
How dare you to talk about my women

"Who the Hell are you a brat and what are you doing with these Lin clan's bugs, introduce yourself" Hansa looked here and there and finally he halted his gaze on yohan as he said those words.

Everyone is looking towards the yohan as they thought this is the right time to attack these two old men as they were away from their soldiers.

Yohan ignored those two and looked towards Jasmine and Natasha"no matter what happens do not engage in a fight, these two old men are not normal just stay calm and let me handle it my way"Yohan said he looked at Jasmine and Natasha.

Both of them nodded their heads in response, Hansa and Mansa exchanged glances as they felt ignored by a young man.

Yohan tilted his head towards the ground "who are you? Where is your leader Nicholas?"Yohan asked.