

"Who are you, how did you do that to my brother, he is on the fourth level of body strengthening realm, there is no way you can kill him that easily, what kind of trick you use on him, tell me now you bastard, everyone knows you are trash,there is no way you have that kind of cultivation level to reach above us," Hansa said those words looking at yohan and next moment his gaze went towards the Asura which is radiating a frightening aura.

Yohan noticed his gaze and smiled at him" well I don't think I am answerable to a bastard like you"yohan mumbled and the next moment he swung his sword at his neck.

The old man duck and dodge the attack of yohan's sword,yohan smiled seeing this as he waiting for this, his intention was not to behead his head, he just want to know a few things before killing him,yohan can feel that his cultivation base is higher than him, that's why he is not holding himself while attacking him.