
Dream Dimension Resonators

Jadon_Ware · Urban
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2 Chs


A 16 year old boy named Riley arrived in a world unlike his own and looks around.

"What is this place? Where am I? Am I dreaming?" Riley asked.

"No you're not." A girl said.

"Who said that?" Riley asked.

Then a girl named Alita walks to Riley.

"That'll be me." Alita said.

"Who are you?" Riley asked.

"I wish I had the time to answer you but I'm currently busy at the moment." Alita said.

"Oh." Riley said

"We'll talk later." Alita said.

Then Riley's phone was vibrates and Riley checked it.

"I have to go my father is calling my phone I hope we'll finish this later." Riley said.

"We will I promise." Alita said.

Riley arrives in his room and and his father was there.

"Riley I've been trying to wake you up for 15 minutes then I checked to see if you were ok you vanished what happened?" Riley's father asked.

"I don't know." Riley said.

"You have school today Riley listen I know you had experienced betrayal and other terrible things at your old school but I promise you this things will be better for you at your new school." Riley's father said.

"I need to get changed." Riley said.

"I'll make breakfast." Riley's father said.

As Riley looked at a old picture of him and his ex-girlfriend and sighs.

"Roxie... Jesse why you had to ruin our relationship?" Riley asked.

Riley tears up a bit.

"I hope you're ok." Riley's father said.

Riley wipes his tears.

"I'm fine dad it's nothing I really have to change I can't be late." Riley said.

"Oh right." Riley's father said.

As Riley's father leaves Riley changed his clothes and grabs his backpack.

"I'm all set dad I'm not in a good mood I need some fresh air I'm gonna eat breakfast at school I'm walking there I really want to be alone." Riley said.

"I understand." Riley's father said.

"I'm heading out." Riley said.

"Before you go promise me you won't be depressed as much about what happened between you and Roxie." Riley's father said.

"I can try but I can't be certain I'll feel better." Riley said.

Riley leaves.

Would you feel the same way if someone came between you and anyone you're close with? What would you if that happened?

(to be continued...)