
Dungeon jumper [bl]

In 2000 humanity underwent drastic changes when tunnels appeared, humans began awakening and with this awakening the trials pulled all those who awakened in to learn as quickly as possible how to use there new found energy to defend themselves. Because of the harsh conditions caused by rapid evolution of everything in the world humans had to fight for everything and all humans have a status they must fill. Aadi originates from an unawakened home as the oldest born only 5 years after the tunnels appeared, humans to try and increase standing have as many children as they can to try and hit on the chance of even one of their children being a high awakener, he has 10 younger siblings and low potential started working as a farmer at the base they live at the age of five while also cleaning up and looking after his younger siblings while his parents never bother with any except the youngest who had high potential at birth. They gave basic nutrients packs, water, and clothes while they live in a crowded three bedroom apartment when a tunnel appears in the middle of the field while working one day causing him to be dragged in. Fortunately it was the lowest slime dungeon, unfortunately he was knocked unconscious when being dragged in and buried under dirt that also poured in by the time he woke the awakened had already closed the tunnel leaving him stuck in another world. This is my first attempt at a story please tell me of any mistakes, incongruencies or grammar problems as well as your honest opinion on the concept.

Kayle_ezel · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
86 Chs

End of tenth floor

That day is spent with everyone on edge and no one mixing together, most teams choose rooms that are obvious as if one group attacks them if the others hear they will help to prevent it from happening to them in the future. The team with two less members are clearly showing paranoia and anxiety as they are now the most likely to be targeted, in an effort in survival their team leader approached Wyatt and request the right to remain with us that night.

We allow it if they allow us to lock the bedroom with them in it they are not to leave until tomorrow outside an emergency, we return to the room and the living room area has all our stuff in it with the window open.

A thick fog is outside now after two days of it slowly building, we tell them to close and leave close the blinds in the bedroom to avoid whatever is outside while we leave ours open.

We wish not just for the tower coins but also the revival coin and the only way to get it is to investigate the situation outside, we mark off a few more options due to how thick the fog has gotten. We settle in for the night and Wyatt sets a noise canceler to explain why he didn't need the food removed.

"I am a void person meaning we can consume anything and make it a part of ourselves allowing us to continuously advance and improve our bodies and potential. As long as we are more powerful then it we can consume or absorb anything, so never worry over my bodies adaption capability just keep watch on the others."

It was like a opposite matching cultivation to my own were I evolve using my own energy but he uses other more powerful species and energy to advance.

But no species is that simple everything has a cost, for most more innately talented species it is fertility and it is most likely the same if not even more complicated reason for their species. It is true everything comes at a cost my own cultivation is evidence as it is potent but slow, versatile but not very talented in any field, no restriction on potential but painful.

It looked perfect in all areas for a highly versatile low talented person but for a highly specialized talented person it was the worst possible cultivation.

At midnight a rustle sounded outside the window and suddenly a bang a small malformed creature with a too small head a obese body and pure bone and muscle wings on the back, it was a baby succubus the bigger ones had a larger head and malnourished bodies.

Ugly creatures and high in vanity for they seek out the best looking host it thinks it could posses and with my cultivation looking like a hardly awakened I am like the perfect meal.

I see the others grab the weapons and begin using energy but the succubus are repelled back by a energy barrier made around the building, although there were some incubus already in here the barrier prevents them from doing anything but infecting but the barrier will only last until the end of the week.

"Looks like they like you, your cultivation hides your energy making you appear a perfect meal for them, the ultimate bait in a way. We will use this to enter the fog and get their attention to you inside a barrier so we can properly search with less problems we test the poison tomorrow and see how it works, after wards we go out in groups of four with one blocker and attacker on each Team while tracker will be with me. " Wyatt says to this outcome.

We take turns sleeping with four always awake and the rest swapping out every two hours in groups of two, no other events happen as there are two teams together here and one is clearly very powerful.

When morning come we all head out and go to the waiting area to see who does and does not show up.

All teams show up but not all people do as about thirteen people less then yesterday show up and signs of fighting is on some teams clothes, it is easy to tell what has happened but the task will only be given to those who find the body before the case is solved so nothing can be done.

We head to the front of the hotel were the two door sets are closed and the smog is covering up all things, we head forward and enter the first door set and immediately are set upon by large amounts of baby succubus clearly hoping for a meal, at least two hundred covered the door in front of us and Terrance set up a barrier around me, him, and Corina.

We're all non front combat fighters mostly or not yet high enough grade, with that done Wyatt opened the door and attacked.

It took the group 20 minutes to clean the group up about a hundred mid grade monsters in ten minutes easily more it is both a show and a warning for the other teams not to touch us and it will most likely work as the goal is to stay alive not make the most tower coins.

With the path cleared Terrance drops the barrier and we head out to a small spot nearby that is fairly open for Terrance to set up his barrier for us three to use while they deal with the overwhelming numbers. After guaranteeing we are all set up I release a small amount of my mental energy and we are swarmed in seconds while the rest are heading out to try and find their origin point and if possible destroy it. 

While we wait for over an hour the babies suddenly start to spasm and panic as though lost or confused they start to fly in the opposite direction of the hospital as quickly as possible.

The incubus in the hospital let out screeches and run out as though angered beyond belief and run in the same direction, completely ignoring us in there fury it is clear whatever they are doing is causing severe damage to the incubus.

For the next hour screeches and fighting is heard form multiple areas in front of us but no more attacks on the barrier occur, we wait when a massive energy shudder occurred in the area in front about ten minute run from us and all the sounds stop. Wyatt appears ten minutes later with the rest of the team some slightly worse then others but no more then scratches that will be quick to treat.

The poison is the same as the poison given to block absorption points but the antidotes taken intermittently is fine to prevent any problems.

The most difficult part Wyatt explained in our room later was the C-grade elder incubus blocking a man made link point to allow creatures here without problems, it allowed these things to enter the town and proliferate uncheck it would mean being out numbered in days.

With the portal closed no more can show up and with the elder gone they are easy to deal with as long as you hunt them continuously as the elder is the one who has to much stored energy causing them to be able to breed non stop outside of usual mating time, without her there numbers will plummet with active hunting and can now be killed off.

At midnight a tower announcement occurred.

---A team has successfully destroyed the cause of the poisonous smoke and have dealt with the largest danger, their team is rewarded one revival coin per person, the team with the most members in the best state with highest ranking scores will be rewarded the ten tower coins. Your team will now be sent to the next floor when ready---

Is what played out loud for all to hear while each team got an announcement for contribution and aide provided as well as the teams over all ranking.

[Team Asher:

Contribution list:




(Expand to see full list)

Team ranking:

1st-Team Asher

2nd-Team Donner

3rd-Team Esther

(Expand to see full list)]

I look and feel a smugness at being second in the team while also being the first in the team ranking, I had chosen the group well.

Ten minute after the announcements we are all sent to our respective team room spaces and our access to the tower chat, trade, auction, and team status bars join our status screen, I reappear in my small blank room with only a bed but a door has now appeared in the room leading to the team connection area.

We can now alter the rooms and the team hang out area, I immediately use 100 tower coins to buy a beginner area blacksmith conjoined room.

It would be 50 if apart of the team as half the cost would come from the team members if they agreed but now it is mine and will follow me from one team to another and no one can enter without my permission first which prevents any future problems.

I also got no alerts for upgrades so assumed they were waiting for the team to agree on things or doing like me and making their own upgrades for personal use.

Entering the conjoined area there are three white sofas a whiteboard with black markers and a few whit seats in the otherwise empty room, it was quiet as no one else was in there yet most likely still upgrading their rooms when a door opened and Wyatt comes out.

We both sit in a comfortable silence as neither asked what the other had done to their personal rooms and clearly neither of us wanted to talk about it.

About ten minutes later the rest come out and begin to discuss what to do now that we are one to one with the real world, I need to go inform Lucien of my progress and increase in floors as from this point on most tests are long ones that will usually require one to remain on a floor for a bit of time either hunting, making something, or achieving a feat that can only be done at certain times.

Telling them I had to tell my guardian about my advancement and will not be here for the following day it is decided to wait until two days from now to begin the eleventh floor.

Going out of the tower entry point I head home and see Lucien making out with Nilan in the living room I stumble in shock and accidently knock a lamp over making them disconnect and look at me in a clearly surprised way.

"Well you are back sooner then expected what has you home so early?" Lucien ask with a blank face.

"I am officially on the eleventh floor and am at a one to one ratio in the tower so will need to have my time limit changed, if you have an idea let me know." I can feel slight heat in my face at what I had walked into.

"You have a week at a time before checking back in, when you hit the twentieth floor tell me and I will extend it to a month now skedaddle to your room." I return to my room.

My plant is sitting in the window bay area made for it, despite the time passed it had still not done anything but look like a piece of grass with a leaf on it, it is clearly well and happy though so least it do what it wants it will grow when it grows.

Falling to sleep with a smile at how much my life has changed since I first got my plant.