
Dudley Dursley The Cousin Of Harry potter (HIATUS)

My brother asked me to replace him playing Hogwarts Legacy because he tired losing the game against the final boss. Suddenly here i am became Harry Potter cousin, the heck..

JOM_MAKAN · Phim ảnh
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: Sirius Were Catched

"Mundungus, you dirty old lazybones, something happened to Harry Potter!"

Mrs. Figg's voice could be heard from outside.

"What happened... I can't fight Dementors! I don't know how to use a Patronus! I'll bring help from outside!"

Pop! There was another sound. Suddenly, Mrs. Figg tried to take a peek inside the house.

"Harry Potter, are you alright?" asked Mrs. Figg. "Is there some kind of enemy attacking you? I can feel something inside the house."

Harry Potter was dumbfounded. Usually, Mrs. Figg wasn't kind to him.

"There are Dementors; don't come inside," said Dudley.

"Dementors? How did those creatures come to a Muggle place?" exclaimed Mrs. Figg.

Now Harry became very confused, while Mrs. Figg tried to peek inside. Amelia Bones suddenly broke the silence.

"Are you a witch, madam?"

"I'm not a witch; I'm a Squib," replied Mrs. Figg.

"Who was that man you were talking to earlier?" asked Amelia Bones.

"He was Mundungus Fletcher. He was sent here to protect Harry Potter," replied Mrs. Figg. "By the way, who are you, madam?"

"My name is Amelia Bones, and I am the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," she introduced herself. "Don't worry about the Dementors; we have them under control."

Before Mrs. Figg could reply, suddenly another pop could be heard, and a figure could be seen running towards Harry.

"Harry, are you alright? Mundungus said Dementors attacked your house," said Sirius Black.

"Expelliarmus!" A jet of red light struck Sirius Black, sending him flying into the wall.

A few minutes earlier...

"It's bad! Harry Potter has been attacked by Dementors!" shouted Mundungus Fletcher.

He yelled as he entered the Order HQ, but unfortunately, only Sirius Black was in the house.

"What?" Sirius ran towards Mundungus. "Tell me what happened to Harry!"

"Dementors attacked Harry Potter, and I don't know how to use a Patronus. That's why I came here to seek help," said Mundungus.

"You son of... Give me your wand!" Sirius Black snatched the wand from him. He then went outside and Apparated. Now, it's bad; Mundungus was stuck here and couldn't do magic. He couldn't inform Dumbledore about what really happened to Harry Potter.

Present Time...

"Miss Amelia Bones, Sirius Black is not a criminal," said Harry, while protecting Sirius from her.

"What? Sirius Black betrayed your parents, Mr. Potter," replied Amelia, while Susan was shocked, looking at Harry.

"No, he is my adopted father. The one who betrayed my parents is Peter Pettigrew," said Harry, trying to protect Sirius.

"Harry might be annoying, but he is not a liar. During his third year, he managed to catch Peter, but unfortunately, that rat managed to escape," Dudley tried to help Harry.

"You two are still students; don't be fooled by him," said Amelia Bones.

"There is proof of his innocence," said Dudley.

His words made not just Amelia Bones look at him with a confused expression, but even Harry and Sirius were puzzled. How could Dudley have proof when they themselves couldn't provide the evidence?

"Where is the proof, Mr. Dursley?" asked Amelia Bones.

"Isn't there the Unbreakable Vow? Let Sirius Black take the Unbreakable Vow. Let him say, 'I will speak truthfully from XXXX time to XXXX time. If I lie, I will lose my magic,'" suggested Dudley.

"But that..."

"Amelia, I will do it," said Sirius Black. Hearing Sirius's answer, Amelia was once again in a trance, but before she could reply, suddenly another pop sounded again.

"Oh, shit! Black, you need to hide. Call your house-elf to Apparate from here; otherwise, another Auror might accidentally kill you," said Dudley.