
Dreaming of a Silent World

**HIATUS** Being a slothful person, never ambitious nor outgoing, I always enjoyed staring outside a window, looking listlessly at the dark, grey sky, rain gently tapping onto the window, raindrops distorting my sight. One day, I just woke up in a middle of a dark forest, and somehow I felt as if I belonged here... ------------- Based on the anime and manga, "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic". If ya'll are confused with something, look it up online.

DaoistofBoredom · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Figuring it all out, unfortunately

Tap... Tap... Tap

A couple days past, or what seems to be a couple days past since I've arrived, or awaken in this case. How I don't know the time? Well, you see, the sun never shined upon this place, like literally, it's all dark and gloomy, the raindrops raining down from the skies, never letting up. The rain rarely touches the ground, only splattering on the small lake in front of me, because of the many trees that blankets over the entire forest ground, or at least around me.

Normally, one would be depressed over the state of their surroundings, seeing as it's all gloomy looking. The reality of being alone, never knowing if they can go back to their home, back to their loved ones, it makes the weakest of souls go insane.

I love it.

I mean I do love my family and all, but I'm a lone wolf kind of guy, mostly doing things by myself. Getting lectured by my family is... tiring and annoying, although I understand them trying to help me and all, I just prefer being alone.

Anyways, figuring out how to use [Appraisal] took a while, instinctively even more, but I managed to ingrain it into my mind through trial and error.

I tried to use the skill on almost everything I see in my sight, and wooooo boy did it come in handy, as well as brought a bit of comfort, not anxiety,


[Tree of Dreary Silence]

One of the many trees that inhabits the Eversilent Sleepy Forest, it was embued with the will of the creator of the forest, making all noises but rain muffled. It emanates an alluring aura that causes any living being, with the exception of the creator and those he deem with permission, around it with a weak and vulnerable will to fall into drowsing state of being, leading to a slumber that one may never awaken from.


Why I'm not anxious? Well, since I'm awake and not feeling abormally drowsy or sleepy at all, I can only assume that I'm somehow related to the creator of this forest, or at least given permission to inhabit this place without falling into eternal slumber.

Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep in most of the time, being lazy with my life, procrastinating almost every homework or project... yeah. I also like to choose when to be lazy and sleepy, not being unknowingly forced by abnormal gloomy trees that can put me to sleep!

Plus, since I've been left alone for a couple days, I can also assume that I'm the only living being that lives here, since there haven't been any intruders approaching me. Well, there was still one being, or more, I don't know how to describe them really, that approached me as of late.

The Rukh.

After a couple days, I've felt not lonely, but kind of bored as of late, since I got no books-*sob*-and entertainment with me. So I called out to them, with my mind, and a moment later they came swooping back happily.

They flew around me, chirping and gliding about happily, landing on my shoulders, legs, the ground around me, and the branches of the sakura tree above me, the sakura tree being nothing special except its dully glowing grey-pink leaves.

I've decided to let them be, coming and go as they pleased. They bring me some modicum of entertainment, and who am I to forcibly control or stop those that consider it to be "Fate" itself? Am I right?

Looking at you Al-Thalmen.

Ah yes, Al-Thalmen, the terriorist-like organization that came from the original world, Alma Torran, and wants to bring the entire world into chaos and darkness. They use Black Rukh, a corrupted form of Rukh, and infuse it with their will, trying to escape from fate.

I like the darkness, my darkness, but chaos, strife, and the like, I don't like at all. I'd like a world of silence, without conflict, thank you very much.

Anyways, that also brings up the question from earlier, how can I control the Rukh? I tell them to leave, they leave, and when I tell them to come to me, they come. I'm pretty dang sure I'm not Solomon, or related to him at all. I'm also pretty sure I'm not a Magi, talented magicians limited to exist only as three at a time, loved by Solomon's Rukh.

It's kind of amusing, really, telling them to do stuff, and they do it quickly, seemingly trying to please me. While I was playing with them, a thought popped up in my mind. If I can control the Rukh, can they tell me its secrets? Like something similar to Aladdin's Wisdom of Solomon, or [Solomon's Wisdom], which can allow normal people to hear the will of Rukh. This power seems to be able to see the past, present and future, through the use of Rukh. Like when Aladdin was able to show Judar his past, causing him to freak out. This power also is able to temporarily summon departed souls back to life.

Pretty sick if I do say so myself. It's also known as the power of prophecy, which is also pretty cool in it's own way. Anyways, I don't expect to actually use Solomon's Wisdom, at least somenthing close to it, and so with my mind, I instinctively reach out to the Rukh, telling them to share with me their wisdom. The Rukh stared at me, or at least I think they did, with confusion, and after a while I thought they just didn't know what I mean, and so as I reached out to them again-

Instant darkness.


I woke up after an unknown amount of time, still leaning against the sakura tree, confused, and flinched as a headache began to pound against my head. As I tried to shake it off, I've noticed the Rukh, some which were originally flying around me, were all sitting down. Staring at them uncomprehendingly I wanted to ask what's wrong, and then it hit me.

The people. What's happening in the world. The time of year. Magoi. Who I am. Everything.

The information flooded in my head, causing my headache to increase in pain, making me to keel over with my hands on my helmet, trying to shake it off. The pain continued with increased vigor, I endured, shaking. It hurts. It hurts. It HURTS.

As the pain began to increase even more, my resistance against it became more and more futile, and as I began to black out...

It stopped.

I sat up again, confused once more. After regaining my bearings, which basically means just sitting there breathing deeply, I began to shift through the information in my head, and I came to a sudden stop as I've realized who I am.

Using magoi to empower my body, which I understood how to use now instinctively, I stood up, walked over to the pond just a few feet in front of me, the Rukh jumping away from my path, and looked down, staring at the reflection of my visage. The reflection showed a black-grey helmet, filled with circle shaped holes, spikes pointing upwards around the crown of my helmet. In those circles, was ...nothing.

Absolute emptiness.

After staring at the reflection of myself for quite a while, I sighed. And so, to make sure if the information I've just obtained was correct, I used [Appraisal], and...


[Ill Ilah (The Will)]

Once a being of unimaginable power, it was once a lump of power without a will, a mindless god, which is responsible for all of the creation and phenomena of the world. After being corrupted by David Jehoahaz Abraham, it seperated itself, sending it's quickly formed will into the new world created by Solomon, in hopes of one day regaining its body and most of its power back. Now it waits in its created, self-made forest, waiting for the day his true body and power to return. One day.


...That makes a lot of sense now, unfortunately.