Sidhe Si
Level one
I-71 > H-102
I-52 > I-81
I-80 > H-129
I-87 > H- 134
I-0 > I-0
Magic ()
Skills ()
Miach was smiling as he looked at Sidhe's status. Sidhe progressed much in this month, it was impressive, if he continued this way he would reach level 2 by the end of the year. Something rare for rookies.
Sidhe couldn't lie to himself and say that he is content with his progression, he wants to get more powerful, as that means more money. Miach said, "My dear Sidhe, this is great. You are progressing very fast, not even Naaza reached your growth, though it was similar. I am proud of you," patting his head.
Sidhe's tail was swishing through air, his ears were twitching, he had a content expression, he liked being patted, but only by persons he trusted. They spent some time together, then Miach left to help Naaza, as he quit his job to help her with the shop.
Sidhe a bit miffed that it ended, took his prepared gear, and left the house. He was thinking to enter the dungeon, but stopped at Hostess of Fertility, it was mostly empty, it seems most of their customers were adventurers. The girls were cleaning the tables, brooming the floor, and assorting the menu.
He took a seat at the counter, his favourite place, from there he could see the entire pub, and hear what other people were talking, this was not his objective, he didn't care what other people were talking, though, it was just a benefit of having sensible ears. His wears twitched at hearing steps behind him.
Someone touched him on the head, there was only one other person who could do that, it was Syr. He turned and saw her giggling.
She took a sit, next to him, and said, "It's not Sunday for your weekly visit, has something happy happened for you to come?"
He noted in his mind on how perceptive Syr was, she must have a terrific memory for her to remember when he comes to the pub, he answered, "Yes, I have surpassed the I mark, I have three basic abilities that are now H."
She had a large smile, saying, "That's worthy of celebration, wait here, I will bring something."
He was sure she was planning something, he only wanted to order a coffee then be on his way towards the dungeon, now what dastardly plan she will concoct, wasn't enough that he nows command some treat with each coffee?
He braced for the impact, as Syt brought a plate with four slices of chocolate cake and two cups of coffee that smelled heavenly, just from the smell he known it was awesome.
She put them on the counter, then said, "This is for you, a little gift of mine."
He looked with suspicion at her, he just can't get rid of the sensation that he was falling in a trap. He took a bite of cake, it was delicious, saying, "The taste is… I have no words to describe it, it's like eating gold."
She chuckled, saying, "Thanks, I worked hard to make it."
He took another bite, if this was the trap, he could breathe in relief, as it was only some compliments he paid.
She took her cup of coffee and piece of cake, as she was eating, she asked, "You don't have an insignia on your clothes, are you from a tiny familia?"
He stopped the cup midway, thinking on how to respond, "Yes. I am from Miach's familia."
Her smile disappeared, saying, "Oh. I am sorry if it's intrusive, but why you joined Miach's familia? I heard that they have a debt of one-hundred million valis. A great amount for a tiny familia like that. It's even great for a big familia."
His coffee soured, his ears were erect, twitching from time to time, responding, "It's a personal matter, and we aren't that close for me to share that."
Syr blushed, saying as fast as possible, stumbling on some words, "I am sorry! Please forgive me, I didn't intend to make you feel bad."
He shook his head, taking another sip of coffee, thinking on how to deal with the situation, he came too direct, saying, "No worries, you don't need to be sorry. I just don't want to talk about that, so, how was your day?"
Her face became normal again, took a sip of coffee and said, "Nothing interesting, just work."
He mulled over if he should stay, or to go dungeoning, he feels that their friendship will become colder if he doesn't do something, the friendship was kinda forced, but he did start to find her a good friend, the only friend he had. He thought and thought, yet no answer to his dilemma appeared, he took a risk and said, "You said that Wednesday you will be taking a free day to go help Maria at the orphanage. I can go with you, if you want."
Her face tinged again in a red nuance, saying, "Sure, I am not against help."
This way he will resolve the mess, and keep the friendship, on a cost scale it's worth a Wednesday of dungeoning. He finished eating, then left for the dungeon, he wanted to test just how much he progressed from beginning.
The first floor, he stopped fighting here after he got stronger, spending more of his time on the second and third, he started searching for any group of monsters. He found a strong, raunchy smell. It were the goblins, only they stunk so hard that you could smell them from kilometers away.
He followed the scent, leading him to a large hallway where six goblins were walking through it. He unsheathed his saber, looking at their every movement, then leaped like a tiger from the foliage, and like a tiger in a flock of chicken started killing them.
One swing and the goblin was headless, he evaded an incoming goblin, then gutted it on that second.
Two more tried to pincer Sidhe, he kicked one in the stomach and sent it flying, he cut the legs to the other, then its head. Only two remained, one tried to fight, brandishing his claws and fangs, alas, Sidhe wasn't impressed and slashed his throat. The last one tried to run away, Sidhe took a rock and thrown directly in its head, falling on the ground. SIdhe approached and inserted his saber into it.
Sidhe took his dagger and collected all of the magic crystals. This was astonishing, he improved by leaps and bounds from the first time he entered this damned dungeon, now he can take them head-on and not have even one scratch, though it's only monsters on the first floor, the easiest monsters live here.
He continued to the second floor, not much time passed and he found traces left by a group of kobolds, together with remains of dead body. Blood, broken bones and a broken spear was only what remained. He said a short prayer, ending with, "May your soul rest in piece, I will take revenge for you."
He slowly approached the kobolds, finding In a near hallway, they were four in total with signs of injuries. One had a gaping wound, made by a spear, the others had cuts. There were blood marks on their faces, claws and body.
He didn't jump directly, while this was the second floor, making rash decisions will just be the doom of him. He took a deep breath, then observed the location. There were two secondary paths that lead to this hallway, he could use them in need. The hallway was clean of any rocks, so no sneaking.
He unsheathed his saber and in a burst of speed was close to them, he cut one kobold from the waist. It was the one heavily injured. The next to it swiped with his claws at Sidhe, he blocked the attack with his dagger, then struck the beast with his saber.
Only two remained, attacked with its claws and left a mark on Sidhe's hand, Sidhe pierced it with his dagger, then cut its head.
The last one howled at Sidhe, then jumped at him, Sidhe sidestepped, kicking the monster in its back, then thrust his dagger deep in spine. He killed them all, fulfilling his vow of revenge.
On the third floor he should be careful, while the monsters aren't as strong as him yet, they are still able to be a challenge, as they reach H rank in some of their powers. As he walking through the deep hall, he heard that unique sound that those lizards make when they walk on the roof. He rolled as behind him a lizard has fallen to the ground.
He didn't let it escape, as the lizard was walking on the hall walls, he cut it down.
He stopped a moment next to the protective cover of a rock to eat, he was famished, fifteen magical crystals from the first floor to here, he liked it. Now he need to reach the fourth floor and be done for today. He took a bite of his sandwich, then thought more.
In around two-three weeks he needs to reach H rank in basic abilities, then start going down till seventh floor. He will probably need to change the weapons too, that miffed him, more money will be needed, even more so that good quality means higher price.
Should he get a supporter? He wasn't sure it was worth on a cost benefit balance, at his level at least, when he will get stronger, maybe then; for now it will only be an useless expense.
He got up and started prowling, after a time he found three kobolds, they were armed this time, he analyzed his chances in direct fight, and then decided to at least take one by surprise, it will be easier on him.
He didn't smell, hopefully, though with their sensible noses, low chances to not be found, but if he succeed, there will be one less kobold.
He approached slow, in methodical steps, careful to not make any noise, he unsheathed the dagger from time, then plunged it in the kobold's back, killing him on spot.
The others realized too late, as Sidhe took his saber and cut the throat of one of them.
Remaining only one, it brandished his sword in a threatening manner, he never saw these damned dogs doing something like this.
He took a low stance, parrying a swipe, then counter-attacking the kobold, it defended.
It closed the distance, then did a horizontal slash, Sidhe changed his pozition.
Multiple blows were coming from the kobold, Sidhe blocked all of them, not even one could scratch his body, though that was more of achievement of his flexibility, as he twisted and turned to not be hit.
He lowered his body as a slash was coming for his throat, then kicked the poor kobold in its leg, kobold took by surprise hit the ground. Sidhe jumped on him and cut its throat.
He took their magic crystals, enjoying the battle, he continued down, towards the fourth floor.
He entered the fourth floor. It was silence, nothing else, not even a cry from a stray monster. Nothing. His tail was straight, his ears were twitching, like small antennae they were searching for sounds.
He slowly walked through the fourth floor, searching for monsters, will the looming silence was building pressure on his mind, he was thinking of leaving, yet he wanted to complete his goal to get some kills on the fourth floor, only then he would be content to leave.
He walked through a rough hall, he smelled blood, his heartbeat increased in intensity, his hands started sweating. He approached the smell, maybe it was a foolish idea, there he saw the dead bodies of a small familia. There were five bodies sliced in parts. This was not good.
He didn't stay for one more second and sprinted back towards the higher floors. He heard footsteps coming after him. They weren't of goblin or kobold. A new monster, his breath was rugged, his peace of mind broken. He had an idea of who that monster could be.
He didn't like that one bit, because if he was right. He will die today.
Hello. I established a program for my fanfiction.
I will post a chapter everyday except Sunday, so 6 chapters per week. I have opened a Patreon if you wish to buy me a coffee, though, to be honest, I am not a fast writer. I will not give chapters in advance as I don't have them.