
Chapter 18

"So you're the one getting close to my fiancee?" An arrogant voice that instantly destroyed any possible respect one may hold for him sounded out in front of Damian's face. Before him stood a young man with slicked back blond hair and bright blue eyes full of arrogance said, obviously, arrogantly.

"Is it wrong for devils of similar ages to grow closer Lord Phenex?" Damian questioned with a polite smile on his face that didn't quite reach his golden eyes. Riser may have changed in the 'canon' but there was no guarantee such a thing would happen in this life.

In fact, Damian found it hard to believe that he would change at all after knowing more about the young Phenex. Despite Rias and his marriage contract requiring their respective virginities to remain intact, it was no secret that Riser was playing around at his own leisure.

"I am the woman's fiancee, I have the right to determine what is allowed and what isn't." Riser proclaimed arrogantly, a look of disdain in his blue eyes. He wasn't even trying to hide it. He truly believed that the extra demon household of Thaumiel could do nothing to him.

"I believe that Lady Gremory is the only one who has that right. Besides, you two aren't officially married yet are you?" Damian replied calmly. Normally his father would have stepped in and stopped the conflict before it could truly begin however he was not here at the moment, he and Damian's mother stepping away for a moment to… have a break. As for what happens during said break… Damian would rather not think about it.

Damian's parents were very loving individuals for better or for worse and when they could not show their love for quite a while they became… antsy to put it nicely. For that reason, during events such as these, they would occasionally slip away to show their love. What form their love takes place however is not something Damian wants to know about.

'He doesn't talk in the third person. Hopefully, this means this world doesn't take after the English dub. I beg of you god, make it so such a future doesn't come to pass' Damian prayed earnestly, not even so much as a frown marring his face from the pain.

"Save your breath, I don't intend to hear advice given by a peon." Riser declared without a shred of hesitation. It was insulting not only to Damian but also to every Extra Demon clan present who would surely relay the news.

However, he had the ability to do that. The Phenex clan was practically untouchable until they either could no longer produce Phoenix Tears or an alternative was created. Until such a day came, Riser's arrogance couldn't be punished.

"It may be a waste to ignore the advice of this 'peon'." Damian warned with a polite smile that did nothing to hide the blade in his words. Damian wasn't one to get angry easily, in fact, it was rather difficult to make him angry.

However, he had certain boundaries he didn't want crossed. His family was obviously one of them and treating others as lesser or a mere belonging was not something he endorsed. Sadly, Riser had done all three.

"Are you arguing against me?" Riser asked, his voice chilling despite his clan's ability. In a confrontation between Riser and Damian, the loser was obvious. Not only was Riser's clan trait extraordinarily powerful but the difference between their demonic energy was not a gap that could be easily bridged.

Naturally, Damian understood that. However, he had confidence that neither he nor his family would be touched although his relationship with Riser was definitely unsalvagable. The Phenex clan was powerful and easily surpassed the other pillars and rivaled even the clans that birthed Satans.

Sadly, they weren't quite at the level of the Astaroth clan. The Astaroth clan themselves was power, somewhere between the high ups of the pillars and the Phenex clan, however, what truly made them powerful was who backed them.

In terms of pure influence, not even the Gremory clan could rival them despite their connection to the Personification of Destruction. Having a Super Devil was a powerful force, one that could even destroy Devils as a whole singlehandedly, however, that fear had been forgotten as the devils grew complacent from centuries of peace.

Yet Ajuka Beelzebub was not only a Satan and a Super Devil as Sirzechs was, he was also a masterful scientist. Who was to say that Ajuka couldn't create a replacement for the Phoenix Tears?

Currently, Ajuka hadn't done so as it would cause strife in their already drastically weakening society however it wasn't impossible that he could do so, rather it was believed that he could do so whenever he wanted.

If the Phenex clan who relied so heavily on their exports of the Phoenix Tears suddenly lost their monopoly it would drastically weaken them. For that very reason, the Phenex clan COULDN'T risk touching Thaumiel, a clan still rumored to be protected by the Astaroth clan to this day.

Of course, the idiot named Riser wouldn't care about things like the big picture. Even at this very moment, it was clear that he was a mere instant away from attacking Damian and burning him alive. In his mind, it would paint a bad picture but nobody would be able to do anything about it.

And to a certain extent, he was right. If Ajuka were to release a replacement for the Phoenix Tears then the devil society would be weakened drastically and as the power shifted heavily toward the Astaroth clan war born from fear would soon break out. It was the same issue the Sitri clan faced earlier in the day.

Though it was doubtful that Riser was thinking about such a thing at the moment. Riser was an arrogant man who had never once been denied or insulted, it was only natural that he would react negatively to such a thing happening.

"What does it seem like?" Damian questioned with a polite smile, his golden eyes looking at Riser as though he was trash. He had no intentions of getting along with somebody like Riser and so he had no hesitation toward burning this bridge.

"You trash!" Riser shouted loudly, attracting even more eyes than they already had. Without hesitation he raised his hand toward Damian, his palm pointed toward the boy that was much younger than him with flames beginning to dance around his palm.

In comparison, Damian didn't even make a move to defend himself, he merely stood still as though he was frozen in fear. Naturally, the serenity in his eyes defied such a line of reasoning. Nevertheless, it was a strange sight.

"Why don't we stop here? We wouldn't want to ruin such a joyous occasion." A soft and gentle voice suddenly sounded, red hair dancing in front of Damian's slightly widened eyes.

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