
Dreaming of a Silent World

**HIATUS** Being a slothful person, never ambitious nor outgoing, I always enjoyed staring outside a window, looking listlessly at the dark, grey sky, rain gently tapping onto the window, raindrops distorting my sight. One day, I just woke up in a middle of a dark forest, and somehow I felt as if I belonged here... ------------- Based on the anime and manga, "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic". If ya'll are confused with something, look it up online.

DaoistofBoredom · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

And so it begins...my plan

I'm back, again, sitting down and leaning against the sakura tree, deep in thought, pondering once more. It's been a couple hours since I [Appraisal] myself, and going through the information in my head, although a pain, wasn't as painful as the first time.

I sighed, feeling drowsy once more. Of course, I was originally a lazy and sleepy person, but now, with all of these memories of the past me, of me being [Ill Ilah], I've begun to feel tired, as akin to an old man taking an early nap.

Anyways, I now have a goal, to rejoin with my true body, regain the majority of my power once more, and live my life in peaceful silence. I've still retained some power, like the recreation of species, but it's meager compared to my true strength, which can annihlate this world.

Start planning, meaning sitting aginst the sakura tree until his true body comes through the Dark Spot, a hole in the world. My body will then be pulled thtough the hole by the Medium, which is a crystallised body of an immense quantity of Black Rukh and Magoi.

The Black Rukh are corrupted Rukh used, fueled by malice and hatred, by the magicians of Al-Thamen. However, it originally was my Rukh, my will, until Solomon ripped it from me and changed it into his will, turning it white.

According to the manga and anime, the time will come naturally when my true body will descend, but for now, I can wait, like I've always done. Of course I'll choose interact with the world and its inhabitants, but not too much. Don't want a butterfly effect now don't we?

After that thought, I've started to infuse Magoi into myself, the Rukh gladly giving it to me, and began creating a spell. I imagined a picture of the current world, using it's natural laws and knowledge from the Rukh, and crystallize it, imprinting both the New world and Dark Continent in my mind, like a replica of the world, which allows me to zoom in and out, and also enables me to identify the creatures inhabiting it with almost perfect clarity.

With this power, I can oversee all things under me, with the exception of the Sacred Palace and the majority of the Dark Continent, only seeing blurs.

The Dark Continent is a rather large continent retaining it's original old laws from the old world, unlike the newer laws Solomon created.

Creatures from Alma Torran live there, their natural habitats a copy from the old world, brought over by Solomon. Solomon, having stolen my powers from me, designed the Sacred Palace to circulate my energy efficiently, and houses the Principles of the Rukh System.

That's the main reason why I have such control over the Rukh, and regained my memories. They originated from me after all.

But still, damn that Solomon, stealing my powers from me. Although I knew he was a good guy and all, but still, what kind of person would be happy having their powers stolen unwillingly? I can only interfere so much with the world, my meager power being weakened.

Anyways, with the map in my possesstion however, I have determined the location of my Eversilent Sleeping Forest. It lies in the North of Reim Empire, on the Western Continent, with the future Kou Empire forming on the far East of the Eastern Continent, and Southwest is the Dark Continent.

Reim Empire is almost reaching its peak. their expansion haven't finished yet, as the Parthevia Empire is still giving its lands bit by bit. From what I can tell from my real-time map, Scheherazade has not been born yet, but there is little remaining time left till then, based on the information from the manga.

The Kou Empire has not been created as this time, the three countries still are still seperated on the Eastern Plains.

Back to my planning, I'll leave the Dark Continent alone for now, since the creatures living there, bar some of the Fanalis and maybe Yunan, will most likely interfere with my plans.

For my plans, I'll need a strong, unyielding force that are pretty much unstoppable and truly loyal to me, which brings me to my powers of creation. In essence, I can recreate living beings I once made, and destroyed, in the past, although with much difficulty. I'll start creating a creature I've eradicated about 800 years before Solomon was born, named 'Ogres'.

Thinking about bringing long, extinct creatures back to life fills me with jubilation! I can't wait to see the reactions of mortals cowering in terror in sight of my hideous creatures...


Back to my earlier spell, which I aptly named [Projection of the World], I'll have to assimilate and adjust the laws of both the new world and Dark Continent into it, in order for me to actually manipulate the land and creatures to my will.

And so I stood up, gathering huge amounts of Magoi into myself, the armor a vessel capable of containing huge amounts of Magoi. The Rukh continues to fly into and around me, until I'd reached just about enough power.... and with my arms raised upward, hands opened released it all.


Ripples of power exploded from me, the branches and leaves dancing to and fro, my presence expanding outwards at speed akin to the speed of sound.

After that I sat down once more, leaning against the tree, and looked into my mind, watching as my [Projection of the World], once dark and empty, started to glow with life, my presence washes through and over every single thing that exists in this world.

My world.


-??? POV

A person was wandering about on the Dark Continent, barely explored a part of it. He, though youthful and girly looking, was an old Magi, loving the splendor and feeling of the act of wandering and traveling. As he stopped to take a break, he suddenly felt a presence washing over him. He shivered, feeling uneasy and unsure, and teleports back to his home in the Great Rift, the Rukh not answering his questions.


Creatures of the Dark Continent, the old ones, looked up with confusion, wariness, and fear.


In the base of Al-Thamen, a woman sealed. She was still capable of thought, however slow and weak, even while sealed. Suddenly out of nowhere, a presence washes over her. She stiffened slighlty, and after a feel seconds did she relax, but she started contemplating, and whispered-

'It's impossible, how could it be here... and so soon... but... this presence... what is going on?'

I'll be editing and revising my chapters from time to time, seeing if I made accidental plot holes, bad grammar, and other things.

DaoistofBoredomcreators' thoughts