
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Conflict of Interest

On the third day of Kyle's dungeon remodeling some guests had arrived at the entrance. They were five in total, four men and one woman with two of them beeing previous visitors. It was the animal eared woman and the middle aged mage.

"So this is the dungeon huh? A fledgling dungeon....

The one in the front said in a quiet voice, as if talking to himself. He was a man in his early twenties with short brown hair and black eyes. He had a unshaven face, a sharp nose and a little cut on his upper lip which he couldn't help but poke with his tongue. He wore a full plate armour that had begun to loose it's shine and in his hip he had a longsword in an simple unadorned sheath.

After giving a long look at the cave entrance he turned to his left and then his right seeing the other members of his party. On his right were the mage and the beastkin while on the left there was a tall blonde male elf and a human .The elf looked exactly as you would imagine with a beautiful androgynous face and long yellow hair. He wore strange clothes completely green in color which looked to be made completely from a huge green leaf, had a short bow that looked as it would sprouted a flower any minute and a dagger on his waist. On his back were a couple of arrows in a holster completing his elf archer persona.

The other person on the left was a human male not older than twenty holding a spear. He had light green hair , blue eyes and had a angry look on his face. He wasn't wearing lot compared at the one in full plate, as wore a rusting mail over thick clothes. He also carried a short sword on his hip.

"Is everyone ready?"

All of them nodded their heads except the one holding the spear. This made the one in plate armour furrow his brows.

"What is it? Did you forget anything?"

"No, but I have something to say. I know that this is just a fledgling dungeon with only one floor and the pay for cleaning a dungeon at this time is 10 silver coins , but no one told me that the dungeon was so far. We had to travel two days to get here and I had to pay out of my pocket for the carriage ride."

"So?" The full plate said as his brows furrowed even further. He knew where this was going.

"I want 2 silver instead of the 1 silver 50 coper you promised me before. You have to reimburse me."

"Hahahaha...I think the kid gug...

The mage started to laugh loudly at the situation and was about to say something before he was interrupted by an elbow to his ribs. It was the beastkin beside him, glaring angrily. Seeing his companion looking at him like that he resigned.

"I know , I know....

On the other hand the full plate was glaring at the one holding the spear.

"So you want a raise huh?

Fine kid, but know that you are lucky. If it was someone else who you asked it wouldn't have ended so pretty. You are still a rookie , but I'm sure you heard about entrance kills right? A new member of a party is killed before entering the dungeon , his corpse is looted and then his corpse is fed to the dungeon monsters.

It would be a shame if that happened.... isn't that right?"

The one in full plate said the last sentence while looking at the mage who now looked like he had just eating a whole lemon. His smile had disappeared and a look of seriousness enveloped him. He looked at the young man holding the spear tightly, clearly afraid of what he just heard.

"He's right kid. You should watch what you say, but you are in luck. Marko here is someone who would never do such things, it's beneath him."

' Fucking pest. How dare you mock me, in front of the party?'

The one in full plate, Marko wasn't pleased by the mage's answer , but didn't show it in his face and just nodded.

"That is right. You should feel very lucky...

Now let's go clear this dungeon. The formation is the same as usual, but instead of Myaa on the back , she is going to fight with me on the front. The rookie is going to be on the back as backup if anything happens.

Let's go!"

Marko didn't let them process what had happened as he entered the cave leaving the rookie visibly shocked and the mage clenching his fists in anger.

"That fucker...

If it wasn't because of the tide coming soon...fuck! " The mage looked at the beastkin companion next to him and saw her stoik face. Her vertical pupils staring right at Markos back.

"Myaa, I'm sorry about that. It's all my fault that this happened. If it was under normal circumstances we would leave, but...

She didn't say anything and just shook her head and followed Marko.