
Dreams Following Me

A Mysterious Man with a Mysterious Past is Yeeted into the world of Pirates And Marines. A World run by Hypocrites known and The World Government. Follow Raymond Ashworth, as he tries to live a life without regrets this time around. All while trying ro figure out his Past while moving into the Future. _______________________________________________ Hey Peeps, Author here just to clarify some doughts. * Yes, He will be joining the Straw Hat Crew. * No, This is not a Harem. * The Mc will be going from weak to strong, and will have a Devil fruit. * Before Time Skip he will be almost be reaching Sanji's strength. * And i will not drop this story as i have already made a framework for it till the start of Wano Ark. Please Add this Story to your Library and Give me all your Stones as you are going to forget voting them today anyways and they will be wasted. ________________________________________________ The story of One Piece and all its Characters are creations of Eiichiro Oda. No credit of it is mine. If this fanfic offended you in anyway. My Sincerest Apologizes.

Reality_warper004 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Lookin for a New Dream

As i was still trying to get my head around the whole thoughts in a dream thing, His words hit me at full force. I couldn't even muster up proper words to express what i was feeling. So only the most important word could barely leave my mouth. 

" W..Why?" 

As if knowing every thought behind those words, the entity replies after a sigh. 

" It was a request from a friend. This whole thing was, From your climb till your fall. But..but not their deaths. That was their fate. It didn't have anything to do with me or you for that matter. " 

There it was again... Hope. The thing that I hated the most.....At least till today that was. 

" Wh..What does that mean ? " I ask desperately trying to cling on to the hope that i really didn't kill my Parents. 

I did not care any longer, if this was real or just a figment of my imagination. I just needed someone to tell me that it was ok for me to have Hope again, to Dream again and To Live my Life to the fullest.

" Sigh, Listen kid this whole thing was planned around their deaths. The plan was made in this way to make you suffer and ... sigh i can't tell you any more." Says the Enti... " Just Roger is fine Kid." says Roger. 

" And the Time is up, for the both of us. I shouldn't have beaten around the bush that much and should have come straight to the point. "says Roger while throwing the bottle behind him as he stands up. 

He looks down upon me and starts to rapidly speak, Not waiting for my input. 

" You will be sent to the One Piece world. It doesn't matter what you take this as. Gift, Curse, Punishment, I don't care. You will be given some tasks to complete, if you can't complete them then too bad. And one last thing... " 

Before he could finish i cut him of trying to figure out what the hell was going on. 

" Wait..what? Just wait a second! " 

But just as i was standing up i feel a huge push on my ass and then I was sent flying towards the ocean. 

Just as i was about to hit the water, I both saw Roger grinning at me and heard his last words to me.

" If you wanna know who fu**ed with your life, you will find him on that last island, Hahahahaha. " 

I wanted to say something back but instead i accidentally swallow some sea water and start to choke and flail around because of the sudden situation. 

Just as i thought i was gonna die a hand grips around the back of my shirt and i am pulled out of the water, but as the weight of my whole body is pressed on my neck it immediately cuts me off from taking in air all while knocking the last bits of it left out of me. 

Just before passing out from suffocating some words enter my ear. 

" Awww, I thought it was a big fish, but its just a body. " says a disappointed voice as i feel my back hitting something hard while i was trying of take in as much air as i could. 

' You bastard i am a perfectly alive human, not a dead body. '

" Ahhhh Oh no Luffy San, If anybody thinks that we killed him then i won't be able to join the Marines!! What should we do? Oh no, Oh no, Oh


Why did you hit me? " Asks a small squeaky voice all while trying sound even smaller.

" Cause I Felt like it." Says another person with an annoyed deadpan tone. 

I put all my strength of my body to move but all i could get was a hand raise in the air and some cough before completely passing out.

[ General Pov ] 

On a small boat in the middle of the sea, Two boys can be seen talking to each other while a third one lays infront of them. 

" What should we do now Luffy san? Even though we saved him from drowning he's still not waking up." Asks the Pink haired boy to the Black haired person. 

The Black haired boy with the Straw Hat just lazes at a corner of the boat as he replies " Hummm, I Don't know. Oii Coby how much longer till the next Island? I'm Hungry. " 

" You are the one who ate all 5 days worth of Food in a day. " Says Coby while Sighing. 

As coby rummages through some sacks of stuff and takes out a map and a compass he says "Humm, It shouldn't be long now. A few hours at most if the winds don't change direction. But Luffy san should we really just leave him like this? It looks like he's having a bad dream. " 

After hearing that Luffy looks up a bit and peeks at the person lying there for a bit before leaning back putting his hands behind his head and covering his eyes with his hat. 

"Do whatever you want. I am gonna take a nap, wake me up when we reach the island. " Says Luffy.

Coby just looks between Luffy and the unconscious man that was mumbling something with a frown and then just sighs and lets them both be and goes back to keeping the boat on course towards the nearby island. 

Some hours later As the Island gets in the view. 

The unconscious man finally opens his eyes and looks towards the sky like he has given up on life and nothing more could surprise him anymore. 

Just then he hears someone call out to him. 

" Ah, you're finally awake. Just as we were about to reach the Marine Base. I was thinking we would have to leave you in the boat but its good that you're finally awake. What were you doing out there in the middle of the ocean anyways? " Says Coby towards the now concious man. 

" I was.. having a dream. " says the man as he sits up and sees he is on a small boat with two other people on it. 

" Dreaming? Do..does that mean you were sleeping in the middle of the Ocean?!? " Shouts Coby disbileavingly. 

" He he he, Sleeping in the middle of the ocean? you're wierd. " Says Luffy while chuckling. 

" Hmm, I guess, Hey you. What is your name? " Asks the Man while pointing towards Luffy, as his glaze lingers on the straw hat on his head. 

Luffy points towards his face and then answers with a Grin. " Me? I am Monkey D Luffy and I am going to be the KING OF THE PIRATES! " 

" Luffy san " Mumbled Coby while showing both Annoyance and Admiration on his Face. 

He then says while asking " I am Coby by the way. What about you? "

 The man looks wide eyed towards Luffy and replies absent mindedly " Raymond Ashworth, Just Ray is fine too. " 

"Man, I can't wait to reach the island. I'm so Hungry."

Says Luffy while looking towards the approaching land. 

" There's no need to get excited, I heard that the Marine base on this Island is holding a great Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro. This is the man who has diced up his bounties like an animal hell bent on carnage, A blood thirsty beast. He's been called nothing less than a Living breathing demon in human form! " Exclaimed Coby as his legs start to shake. 

Luffy and Ray listen to him and Luffy just grins while thinking of something while Ray looks like has made a decision and shows determination in his grey eyes that got covered by his similar ash grey hair. 

" Shishishi, Yoshi! I have decided that Zoro is gonna be my first crewmate." Exclams Luffy while raising both his arms into the air. 

Coby just gawks at luffy with his jaw hanging. But then he starts shouting at him. " No way, No way, No way!!. Luffy san he's a monster, he won't join your crew, he'll just kill us all!!!" 

Suddenly Coby turns towards Raymond with a Pleading expression and says." Ray san please help me convince him otherwise he'll just get himself killed. "

Both Luffy and Coby turn towards Ray as they wait for his reply. 

" Well Coby I think its Luffy's decision as its his crew. " hearing Ray say that Coby's expression fell and Luffy just starts to grin.

" As long as he is a good person of course. After all you don't want someone who just randomly cuts people up for no reason on your crew. Isn't that right Luffy?." 

" Shishishi, Yes yes. As long as he is a good person i will definitely make him my nakama! " Says luffy as he starts to waddle left and right in a crossed legged sitting position. 

But he suddenly he looks at ray deeply and asks " Ray you are really smart, aren't you? " 

Ray just shouts back." What the hell! Of course I am smart! I was the smartest person in my clas....My village! Nobody could even come close to my level!" 

" Huh, Then Ray san why did sail into the sea then? " Asks Coby with a curious expression on his face. 

" Ah. I..once had a dream to be able to help my family live a comfortable and ease life. But then they... died, before i could do that." Says Ray as he looks onto the horizon opposite of the approaching island. 

As Coby is hesitating to speak something and luffy just listens seriously, Ray continued with a Clenched fist. 

" But then someone...someone far far away from here, made me realise that dreams don't die. They just change as the person grows. So right now I am looking for a new Dream to follow, so that from this point on i will have no regrets in my life again. " 

Coby just smiled at that and Luffy starts to grin, but soon it turns into full on laughter. 

After laughing luffy suddenly goes fully serious.

He puts a wide smile on his face and turns to Ray and suddenly asks.

 " Ray Join My Crew!! "