
Dream Dimension Resonators

Jadon_Ware · Thành thị
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2 Chs


Alita was sitting in the cafeteria of the school and a boy named Ulrich sits next to Alita.

"Ulrich I have some shocking news."Alita said.

"What news?"Ulrich asked.

"I think I found the last member of the Chosen Six."Alita said.

When Ulrich hears that the final member he spits out his milk.

"Are you serious?"Ulrich asked.

"Dead serious I met him in the Solaris Dimension he doesn't know he's one of us."Alita said.

"Did you catch his name?"Ulrich asked.

"No I didn't I couldn't introduce myself in time I catch be late again he doesn't know my name yet hopefully he goes to this school."Alita said.

"I have a feeling he does goes to this school with us don't worry Alita we have plenty of time to get to know him."Ulrich said.

15 minutes later Riley walks inside.

"Phew I barely made it."Riley said.

Alita instantly recognized Riley and was happy to see him.

"That's him Ulrich that's the guy I met in Solaris!"Alita said.

Alita points at Riley.

"Him? Are you for certain that's the final member and a not trick? The last time you said you found the last member we were fooled."Ulrich said.

"Ulrich I'm serious this time that's the final member I met a guy who had black hair with red streaks and white eyes he also had brown skin that boy fits his description I recognize him this is no joke."Alita said.

Riley was about to get breakfast but the lunch lady had stopped serving food.

"Damn it I'm too late."Riley said.

"I'm sorry."The lunch lady said.

"I wasn't hungry anyway."Riley said.

"I really am sorry."The lunch lady said.

"Typical my last school did this bullshit to me I'm going to class."Riley said.

Riley walks away in disappointment.

"Hey wait!"Ulrich said.

As Riley leaves before Ulrich could get his attention the bell rings and everyone goes to their designated classes.

"I really hope he's ok."Alita said.

Ulrich and Alita goes to their class.

"Good morning students."The teacher said.

"Good morning Professor Masato."The students said.

Everyone sits at their desks.

"As you know everyone we have a new student in this class give Riley a warm welcome."Professor Masato said.

Ulrich looks at Riley.

"So you're Riley?"Ulrich asked.

"Yeah? What's up?"Riley asked.

"I'm your roommate."Ulrich said.

"Of course I got a roommate this school doesn't tell me or my dad anything."Riley said.

"Are you ok?"Ulrich asked.

"I rather not talk to anyone about what I'm feeling no offense I can't trust anyone nor I trust you at all look you don't know me I don't want to know you it's best that you ignore me."Riley said.

Ulrich looks Riley directly in his eyes and realized someone had caused him grief.

"Who hurt you?"Ulrich asked.

"I thought I told you I don't wanna talk about it."Riley said.

"Riley I get it it we don't know each other but please you gotta open up to me I can see it in your eyes that someone had caused you some major trouble you can't bottle up your feelings."Ulrich said.

"I can and will keep them bottled up."Riley said.

"You can't it'll destroy you from the inside."Ulrich said.

"Please just leave me alone."Riley said.

"Come you gotta open up."Ulrich said.

"You really are pushing it."Riley said.

"Please talk to me."Ulrich said.

Even though Riley doesn't walk to talk to Ulrich but Ulrich pressures Riley to do so which caused him to facepalm and sigh in frustration.

"Professor Masato may I please be excused?"Riley asked.

"Are you ok?"Professor Masato asked.

"No I'm not I'm about to lose it I need some fresh air."Riley said.

"You're excused."Professor Masato said.

"Thanks."Riley said.

Riley goes outside to calm down.

"Ulrich please make sure Riley is doing ok he could need someone to talk to he may not show it but he needs it."Professor Masato said.

"He really doesn't want to talk to anyone I want Riley to open up to me but I'm scared I might push him away."Ulrich said.

"Even though Riley doesn't trust anyone but he needs a friend judging by the tone of his voice someone had ruined a relationship he had."Professor Masato said.

After noticing Riley had a failed relationship or friendship because of someone had ruined it Ulrich thought of his failed relationship he had and realized Riley is going through the same thing he went through.

"He's just like me he's going through the same betrayal I went through..."Ulrich said.

"Please talk to Riley just be gentle on him."Professor Masato said.

"Got it."Ulrich said.

Ulrich leaves the classroom to catch up to Riley.

(To be continued...)