
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 15

By the end of the night, Gil had made his way back to Lacol, while albeit reluctantly, Bludfire and Elyssara returned to rest.

"Whew...I can't believe what happened. There won't be enough time to rest "

Being jumped by a sudden shadowy figure, Winter readied a freezing touch and quickly retreated at the sound of a shriek.

"Master Winter, was are you so mean?" stepping out of the shadows, the Whitesilks' leader Mialeen pouted at his response.

"Why are you sneaking around, you could give someone a heart attack".

"Master, we're more nocturnal in our tendencies. While you were away, we came to an understanding that some of our best warriors take the positions of the guards during the nighttime over from the dragonkin.

I was simply checking on them before stumbling on your scent." with a mischievous smile.

"Hmmm, that still doesn't explain the pouncing"

"What can I say, my kind are rather aggressive in the presence of our inamorato"

Helping her up to her feet, he informed her to get some rest in preparation for the coming meeting tomorrow morning, though not watching his choice of words as she took it to invite herself to his room...

Fortunately for him, the Transportation skill of the Pale Devils came in handy as he disappeared to the same cavern where the Iron Hearth was kept.

With the use of the silk spinning skill, he weaved himself a makeshift hammock near the scorching Ivory Star, though for him the warmth was the perfect banket, easily carrying him into dreamland.

"Master Winter, please wake up. The meeting is about to start." The gentle voice resonated deep within his mind, waking him prompted some mild panic as he searched for the source.

It was only after it calmed him that he was able to understand the stranger's words.

After explaining that telepathy was one of her skills and informing him of the gathered folks, he transported. Arriving at the source resounding voice. He appeared by the lakeside.

A little surprised that Belle chose such a place to hold the meeting but there was little time to waste.

With his Frost manipulation he crafted a pillar that raised him above the crowd's head as he was about to speak, Elyssara and Bludfire appeared with Mialeen...landing alongside Winter thanks to Belle.

"Thank you, I'm glad you could all take some time to hear what I have to say. Right or should I say there's been a great many developments within the past year and I haven't worked to make things clear for everyone."

"I hope to lay everything down for you all..." stumbling over his words toward the end as he noted the crowd's bated breath.

"My-my lord?" Belle called to the confused Winter.

"Oh my, it is you" she responded

"Of course, it's me who else would it be?"

"Ah guess my hunch was right after all. There was no way you could have bested my otherwise" Bludfire cheered as he raised Winter in celebration.

All the while Elyssara had no words. While her expression gave away her shock before she quickly reeled Bludfire back, pulled out her sword and handed it to Winter. Shining the blade in his face, she asked him to take a look.

"....is, is that me....why do I have scales, and horns?" Winter mumbled with a puzzled look.

"Isn't it obvious master, your a dragon..or at least of draconic blood" Bludfire's gleeful expression grew more and more at the realization.

'But, how...when and...is that why everyone was so on edge...'

Winter lept off the pillar and paced back and forth for a few moments in a vain attempt to align his thoughts while Belle handled the crowd.

'Thank you Belle' he thought as he almost shed a tear from how reliable she was.

After asking for a hood and covering himself. He returned to the pillar only to find eager eyes and hopeful hearts waiting to hear his next words.

Feeling a little better thanks to their reactions, he found the strength to continue.

"Now, a year ago, the town was faced with a plague and with the combined efforts of Gil, Elyssara and the guards of your town we managed to rid the town of one of its oldest threats. After which we were up against multiple attacks from different groups, but we managed to come out of it, not just that but the town has grown as a result."

"Winterfolk, Jotunns, Winterwolves, Winterdrakes, Pale Devils and Whitesilks. In such a short time, our numbers have grown six-fold. Naturally, this excessive growth has caught the attention of the nations nearby. Right now we are seen as a growing threat of monsters at their doorstep. So what is there for us to do?" Ending that statement birthed murmurs in the crowd and shocked whispers.

Taking in a deep breath, he spoke:

"We are on the borders, making the original inhabitants those of the Outer Realms, aside from the Winterfolk, Jotunns, everyone else is from the Further Realms, beyond the Glass Sea. Rumours are only going to continue to grow, So if they are going to learn of us, what's important isn't hiding what we are doing, we need to control what they hear."

"The image of a random collection of monsters needs to be erased and replaced with a new one" Pointing to the towering snow-capped monoliths.

"This is our home. We are probably going to continue growing, and as such...a town will no longer befit us. Wintermorne is no longer the name of the town. The Boreal Lands of Wintermorne shall be the name of our home, and the banner of our nation."

"No longer are we beasts, monsters or anything that will demean us...you are all my people, the people of the Boreal Lands. And I swear, all my people, and all who call you allies I'll protect with all my might."

"What do you say?" waiting for the crowd to answer but instead a responding cheer filled the mountains as everyone celebrated.

"Belle, please have all the clan leaders join me in the Town Hall. Afterwards, could you organize a feast for everyone. Such spirits cant be wasted on working alone." her eyes lit up and she transported everyone before heading towards the crowd.

"All right, looks like they're waiting" Transportaing to the town hall where he was met with the anxious group.

"Is everyone doing alright...you all seem off?"

"Master Winter, I know and am happy with everything you said, but I must know, what are you hiding" Asmodeus stepped up and asked with a confident tone.

"...For those who don't already know, I'm not from here. I'm a Walker called to your world to protect it from the growing threats. But that's not really important."

"A year ago I probably would have kept on my journey helping those I came across. But things have changed. I have people relying on, not just the world, and the reality of how many threats they face has had me thinking for a long time."

"You ask what I'm hiding. I've seen what true danger is...and I realize that my inaction will only lead to ceaseless deaths"

"So does that mean you mean to turn us into soldiers in your war? We didn't come to you only for our people to be slaughtered" one of the crowns of sins spoke passionately only being calmed by Admodeus 's words.

"My soldiers...no. As I've said, you are all my people and you are all under my protection. But to do my duties as a walker, and your leader...I don't just need to get stronger, so does my nation."

"We need allies, influence, strength and capital. hope and passion aren't enough to save what matters. Let me make this perfectly clear, I have no intention of losing what matters to me, and that includes my home and my people" Winter's voice fell to a depth and stunned Elyssara.

''My love is so ambitious...'' Mialeen swooned at the display, causing Winter to steam as Bludifre and Asmodeus could not hold in their laughter.

Passed the expression, all present bowed to him and accepted his words. Pleased he let out a heavy sigh, prompting everyone to head to the feast while he wanted to investigate his sudden change, but before leaving, Asmodeus posed a curious question.

"Considering Ms Mialeen's words, have you found yourself a consort" a question that causes a sudden burst of ice around him.

"Very true, he is competent and a man who is to be a ruler requires an heir, one that can carry his powerful draconic blood" Bludfire shared in Asmodeus's words...little did they know the ladies present were engaging in a battle of wills

"Naturally, as the strongest, I'm the perfect one for our master" Mialeen grabbed onto him, while a flustered Nuena called out to her to have some decency...something that didn't reach Elyssara's ears as her piercing glare silenced the room.

"Ahh, I think we might have found her....but where is the young master" noticing the mist left in place of Winter, who found himself in the very same cavern.

"Great, now I need to watch out for them...not to mention, what the hell happened to me"