
Dungeons or Raids

Sergeant Daniel Falls, is a soldier turn mercenary with a job to join a new vr game to get close to his current target.

EdgeCB · Du hí
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7 Chs

choose a class

"Welcome delver to Drop Dungeons, pick your class"

Classes were broken down into four groups with three starter classes per group.

First was DPS, consisting of Rogue, Monk, or ranger.

Second was Tanks, consisting of Fighter, Barbarian, or Paladin.

Third was Caster, consisting of Sorcerer, Wizard, or warlock.

Finally there was Healer, consisting of Bard, Cleric, or Druid.

Daniel selected Ranger. Mostly for the versatility of switching between close and long range attacks, but also because it was his quickest route to the advanced class of mercenary.

"Default race is Human, is this fine?"

He agreed to this as he wasn't familiar with the other races of this game, nor did he care to learn, he was here for work that's it.

"Select personal difficulty"

Casual- typically chosen by casual players, starting stats are average, fighting is assisted.

Moderate- made for average players, starting stats are given via point buy system.

Excel- starting stats are same as IRL stats and vice versa (only available for nano injected players).

Daniel thought for a moment and decided on Excel, as he was injected when he joined his faction of mercenaries.

Excel mode set, Synchronizing...15%

Daniel watched the screen loading...





Once the synchronization completed a new message popped up, "Nano injection registered to SkullRed Guild do you wish to begin game as guild member?"

"No" Daniel stated as he chose to remain separate from the group who pays him. "Being in the guild would raise too much suspicion from my Target.

"Character creation nearly complete please input username"

Falling Dusk

lvl 1 Ranger

HP: 120

Str: 21

Agi: 18

End: 15

Int: 19

Wis: 18

Luck: 6

"Welcome FallingDusk to Drop Dungeons, good luck"

The system said as everything went dark.


FallingDusk blinked a few times to adjust to the dim light of the starting town, Caverns Tide Village. He saw a small handful of other new players logging in for the first time, but chose to ignore them as he began walking towards the blinking icon on his mini map that appears on his HUD (Heads up display).

"Oi! Ranger, you new?" a burly player called out to FallingDusk, who looked at the players character name.

"ChargingBullS?" FallingDusk blinked as he couldn't think of what else the S could stand for. "Yeah I am, So what?"

"Nothing against you being new just looking for a favor, you see I'm trying to help my friend with their lifestyle skill and they need 'Gentle Down' which only drops from the avian creatures in the Lv.4 Canyon Falls map and even then only if you deal below a certain amount of damage per hit."

"So you can't collect it due to being too strong?" FallingDusk blinked, "Fine I'll help but what do I get out of it?"

"Well the 'Gentle Down'is typically sold at 1copper per piece or 50copper per stack, so I'll give you 1silver per stack" ChargingBullS replied, "you'll be making double what the shopkeeper will give you and I'll add you to my friend list"

"Fair enough, I'll head out in a bit to start collecting."