
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs


The five of them entered the dungeon, Myaa and Marko leading the front , the elf archer and the mage on the middle and the spearman in the back. For someone who didn't know how a dungeon dive really went he would think this was not a bad formation, but for someone who knew he would shake his head.

Instead of the spearman being in front with Marko he was left to protect the back and Myaa who was a support class, an assassin was to the front. This was completely unacceptable for a party, but if the situation was taken into consideration it was not that surprising.

"Hey, Glam, how about some light? Cast the light orb in front and the rookie will be holding a torch in the back." Marko said as the light from the end of the tunnel was beginning to not be enough to see anymore.

The mage didn't look happy at Markos words as he didn't cast the spell at once. He paused for a few seconds contemplating on what to do, but quickly decided it was not worth the trouble. He started speaking fast in a strange language and in two seconds a ball of light appeared. It floated above the mage's head for a second and then moved forward to the front row.


Marko unsheathed his sword, the elf took an arrow from his holster and the atmosphere became heavy. Although many of them didn't really get along they knew that now was not the time to resolve their differences. The difference between life and death was as thin as a spider's silk inside a dungeon so they all had one goal right now and that was to survive.

"Listen up.

This dungeon we are tasked to destroy is just a fledgling one that has sprung up less than a year ago and was found quickly so it's level is still one, but that doesn't mean we should slack off. We will destroy the core as soon as possible and get back to the city before the wave hits, or we'll be stranded in the forest until it passes. Watch for anything unusual in the dungeon as around this time the dungeons beginning to behave more strangely, but don't get scared at every shadow as you'll tire yourself out.

Let's go..."

Marko said in a deep voice that commanded obedience and everyone begun to move forward.


' This is strange. Why are there five people this time? Isn't that there should be only three at a time....and they also have come more early than usual. There should still be about two more days until the normal deadline.

This is different...'

The entering of five enemies was outside his expectations, different and different in his situation was not a good thing. Immediately he begun to feel a sense of hostility towards the ones who had entered his dungeon. He wanted to kill them for daring to step foot on his home, he would skin them alive, he would devour them, he...

' What the hell am I thinking right now. My goal is not to kill, but to survive until I have a broader understanding of this world. But , I'm not going to sit down and roll over like a good boy anymore.

Its not completely finished, but it is still enough. No matter how strong of fast they are, they can't escape my grasp anymore.'

He looked at his minimap and saw the five red dots moving together and then at the other green dots and smiled. The green dots were almost three times the amount of the red ones at 24. He had bought a mix of goblins , slugs and slimes for different purposes that the intruders would soon experience.

' Come and get it bitchies!'


On the other hand Marko had already found his first opponents and stopped. They were two slugs and a goblin about 7 m away.


As soon as the goblin saw him and Myaa on the front it attacked them with it's usual scream. It was fast, but Marko was no beginner, as he had about 5 years of experience in dungeon diving.


He lowered his stance , put his sword forward and rushed at the goblin. With his power and with the speed the goblin was running the sword pierced the goblins chest until the hilt.


"I never get bored seeing your kind die."

Marko smiled as he raised his sword in together with the goblin attached to it and brought it before him in time as an acid spit of the slugs came at him. The flesh of the goblin sizzled as a burt smell assaulted Markos nose.


*Tak* *Tak*

As Marko was about to shout towards the archer to take out the slugs two arrows one after the other hit them perfectly on their mouths. They bled green blood and acid as they slowly died because of said acid.