death hug

Itsuki then asks "what is going on?" Before any of them could speak, Itsuki got tackled and now it was his turn to feel the death hug from Irina

Irina cried out "uwaaa Itsuki-nii" Itsuki tried to calm her down "okay calm down Irina, tell me what is wrong"


"So you are moving to England? And that why Irina is acting like this?" Ask Itsuki while he looks over at Issei to see he have a sad face.

Shidou nodded and reply"yes my job requires me to move to England"

It really is sad to see Irina move away, Irina hugged both of them and said "Issei *sob* Itsuki-nii I'm going to *sob* miss you both *sob*"

Itsuki and Issei hug her back as Itsuki said "don't worry Irina I'm sure we will meet again in the future"

Irina brighten up a bit and ask "really? *Sob*" Itsuki nodded


It has been a month since Irina move away, Issei is still kinda down about it as for Itsuki he has been training because he knows they were going to meet again.

Itsuki is currently checking his skill

[C.Q.C Mastery: Elite]

[Weapon Mastery: Advance]

[Hiding Mastery: Master]

[Acting Mastery: Elite]

[Disguise Mastery: Elite]

[Cooking Mastery: Master]

[Bomb making Mastery: Expert]

[Stealth Mastery: Master]

[Magic Sense Mastery: Advance]

[Spacial Awareness Mastery: Advance](basically like haki but with a shorter radius and without the future vision)

[Chess Mastery: Advance]

[Electrokinesis Mastery: Advance]

[Cryokinesis Mastery: Expert]

[Time manipulation Mastery: Intermediate]

[Space manipulation Mastery: Expert]

[Sunshine magic Mastery: Intermediate](too destructive and because he is trying to hide it so it is hard to train without anyone noticing)

[Divine Weapon: Divine Axe Rhitta]


Issei and Itsuki was at the park and Issei said he wanted some ice cream and Itsuki had to go and wait in line he notice the line was abnormally long it took 10 minutes for him to get ice cream Itsuki didn't think too much of it at first but when he came back he sees an old man giving a speech to the crowd of people he was curious what the old man was talking about

Issei seems to be listening to the old man that is giving his speech to the crowd as Itsuki walk closer to hear what the old man was talking about what he heard made him dumbfounded and he then thought about humanity stupidity 'i lose all my faith in humanity at this point, how shameless can you be to go to a Fucking park to make a speech about boobs, there are children here god damnit'

"And that why my friend's boobs are the best part of a woman's body" the old man ended his speech.

'i swear to God this isn't a normal old man, what kind of sane person would give their speech in the middle of the park about boobs' Itsuki thought it was Odin in disguise because only him and Azazel would be shameless enough to do so


When Issei and Itsuki got home, Issei begin to describe the thing he heard at the park and that he wants to be the harem king when he grows up

Which made Itsuki dumbfounded as he have been trying too hard for nothing.

His mother just smile and look at him saying "that great dear but make sure to take responsibility and take care of all your girl in the future okay?" This made Itsuki even more dumbfounded he thought 'why are you okay with this, this is not a good thing, what the heck is wrong with this family' Itsuki faith in humanity dropped even more than before and reach the negative

"That right son as long as you are serious about this dream of your I'll support you as I also have a dream of becoming the harem king when I was young" Gorou shamelessly said as Itsuki look at his dad and thought 'were you at the park with an old man that is standing in the middle of the crowd speeching about boobs and harem?'

Suddenly a chill ran down all three of their spine, the three of them have a cold sweat on their forehead

"A-ah but a-after I meet your m-mother I dismissed that dream immediately," said Gorou as Itsuki thought 'yeah because if you didn't you wouldn't be alive till this day's

"Enough talking about that, you two go change it almost time for dinner," Gorou said trying to change the subject.

"Ah I almost forgot about that," said Miki said as she rush to the kitchen.

"Let that be a lesson for you both if you both want to make a harem make sure to pick women who are willing to share" Issei nodded while Itsuki have a deadpan face.

----- 2 years later-----

2 years have pass and Itsuki is currently 12 years old

If you ask how strong he is then he is stronger than a High-Class devil, but he would only be little bit weaker as an Ultimate-Class when using Divine Axe Rhitta.

Itsuki was managed to turn Issei into less of a pervert than canon.

Itsuki right now was at Grigori base, Azazel ask for his assistant "some stray fallen angel were spotted at the state and there are a few missing cases of kid near the area. I assume they are planning to extract sacred gear so we need you to keep an eye on them and if they are then eliminate them, and here is the location"

Itsuki nodded and teleport out of Grigori.

But before Itsuki go to the location he said to his family that he is going camping with his friend for a few days, which made his family surprised because he never really interact with anyone other than them, Issei was even more surprised that his brother actually has friends.

Itsuki pack some clothes, saying he'll be back in a few days then left.


In a forest near a small town, a man with light brown hair and brown eyes appear out of nowhere.

The town was called Westwood located in the state of California.

Itsuki decided to scout the town. Walking around the town Itsuki couldn't help but feel impressed, there is probably around the population of 10,000 to 12,000.

He walk around a bit more and ask about the church it had been abandoned for years. That was until a few people move here and pick it up again. The 'priests' and 'sister' use the fund to rebuild the place which was finally complete a few days ago.

He then went around and look for a motel closest to the church, Itsuki then walk over to the church.

"Hello, young man would you like to donate in the name of the Lord?" The priest asks.

Itsuki nodded and handed the man a 20 Bill.

"Thank you young man may the lord watch over you. Oh, and why don't you join us for sermon young man you could learn a few things or two" said the probably sociopath priest.

Itsuki just asks "when does it start" the man reply "at 8:00 PM" Itsuki takes his phone out and looks at the time he got 1 hour before its start he decided to sleep.


Itsuki stood in with the crowd and recite the verse from the bible. There were around 100 to 200 people in here, the church was big so there was no problem holding these people in here.

Itsuki scanned the crowd with his mana sense, there was 5 sacred gear holder here.

3 boys and 2 girls were teenagers from the age of 15 to 18.

Itsuki look to see some priest and sister would glance at them from time to time.


Itsuki waited until the sermon was over, the priest and sister tried to convince the one who have sacred gear to 'help' the church tomorrow at noon.

2 people agree to help both of them were teenagers, one was a boy and the other one was a girl.

Itsuki finds it kinda sus.


The next day

It was noon Itsuki have been waiting at the church for 2 hours because the church didn't give a specific time so he decided to come early and scout the church out a bit.

The teenagers finally arrived and the sister welcome them in as Itsuki teleported in with his Space magic and find a spot to hide.

The sister then show them into a room as she used magic to knock them out.

She then carries them to their leader.

The man yells "you there hurry up and tie them to the cross" He then looks over at the rest of the fallen angel and said "you all stand guard to make sure nothing happens"

Itsuki looks around to see 7 fallen angels and 5 mages.

Itsuki quickly dash toward the leader and grabs his head and ripped the head off with his spine still connected to the head.

The minions panic as they see their leader was killed easily by this... "Kid?" One of them speak what the other was thinking out loud.

A vein pops out beneath Itsuki mask as he looks toward the person that said that. Itsuki snaps his finger as 7 lightning javelins appear floating in the air.

Itsuki snap his finger again as the lightning javelin shot at the enemy at insane speed putting a hole through their stomach killing 7 of them.

The rest tried to run but Itsuki didn't let them. The floor beneath Itsuki feet froze and the ice spread freezing everything it touch.

He held the remaining 4 he was going to bring them back to Azazel for questioning.

He took the 2 teenagers outside and raise in hands in the air as a bolt of lightning struck down on the church and it catch on fire.


"Hehehe" Azazel laugh with a perverted expression on his face he was holding a magazine, Itsuki then teleported into his office and drop off 4 bodies saying "mission complete"

Azazel quickly drop the magazine and said "Jesus you need to stop doing that and use the door like a normal person" just as Azazel said that Vali came in kicking the door down saying "Itsuki I want a rematch"

Azazel just sigh and gave up while Itsuki look at Vali and ask "how did you know I was back?"

Vali just said "I didn't it was just a gut feeling" making Itsuki take a step back and say "no" as Vali keep on saying he want a rematch.

Itsuki then explained the situation to Azazel.

Azazel ignore them as he asks the fallen angel "so why were you trying to extract those sacred gear"

The fallen angel scarily look at Azazel and reply "i-i-it b-because l-lord K-Kokabiel p-promise that he would take u-us under h-his w-wing and have his protection if we gather s-sacred g-gear for him"

Both Vali and Itsuki became silent as Azazel ask himself "that Kokabiel just what is he planning"