
Dreamers of the Red Season

World Walkers are the most powerful kind of Lucid Dreamer that are called to Anheii. Once here, they are compelled to battle the horrors until their season ends or the horrors have been deterred. With very few options, those trapped have no choice but to push forward, but where will that lead them?

AllenWisse · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 16

With Winter finding Belle to be the only one at the moment he could rely on for a particular responsibility, he tasked her alone to investigate his change.

Hoping his new transformation was not a sign of something maligned. That being said, there was no real cause for concern according to the daily reports she provided him with easing his worries for the first time in days.

"It seems the people are more adaptable than I give them credit"

Cool autumn winds brought an end to the summer of Lacol.

As familiar face returned to strange sight, as though called upon by mother nature, a blizzard wreathed the entrance to the town of Wintermorne, with him noting that had it not been for his Foresight he would have wandered through the storm to his death...but fate would have him come across the familiar steel gate.

He pulled on the mechanism to alert those within. A brief moment passes before he walked in, welcomed by shining sunbeams looming over the dew-dripped trees of auburn leaves.

Needing Julia to call him several times before snapping him out of his daydream before she led him to the compound.

"Compound?" still a little speechless at the sight, Gil wasn't left with much time as they continued moving forward. Coming past the impressive stonework of roads replacing the dirt paths and the masonry and metalwork forming the homes of the residents.

Wintermorne was no mining town at the edge of the Lacol...

"Since when did our little winter project turn into an oasis?" he blurted as he found his old friend, who seemed to be dealing with an argument.

"Master, clearly our blood is the truest offer as very few have the natural talent that Devils possess, your heir our young master will be a force unrivalled for us to serve." Asmodeus voiced.

"Psst, magical prowess is great and all, but raw strength and a willingness to do whatever it takes to serve should make our people the perfect choice. The Winterwolves are the only choice for the master" Kord added, looking unimpressed at his opponent.

"Well, if strength and magical talent are the markers of the best choice, then Master Winter should select the Whitesilks, for we are a talented balance of both." Tula spoke in Mialeen's place, who was elsewhere in the town.

"Master, it is ultimately your choice..." once again, Winter had vanished, this time taking his unsuspecting visitor with him and landing in the Evergreen forest.

"So how much have I missed in my time away?"

"Oh you know, I said I'm creating a nation of my own and suddenly the need for an heir has been the only thing on the leader's minds. And if you haven't noticed" pointing at his now horned visage

"Ah great, still full of surprises as always"

"Ahhh, it's not funny" Winter groaned as he pulled at his friend's cloak.

"If a lack of experience is what is baring you from your carnal pleasures then—"

"Idiot" smacking him over the head.

"Before I do anything crazy, I have to know, if they're all right—"

"She's alive. The woman you saved during your fall, quite alive and currently in the Northern lands of Chalcachi..." Gil spoke but the words almost passed through Winter after hearing him out.

"...and...the others are they?"

"All of them are alive and active. If I recall, a person fitting the description of their appearance has been seen down south in Tonat, near the cost if the information is to be believed." noticing Winter's voice cracked for a moment before he collected himself.

"Yugo, Hawkwing, you're also here. Honestly, I'm almost surprised he could make his way around Ulgree this long before I would hear of his name. He really isn't one for staying on the sideline" he mentioned with a cheery tone, that brought some relief to Gil.

"They must be quite special, those two?" he said after noting Winter's change.

'It been more than a year since I met, but this...must have been the first time I saw him smile.'

"Still, I can't believe it, they're alive..." he murmured without regard for his fluttering thoughts spilling out.

Before Gil could move to comfort him, a wave of murderous intent poured over him as several shadows descended upon him.

Binding his with the final figure resting their blades on him, Gil's worry turned into distress as he called out Winter.

"Xachai, your friends...they seem to have joined us" he wheezed.

"Are you the source of our master's distress?" the group spoke in unison

"Do you wish to perish mage?" Elyssara bellowed

"My beloved invited you to his home only for you to attempt to harm him" Mialeen's voice lost all its muse in her rage

"Any threat to Master winter must be dealt with" Belle whispered coldly

"Can't have some random out here attacking Master Winter, it'll sully my name as his guard" Bludfire glared

"Gil, what have you done" Neuna flared with a look of rage

"What what are you all doing, you're gonna kill him" Winter panicked.

"We thought you were in danger master"

"Now, just a little shaken, hang on, how did you find me?"

"It was an order from your companion master, he advised me to create a psychic link with your most loyal subordinates just as he left" Belle answered.

"Gil! You can't just go giving out random orders" exhausted from his scolding, the group soon quieted down

Hearing from Gil that there might be a powerful Walker in Chalcahi, word of a Walker capable of remaining untouched in battle:

"However I must ask that you reconsider."


"I understand that your plan might have need of a figure like them, but I fear bringing such a fiend into our fold will only yield disaster. Such a being has only ever been regarded as a Destruction Incarnate..."

"If they are such a force, then it would greatly serve Anheii if we were certain that he fights for it as well."

The arriving group were still confused while the pair wondered whether to pursue the mysterious figure or head south, but their deliberations would be interrupted by Belle as she provided him with some of her knowledge.

"Master, I may not know your reasons, but I don't think it's wise to head south."

"Young lady, you have something on your mind?" Gil found himself intrigued.

"How can you not? Especially during summer's end, you should know more than anyone what dangers befall the continent during this time"

"Do you honestly believe that even knowing something like that would stop him? Your master doesn't have much in the way of self-preservation."

"You don't have to talk about me like I'm not here. Belle, I know that you probably have a lot to say but if they really are there, then I have to go."

"Master, did you forget all the work we've done here? Your fledgling nation has only just been born, to be deprived of its leader so soon will only bring danger for all. I know you seek the completion of your goals, but I have to ask you not to go" she shared a fierce glare with him.

But her gaze would only find his steely expression that was without any doubt, causing her to halt in her following words:

"You misunderstand. The only reason I can leave our home is that there are people I can trust to look after it. People like you." slowly putting on a smile.

"You're part of the reason I am constantly informed, and so in my stead, you will be the advisor to all the racial chiefs, this includes the leaders. You will work alongside them to maintain the peace until we return" running his fingers through her hair until her closed eyes and compulsive nodding eased his mind.

"So when you say 'we', you don't expect me to allow you on your way with this trickster, alone?" Bludfire asked with the edge of his glaive pointed at him

"You wouldn't listen if I even tried...but you're going to have to—"

"I don't think so. So you can stop right there." Elyssara stopped him, while the young master turned to Gil and Bludfire hoping for some aid.

"As it stands, you know little about the lands outside of Lacol." she posits

"But I do. So, Mialeen will be in charge of Wintermorne's defenses, Belle will manage its affairs and then Neuna will ensure that your home is secured and that we continue to build. Nothing will run out of order, because if it does then I'll have to clean up..." she informed the rest of the group, offering none a chance to refuse while Gil questioned if Winter is truly the master of these lands.

"She's hardly changed from the day we met her, defending the town's walls from the Plague Walkers" he expressed with the pair exchanging glances while she finished rallying the group.

"You would be pleasantly surprised to learn how wrong you are, my dear friend" Gil teased as he leaned against Winter